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i have been reading so much about menopause and Testosterone supplements.
Does anyone here take testosterone for peri or for menopause?
Which one do you take? Oral, Gel or Skin Patches? What is the name of the ones you have been prescribed?
How is it helping?
- Does it help with libido?
- Does it help with mood swings?
- Have you faced any side effects?
- How long have you been taking it.
1 like, 7 replies
janeben mee16031
I would be interested too...just for Libido effect!
patriciawil3 mee16031
hi yes i went through peri menepause and tried all the over the counter supplements and creams and nothing relieved my symptons. i have been in menupause for three years and i am on the estriadal patch .50 and progetrogen 200 MG I GET MY BLOOD TEST DONE REGULARLY I AM SOME MINOR IMPROVEMENTS****
Sassyr12a mee16031
Hello mee
I have been using testosterone since last March as part of my bhrt regime. Tbh, I had used it in the past and didn't find it as effective this time around as before which may be down to difficulty getting the original brand. I was on a pea sized amount of testogel every day rubbed into the inner thigh. It did help with libido, mood swings, and general confidence. Side effects only related to extreme rage when I accidentally overdosed, and circus sideshow standard hairy thighs 😂 when testogel became unavailable in the UK I moved to tostran at the same dose, but I didn't find it to be as effective. I've just moved from bhrt over to hrt as the combination wasn't as good and so I won't be on it anymore. I hope that helps, and good luck with the hairy legs 😊 xx
mee16031 Sassyr12a
Thanks! I'm definitely going to ensure i get prescribed testosterone. My last desperate effort to get some of my libido back. i'm on HRT and the estrogen is just making me estrogen heavy and totally weepy.
jude84900 mee16031
Hi mee,
I've been on testosterone supplementation for three and a half years. No issues what so ever. First started with compounded cream and now on pellets. Again, if you have a dr. that knows what their doing you shouldn't have issues taking it. Women need far less testosterone than men and dosing is key otherwise yes, we will grow hair where we don't want it. I think this happens more often when women are prescribed men's testosterone products. I would recommend compounded cream if your able that you apply to the labia. No side effects if done properly. The benefits are numerous, with libido very much improved. I think you will find your overall mood greatly improved and your whole outlook on life. Good luck.
mee16031 jude84900
Thanks a lot! That's so encouraging. Time to change my doctor! She just won't even consider giving me testosterone. My libido has completely gone and despite all the work outs i do i find my muscles melting and becoming soft. Clearly i need testo!
tam34579 mee16031
I am just replying because my dr. Offered me testosterone a year and a half ago. Just when I started having symptoms of peri. I did not feel the need for it at the time but do now. So maybe another dr. Would be a good idea like you said below. I wish you luck and when you do start taking something to help please try to post and update us.let us know what is helping you. Good luck to you