Testicle/scrotum pain/ache medication?
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Hi all.
Started feeling a pain in my right testicle a few weeks ago. Upon self examination I found a lump. Made an appointment for the docs and when he examined me he said he felt like the lump was detached from the teste and most likely an epididymal cyst. I'm due to get an ultrasound next week to confirm or otherwise.
Since the appointment the ache/pain has spread to the other ball and covers the scrotum in different areas at different times.
I asked the doc about pain relief and he said to try over the counter meds and he could prescribe anti inflammatories. NOTHING thus far has worked and the ache/pain/sensation is getting me down.
I'll obviously learn more at the ultrasound but does anyone have any suggestions in the meantime which will help relieve the discomfort?
Many Thanks
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gg78506 alan26937
I take 2400 mg/day of Advil (Rx dose), but does not really help much with pain. They tell me to take it help with inflammation. I have asked several drs for help with pain, but they are not comfortable with narcotics etc.
Although others here report good response with other drugs if you can get from dr.
Ice has been my friend. I pack cooler of ice packs to use throughout the day at work and driving. Also consider looser pants, seat cushion, warm baths, heating pad.
Good luck! Hope they can resolve for you soon. Has been 2 years now for me and have been to a handful of drs. Very frustrating.
alan26937 gg78506
thanks for your reply.
alan26937 gg78506
Got the all clear at the ultrasound. Epididymal cyst confirmed.
Since reading your reply I've been using an ice pack directly onto the scrotum with very good results that give relief for a while.
Thank you again.
Slug alan26937
Have you tried Gabapentin? I was given codine 30mg initially, then naproxen and then gabapentin which helped but didn't exactly cure the pain just kind of made you forget about it, hard to explain.
Have you tried hot baths?
We5t alan26937
Hi there, Did they say how big the cyst was, did they offer to remove the cyst?
alan26937 We5t
Just over a cm big. Radiologist said its highly unlikely to be removed but I havent spoken to my doctor yet. Will do so next week.
gg78506 alan26937
Others here can recommend specific meds. I also find that advil/tylenol/aleve do NOT work, even at the highest Rx amount, like 2400mg Advil/day. So wonder if it is a nerve pain.
I have asked several times for alternate pain relief but drs are hesitant to prescribe, due to addiction problems, here in U.S. without seeing a pain specialist.
Ice, donut hole cushion, relaxed fit pants, warm baths help. It really sucks.
Good luck!