Terrified about symptoms, keep being told anxiety. Help!
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These are my symptoms:
Air hunger
Manual breathing
Feeling like I'm literally dying
Blurry/foggy vision
Chest and throat tightness
Headaches/pressure in head
Irregular heartbeat
Strange feelings in head
Pain and weakness in the legs
General trouble breathing
Eyes won't focus
Light gets brighter
Ringing and beeping in ears
Muscle stiffness
Hot flashes
Extreme sweating
Ear aches
Trouble swallowing
Distorted vision
Hearing crackling sound
Head feels hard to hold up
Extreme faint feelings
Feelings like I'm controlling my body but I can't feel my movements
Biggest concern today: Its hard to breathe I'm having to make myself breathe and I don't feel like I'm breathing at all, and I feel very limp.
Somebody please help and tell me what it can be. It can't all be anxiety and it's been ongoing for almost a month now.
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Tarhealing connor.anxious
I am sorry you are having so much trouble. How did it all begin? I had similar problems when I had a mild case of GBS and it also caused me to be anxious which also has similar symptoms.
caroline70988 Tarhealing
I had sever axiety depression due to it . I use to be such happy going women now yea 3 years so still issues Julez and basically not going out every day doing things keep me busy my wheel chair broken till Canada care gets to it . My doctor say this due to what I went through having disease sort of like having shock to your body many people said well ifd be depressed to . On medication for that but I want to hopefully get off every thing one day . When you had gbs you didn’t go paralyze all of your body ? Did you feel sick like not normal inside of you like some thing was not normal ? And are you having any issues with nerve damage ? Do u think it’s pissible that the numbness in my feet part of leg is just nerve damage ?
Tarhealing caroline70988
Hi caroline! I did not have as extreme as a case and did not have paralysis. There are varying degrees of GBS and it depends on how aggressive your body attacks the nerves. I never had axonal damage so I could still walk but barely and I did have numbness in part of my feet and legs which resolved with physical therapy, massage and time. I did feel awful inside. I felt so shaky all of the time because my body felt so weak. I had lots of pain and tremendous fatigue. I did have a little nerve damage and can still tell when I overdo things with the parts of my body that were hit so hard. My symptoms began after I received a Tdap vaccine four years ago. My immune system began attacking the myelin sheath of my nerves. It's called molecular mimicry. Some structures are so similar to the myelin sheath on the nerves like the Tdap vaccine structure and some immune systems have a tough time with this. The good thing about nerves is that they can recover if not damaged too badly. Some vaccines, viruses, and substances have structures similar to other things in the body and can trigger this response especially when there is hereditary factor of this type of immune system and the conditions are right. My doctor told me that there is a 2 to 5 year recovery period with GBS and I have learned that the recovery period can go beyond that for some people. Have you tried physical therapy? It has to be the right physical therapy.
caroline70988 connor.anxious
julie63514 connor.anxious
diane73605 julie63514
hi julie do u kno about fnd if so any advice ?
issybells connor.anxious
Hey there. I hope you have gotten some answers by now (2 months ago you posted this). I have all the same symptoms you have I was dignosed with Vertigo (BPPV) by my regular doctor but my ENT said she isn't sure if it is (BPPV) and so still after two years almost I haven't got answers and I'm still suffering with these symptoms to the point it can wake me up from my sleep! I noticed the symptoms when I was 18 I'm 20 now and first symptom was the lightheaded feeling. I went to the hospital got told it was Anxiety and left the hospital with bad looks from the nurse and doctors. Which yep left me frustrated. Please don't settle for being told it is just anxiety. Visit a neurologist one who you trust fully and maybe an ENT first just in case and they can refer you to a neurologist. Just know you aren't alone in this and it should get better. Hoping for you !
diane73605 connor.anxious
connor anxiety can cause a lot of issues keep a diary of all your symptoms day to day so you can tell you gp how old are u connor if you dont mind me asking? maybe the gp can hopefully run a few tests, i was told that i was suffering with anxiety i was getting pins & needles first then tremors shaking legs & hands hot/cold sweats & overly tired un balanced problems & feeling that i had horrible sensation in my head also swallowing problems ,burping a lot & my nervous was stuck in fight ov flight mode like a anxiety panic attack now doctors saying its a form of fnd i've become worse with pain in neck shoulder & back so maybe u do need a 2nd opinion on ur symptoms if anxiety related
diane73605 connor.anxious
oh i just realised this was 2 yrs ago hopefully u'l of got answers by now connor
joshuapryce1987 connor.anxious
Symptoms of anxiety. You need to address the reasons why you are anxious.