Testing Positive for Sjogrens with a Lip Biopsy

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Hi everyone, I am 39 and I was diagnosed in 2015 with Sjogrens through a blood test at the cancer center. In April of 2014 I was referred there by my doctor of 8 years after my blood work came back with a very high white blood count of 23,000. A year and a half later I was seeing a rheumatologist for sjogrens. Anyway, after 3 years of rude abuse and severe osteoarthritis and having Supartz taken away from me bc I no longer receive traditional medicaid and had to choose the health plan and it supposedly won't pay for it, I've decided that I want a lip biopsy to be 100% sure I have sjogrens. Since may of 2017 I've been put off onto my rheumatologists new assistant who passes judgment onto me over my insurance, my weight (which if I could actually walk and get Mobile again my metabolism would work right, wouldn't be a problem) and the fact I'm prescribed pain medication by my doctor.) I've decided I want a lip biopsy to confirm it Yay or nay so I can dump him completely. Cuz let's face it, there's only one in my area and if I could travel 2 hours away, getting them to take my insurance would be quite a challenge. I live in WV so things here are very hard to get done medically. I have quite a list of medical issues wrong with me and the list seems to keep growing rolleyes

so my question for anyone willing to answer it is this, will the biopsy be worth it and how is the healing process? Thank you so much, Jessa

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34 Replies

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    Jessa78 - at the end of the day there’s no right or wrong answer here because the biopsy can potentially damage nerves or, if performed badly, can leave troublesome scarring. But if, like me, you need clarity and already have much oral pain around your lips and gums - then nothing to lose and all to gain. Whatever anyone says here a positive test result is definitive but there’s a possibility that it will be negative and then you will be none the wiser I suppose. This thought troubled me and I think it is why many decide against - because they would rather assume they have Sjögren’s. Here in UK no rheumatologist will treat you systemically for SS without confirmation though. 

    • Posted

      That sounds awful! Not to be treated! So you get no treatment at all? So confused...it would really suck imho to have to get the lip biopsy only to learn they still can’t diagnose. Never heard of anything in life nor the medical field to be 100%. News to me! I wish all well and hope the best for all of us. I will research the lip biopsy further.
  • Posted

    Jessa you would not believe how many of us with SS, go undiagnosed for years!!!!  As with many Auto Immune diseases, they can be extremely difficult to diagnose.  Mostly because so many of the symptoms can mimic one another.  Joint pain, lupus, ss, ra, scleroderma, fibromyalgia, biliary cirrhosis, even raynauds, and the list goes on, and so on.  We are a nightmare for the doctors!!  And some doctors are just not good listeners!!!  We are the only ones that know our bodies, and we are the ones that have to either make them hear us, or find one that will!!  I am blessed with great specialists, they all communicate with each other, and keep me going!!  Not everyone here in the U.S. or other Countries are so lucky!!  I live in Idaho, so not a huge city, but really great doctors here, and they have the time to take with their patients.  We have had a good Governor that has watched out for his State, and we have good insurance, he made sure we have our own insurance of Idaho...not a presidential plan for many years!! biggrin?  Not many other States can say that!  So I am very thankful!!  You were very lucky you were diagnosed so quickly for sure!!!!  I know I was sick with something since I was a teen...They called it "some sort of inflammatory disease"...that's when I lived in Northern California 45++ years ago.  But, they didn't know what it was., or have a name for it back then.  I am 63 now, and only in the last 8-10 years have they finally figured it all out!!  Some in the last year or 2!!  Auto immune things are crazy things for sure!!  They don't always show up in our blood work for years.  For me, the liver, kidneys, intestines, and so on is bad, but the fatigue is just the pits!!!  I used to be a fit person, I couldn't sit still, my husband used to call me bouncy, I was here, there and everywhere.  Now I feel like a slug, always tired, I fall asleep at the drop of a hat. Just stupid!  But, it's just the way it is, and I've learned to ask for help now, I still hate it, but I do it. I get frustrated when I can't do something on my own, but I have a wonderful husband, and he can still make me laugh, even when I don't feel like it, even after 40 years of marriage!!  He has been doing all the grocery shopping for me, for months now.  Like I said, I am Blessed!!  He even brings me desert at night!!!  biggrin

    • Posted

      You are indeed blessed Deidra, as am I.

