Test results
Posted , 4 users are following.
TSH 16.17 (0.27-4.20
FT4 14.06 (12-22
FT3 4.61 (3.1-6.8
T4 Total 78.3 ( 64.5-142.0
Serum ferritin 50ng/ml (10-322
Serum foliate 2ng/ml (5.4-24
Serum vitamin B12 307ng/L (211-911
Anti Thyroideroxid abs 436.4( 34
Anti Thyroiglobulins abs 3281.0 (115
I am on 75mg levo
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dave64969 gary19610
MtViewCatherine gary19610
Hi Gary, your numbers are concerning. Where to start?
First, your antibodies are really high. This is your immune system attacking your thyroid function. There are no medications for autoimmune disease because autoimmune disease is caused predominantly by chemical exposure. In the case of thyroid disease, gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye and barley can cause thyroid autoimmune. Hence, many people with thyroid disease stick with a strict glutenfree diet (seriously! No cheating on the gluten!)
You'd think you could just increase your meds to compensate for the autoimmunity. Not so. The meds are not bioidentical, so they can actually trigger autoimmunity. If you don't have antibody numbers from before starting the meds, you have no way to know if the meds triggered or worsen the autoimmune response. You'll have to do some troubleshooting to calm your immune system.
How are you feeling since starting the meds? Better or worse? If you're feeling worse and your antibody numbers are crazy high, you might want to try Armour and see if that's easier on your system.
Your Bs and iron are low, no mystery there. If you are vegan, sorry, that doesn't work for thyroid disease. You need meat and protein. Red meat contains loads of nutrients, so find a good source of clean meat. Also a good multi and mineral formula are necessary. Try a coblimated B complex, as some people re unable to absorb certain forms of B. If you can get some B12 injections, these are really helpful too!
Clearly your thyroid levels are on the low end. Many people feel best when their thyroid numbers are near the high end of the range and when TSH is around 1. Your TSH is super high, so I think even without the antibodies, it's safe to say you need a little higher dose on the meds.
You also might want to check your rT3 levels, as this gives you additional information on how your body is functioning and which type of meds work best for you. Alternatively, once you get the meds up, you'll be able to tell more by the bloodwork, whether you can stick with a T4 only med, or if you need a T4/T3 combo.
Lastly, the high antibodies are concerning because they indicate a very strong autoimmune reaction. Although you've tested for entity rood antibodies, you have to realize that this autoimmune response is happening all over your body and you certainly don't want it to get worse. Many thyroid patients wind up with rheumatoid arthritis, fibromialgya or other serious autoimmune disease, so take this as a signal from your body that you'll want to make lifestyle choices that reduce the chemical load on your body.
The diet and lifestyle choices are a huge pain, but well worth it if you can reduce your fmuture autoimmune disease.
Hope that helps and hope you feel better.
gary19610 MtViewCatherine
Thank you for your reply.The levo I am on 75mg it has taken me a long time to get to 75mg because it makes me feel more ill.At the moment I am taking 75mg one day then next day I take 85mg trying to get to a 100mg but the more I take the worst I feel.I am a meet eater and I think I will try to go gluten free.One thing I have noticed when I lay down my hands swell up can not make a fist.And when I put up my levo I get dizzy spells and can not be bothered with people and get headache and fogy head just lots of things.And I think it's the medication doing most of my illnesses.Then once when I tried 100mg of levo food just went through me got palpations massive headaches chest pains and I thought there was something really rong with me so took my self to hospital.Then a friend said it most be your medication doing that to you so I stop taking it and all the illness went away. But then at the health centre I got told me take my levo so on 75mg and 85mg it's taken me up to a year to get to 75mg.Thank you for your help.
MtViewCatherine gary19610
Hi Gary, sounds like the levo is not a good medication for you. I tried it for over 2 years and it never really worked right for me. This is typical for many people because as you increase the dose, the side effects worsen. Also, as you increase, you get higher T4-T3 ratios, which can cause problems as well.
In addition, with thyroid disease you get brain fog, and the meds sometimes make the brainfog worse, so when you'd normally be able to see the situation clearly, you can't.
See the many posts under, "unacceptable side effects of levothyroxin".
Many people bag the prescription meds and go for the ThyroGold.
I bagged the meds altogether because they were making me sick. But you can't allow thyroid disease to go untreated, so you have to do something. Amino acid supplements in therapeutic doses have been really helpful for me. There are many other things as well that might help you.
gary19610 MtViewCatherine
Thank you for your help.I have not had a bad day to day just light head and a bit lackadaisical and took me all day where I could take dog for a walk getting like house bound it's where I feel safe and dort have to mix with people around where if I have to interact with them if I am having one of them days.I have been looking up about going gluten free so that's my next step.And see the doctors because he has not seen my antibodies test, see what he says.And there only do levo in the UK so would have to by other medication.I am no good at all this stuff but I am trying to understand it all but it's a lot to get around.I though I take my tablets and I would be ok but not.This runs in my family my mam had it and sister to but no brothers yet.Son has bypolo.So I am a bit confused on witch where to go but will start gluten free of first.
gary19610 MtViewCatherine
Well your right need to do something it's just getting my head around all this.I am not the most intelligent person so it's a slow process for me.But I am going gluten free going to start very soon just reading a bit more about it.