Testicular Cancer
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Hi, I am 19 and about a year ago I started experiencing some aching in my testicles so I had an ultrasound scan, everything was good. Now, I have noticed in the bath on my right testicle a lump, but I only notice it in hot water, what could this be? I am worried it is a sign of cancer. I have a doctor's appointment booked for a week's time.
Does anyone know how long an ultrasound scan is valid for too?
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SteV3 sam18628
I have had Testicular Cancer, come out of remission just last week after 7 years, it's the longest remission period for any type of cancer.
I would ask your doctor to refer you to see a Urologist at your local hospital. He/she may say blood tests to check for blood markers, however these can give false/positive results. Ideally, you need an Ultrasound Scan done, which you had done previously.
I'm not sure what you mean by "Does anyone know how long an ultrasound scan is valid for too?" - Testicular Cancer is quite common in men around 18-19 and upwards, if theres cancer in the family it is best to get checked.
I was being treated for an testicular infection, so I asked if I could be referred for an Ultrasound Scan, that was how mine was found. It is normally a dull ache that you can feel, regardless if it is benign or malignant. I would get it checked ASAP though.
sam18628 SteV3
Thanks for your reply. I am very happy to hear that you are now well.
By 'how long is an ultrasound scan valid for?', I mean to say after how long would its results become irrelevant? Like I say, I have had an ultrasound scan when I had an ache in my testicle, and the results were all good, but how quickly could cancer develop after having this scan?
SteV3 sam18628
I wouldn't like to put a time on it to be honest. Because I lost my father to Colon Cancer and then I had it diagnosed the same week of his furneral, I am always wary now.
Initially, after having Testicular Cancer I was being checked every 2 months, this would consist of Blood Tests everytime, CT SCAN and X-Ray alternatively - so as you can see they keep a very close check you initially, after a year it goes to checks every 3 months, then every 6 months then every year, but yearly only comes around 5 years+.
My Oncologist, really nice guy always joking with some real bad jokes!! lol Just to take the edge off, before asking if you still check yourself and if you have children (I have 2 boys, 24 and 20, and a daughter 14) ask them to check themselves regularly, especially the testes in males around my sons ages. They know all about it anyway, I have had more operations than just cancer and believe Testicular Cancer was the easiest operation out of them all only 2-3 days in hospital then I was back out.
So, going by my past experience I would say 2 months to be safe.