      Hope things are going a bit more smoothly for you at present! 💐

  • Posted

    Hi Jessa after the rheum diagnosed me with SS (I am an expat in the Middle East) on basis of my swollen joints and very dry mouth he also asked for a blood test and lip biopsy (to rule out SS he told me) after starting me on plaq. The blood test came back positive but I balked at the thought of lip biopsy as I was going on holiday. On follow up visit he saw on my file that I hadn't had the lip biopsy. I told him that my mouth was now back to normal and would the lip biopsy still show as positive for SS and his reply was " It might not test positive now as my mouth was ok"  So I decided not to have the lip biopsy ; it didn't make sense to go through that if my bloods were positive. If your bloods are positive then cant the insurance accept that as valid to pay for your treatment? 

    ?I am a Brit so totally ignorant of the USA insurance rules

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    I was thinking of having a lip biopsy.  My Rhemo Dr says no because blood work neg. But she is sending me back to my oncologist for a bone Marrow. Will it show anything towards SS.  My ENT Dr is the first one to mention SS.  I am on Percocet for my Spondylosis.  My joints are so painful. My mouth isn't dry all the time now. I had Thrush so on med for that The salty taste is bad worse when I drink water. I am loosing wt. I lost about 30 lb .since Dec. Because of the problems with my mouth When does salty taste stop?  I am so happy to be on this site everyone helps me I love reading very educational to me TY All again.

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    If you have a lip biopsy What does it show as ie ANA same as blood for instants.  What makes it positive Does anyone know??
    • Posted

      Not meaning to be brisk but you could just look this up yourself as we cant attach images or links here. Mine found over 50 clusters of lymphocytes called foci which had infiltrated all 5 salivary glands they removed from my inner lip. Here’s John Hopkins: f - Labial Gland (lip) Biopsy. Sjögren's syndrome is characterized by chronic inflammation of the glands that produce saliva and tears. An important method for establishing the diagnosis is to take a biopsy of the salivary glands in order to determine whether inflammation is present, and if so, its type and severity.

    • Posted

      TY I appreciate everyone opinion I am going crazy with these symptoms. I can't walk good because of POLYMYOSTIS  but my joints are so painful. My mouth not dry anymore but the salty taste and thick saliva is bad. I don't even feel like getting dressed to go to dr's or anywhere else. My parotid gland swells and is painful. Dr's say infection.  I have thin skin it is called with very dry skin and bruises all over my arms and legs. It is embarrassing.  I wish they the Dr's can give me a pill and bam I would be cured I want to travel now that I am retired but I walk with a walker and can't move good. Hubby says you can't walk how I we going to go any where  He make me breakfast and dinner does all the shopping now. 

    • Posted

      Hi there! when I first got sick with SS about a year ago, at 49, I was in huge pain. I could hardly walk and even needed help in getting off of the toliet. I couldn't go upstairs. It was awful and I was scared. I sometimes just cried. At 49, I even fell in a grocery shopping parking lot and needed a stranger to help me up! It was a very bad time. But I rarely felt sorry for myself, as I told myself its not cancer, its not ms, it could be worse. But oh, it was so bad!!!! I am writing to you to let you know that I am so much better now. I have been taking plaquenil for about 6 months now. I have a significantly less amount of joint pain. I can walk and shop and do well for myself. Not how I used to be, but so much better than I was. Just don't give up! It sounds like you are having what they calll a "flair". I think the first one is always the woste, but that is just my opinion. Keep taking your vitamins, drink alot of water and you will weather this storm. I hope you have pets, because they really can help. This SS is a horrible disease though, and I am not making light of it. While I can walk now and have little joint pain, my eyes, throat and nose hurt very much and I can't stop coughing so I am afraid I must request a chest X-ray. I just don't want you to give up, orr anyone reading this. This disease SUCKS BAD for some. Please try and avoid stress, rest and let your husband take care of you the best you can. I think you will feel better in time. All my prayers to you!

    • Posted

      TY I am just upset that Dr's don't talk to each other. I am going to my GP tomorrow. I will speak to him about all the Dr's opinion. I want to see am I crazy with these symptoms or am I right with the diagnosis of SS

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