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Hi can I have info please I have been prescribed testogel 50mg the gp said I to use one satchet per week but divide it by 7 days so and put on daily what would be the best way to make sure I am putting enough on and to measure the amount
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shallah24 beverley_c69016
Hi Beverley, I was prescribed testim, which is testerone. I have to divide it into 8 day use. It was given to help my mood & libido.
I have been taking for a few weeks. There is a difference. Mood is better . What were you given it for?
beverley_c69016 shallah24
Hi hun I was given it for low libido it's been dead for 6 months had to fight with gp to get it this is 3rd day. Does it help
beverley_c69016 shallah24
shallah24 beverley_c69016
Roughly divide tube into eights & squeeze out . Not accurate
shallah24 beverley_c69016
tinaarena.1 shallah24
Hi just wondered r u in uk? Also has there bn any side effects from using the cream. My mood and libido is at an all time low. I hv no interest in anything and just wsnt to cry all the time!! Feeling anxious and a lot o procrastination going in as well. My partner very good but I just can't be bothered and very resentful towards him for no reason xx
shallah24 tinaarena.1
Hi, yes I live in London .
I have been using the testerone gel for a month now. I have not noticed any side effects yet.
Of course there are days when my mood is low but it is a big difference to how I was before . I have more energy and feel good generally.
Please go to GP & see what they advise. I tried herbal meds but they didn't really help. you shouldn't suffer alone see dr or ask for referral to menopause clinic.
I know exactly how you feel - you cry for no reason . It's the hormones I am certain.
Hang in there but get help. There is a lot that can be done to help us with these awful symptoms .