Terrified of Taking Setraline

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Hello. My GP has prescribed me Setraline for my anxiety (I currently only take Diazepam as and when needed). I'm well aware that SSRI's are highly likely to cause diarrhoea and nausea as a side effect, and I explained to my GP that I'd be wary of taking them, as diarrhoea is something that triggers my anxiety and I also have a fear of being/feeling sick. He just said to "see how you get on" and told me that he's only prescribed them to me because they're the cheapest tablet for the NHS.

I know that SSRI's can also make anxiety worse for the first few weeks, which is going to be doubly worse if I'm having to deal with an upset stomach too. I explained to a different Doctor (as my GP is on annual leave) that I'm too scared to take them because I couldn't deal with the side effects, and that I'm already ill a lot because of my anxiety so I don't want to make it worse. She just told me to try them. 

I know I'm never going to know unless I try but I don't want to risk making everything worse for weeks or months because I honestly couldn't cope. Apparently Setraline is the most likely SSRI to cause diarrhea and is the least recommended for anxiety so I have no idea why my GP would prescribe it to me, just to save the NHS a few £?

He won't prescribe me beta blockers because I had asthma as a child (which I've now outgrown), even though I think they'd be a lot better for me as they're not addictive (I'm worried about taking tablets that are addictive like the Diazepam and SSRI's) and will help with the physical symptoms which is what bothers me the most.

I feel like I'm at a loose end and my GP has just given me the cheapest, easiest option without taking into consideration my individual needs. I don't know what to do, because if I tell my GP that I want a different tablet he'll just tell me to at least try the Setraline. Ideas please?

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29 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Charlotte. Have you decided what to do yet? Just saw that your scared to take anything unless you know what it will do to you. If it makes you feel better I used to do the same! They aren't nice side effects but just need to try and remember that's all they are x

    • Posted

      Hi Sharon. No I haven't decided what to do yet, I'm currently experiencing a bad upset tummy anyway because of my anxiety and the thought of having to deal with this every day isn't appealing at all. 

    • Posted

      Hi Charlotte if it gives you any reassurance think I've already said my stomach was OK until increased to 100mg. Not sure what dose you are being put on? Only side effects at 25mg were lack of appetite and not sleeping well. Today my stomach has actually been better so I think this is something that eventually settles. I think side effects for a few weeks are worth it if it gets us back to normal eventually. I do understand though took my doctor 5 years to convince me to take anti depressants but I do wish I had listened sooner x

    • Posted

      I'm starting at 50mg. The other Doctor said I could even break them in half and gradually increase from 25mg so my body gets used to them but I'm not sure if that's just going to prolong any side effects? Did they make your anxiety worse at the beginning? Does the Imodium stop your stomach troubles? 

    • Posted

      My situation may be slightly different as changed from citalopram so had withdrawal from that too. On 25mg only side effects were lack of sleep and no appetite.

      I increased to 50mg after a week. My anxiety got slightly worse and still no appetite. I went to docs and it may be a possibility that after being on 40mg of citalopram for a while the dose of sertraline wasn't high enough for me and she thinks that's what potentially could have caused the anxiety. She did however tell me at the start I would feel worse before better anxiety wise. The immodium helped massively yesterday and have not needed it today. I keep going by visiting this forum, using diazepam if necessary (haven't needed it that much tbh) and knowing that to get my life back I may need to suffer for a while x

    • Posted

      Ah I see. To be honest I think I'm just going to try to manage my anxiety with other methods, as it hasn't been bad recently so I really don't want to take the Setraline and end up worse again, even if there is a possibility it will make it better. No I haven't had a second opinion, I might mention it to my GP when he's back from annual leave but after everything I've read online about SSRI's I think I'm going to avoid unless I absolutely have no other options x

  • Edited

    hi. I have been taking sertraline since January and feel so much better. I started on 25mg and then moved to 50 mg after a couple of weeks. Mine is for anxiety. You need to ask you self if it is worth feeling a but rubbish for if the end result means you would feel so much better. I was scared to start and felt shocking but now I am so glad I did.
    • Posted

      What side effects did you have? I'm glad they've helped you. It would be worth it but only if they actually make me better eventually and only if the side effects disappear after a while.

    • Posted

      I felt rubbish, almost like a constant bad hang over, headaches were bad to start with and felt really anxious, especially about 5 hours after I had taken the tablet. Also a bit drunk when I first had the tablet, here all got better. I did start on 25mgs though as 50mg was too string to start with. My anxiety wasn't that bad this time but I have suffered bad with it before and didn't want to get that way again. Look in yo mindfulness as that really helps too x

  • Posted

    Sert increased anxiety a week or two. im not going to lie. sides are horrendous. u need at least 8 to 10 weeks for seeing results. This is a great med but dont expect a quick fix. if you prepare to suffer sides youll be successful. The sides are bad.

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