Thank God you are all here....

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Hello there, all you beautiful ladies! Just saying this gives me relief already, knowing that there is an online community I can run to and discuss my health issues esp menopause without being thought of as going crazy or over-reacting.

I had my partial laparascopic hysterectomy May of 2016.  I had my uterus taken out but the ovaries remain and my OB told me that this will put me in menopause right away and it did the following month.  But boy, the effects are sooo severe I thought I was going to die many times.  The palpitations were out of this world I needed to run to sit every time I felt it coming.  Many times I needed help taking showers due to unexplained weakness and very shaky legs. My youngest is going crazy already because I couldnt seem to know if I'm feeling hot or cold! LOL! I developed panic attacks too and anxiety so much so that I stopped stepping out of the house for fear of having attacks and dying outside the house.  I stopped doing fun things with my family due to constant aches and pains and weakness.  This breaks my heart because I want to enjoy the company of my husband and kids. I turned to prayers and meditation and deep breathing.  Somehow these help me relax and focus my attention to other issues but Im still not my old self.  My productivity has greatly diminished.  The back pain is still here and so is chronic fatigue. I've seen a lot of doctors already.  At present, Im taking the all natural pills Estro Vive, icing my back and joints most of the day and doing a little bit of stretching.  My anxiety has improved greatly and I am breathing easily now compared to before.  Despite the improvements though, my family is impatient to see me being my old self again. 

I am thankful that I found this site and read your stories.  It's very reassuring that I am not alone feeling this horrible.  Those of you who've been through this stage and who are now feeling ok give me hope that life will be better too one day for me and the millions of women out there who are also suffering.  Please continue to share your progress so we can all help and support each other.

Forever thankful...

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    I can't thank you enough for posting this Emily!

    I needed it as I again have been questioning if I have some dreadful fatal disease. I was just telling my husband I was worried about pesticide poinoning, Lyme Disease, Parkinson's.. So thank you! Sometimes I think I'm the only one who has extreme severe symptoms and wonder how my hormones could possibly be causing it. I'm just lucky my kids are grown and my husband is so patient!

    Hope you feel like your old self again soon!


    • Posted

      Nice meeting you here, Suzanne!  What a great feeling it is to chat with somebody going through the same condition.  

      I had myself tested for Lyme Disease too and thank God it was negative.  I did dozens of blood works too and everything is fine.

      Im glad your family is patient with you.  You need all the TLCs and understanding you can have right now because most times it's tough and frustrating. For me I just keep on praying and helping myself in any way i can to feel relieved from all the pain and discomfort.  I've met my new friends Faith and Hope along the way and so I know I'll be fine one day soon. :-)

      Thank you for sharing!  Appreciate it sincerely... 

  • Posted

    Hi Emily you sound like me a year ago. for me 2016 was a year of me going in and out of doctors hospitals. It was like night and day. I woke up January 1 2016 and that was it for me nothing but doctors and hospitals. Like you i was thinking i was going to die soon. I want you to know i am doing a little better you just have to find different things that will help you everyone is different. I am on the estradiol patch .0025 for maybe 9 months thinking of not using it anymore. I have cysts on my breast and feel like that patch has made them hurt. Patch will help but then i am stuck with breast pain. I have noticed a big difference taking mangesium i dont have that joint pain. One day last year i think it was July i felt like i couldnt stand when i was getting up one morning and i almost fell my legs where hurting and felt very weak. It was a very weird and painful. My nerves joints where hurting. I started taking magnesium and i have a felt a difference. I am trying a different aproach i am trying to ignore my aches which is very hard and enrolled in the Gym i have gotten most of my energy back smile. I also want to try to avoid going to the doctor I am still trying to pay my medical bills from 2016. Before magnesium i had lots of blood work done everytime i thought doctors where going to say i had bone cancer. All test came back normal. If you have any questions feel free to ask. It does get better you just have to find what works for you smile
    • Posted

      Columba, think my medical bills could match yours! I've been going thru this since August. I even hired a concierge doctor and had my gall bladder removed and have been to every specialist I could.

      I started on bio cream (estrogen, progesterone and testosterone) and oral progesterone too. Unfortunately the doc also changed me to a natural thyroid and stopped my synthroid. That was like taking placebos and now my thyroid is completely messed up. I've had bad shaking and adrenaline rushes and burning foot and not sure if it was thyroid, BHRT, or hormone related. Back on synthroid now, stopped my cream (GYN blamed it on the testosterone but hormone doc says no), the shaking is getting better. The frozen shoulder was just getting better, hopefully being off the cream won't reverse that.

      I do think keeping busy and trying to keep my mind off of it helps. Just so hard sometimes.

    • Posted

      Hi Columba!! Nice meeting you here!

      Like you and Suzanne, I'm still paying off my medical bills which is a lot!  Good thing I work from home running our business.  Otherwise, I would have been fired  due to my condition. :-)  It's tough most days and Im getting tired going to clinics.  Sometimes I wish Im back home in the Philippines where in some parts of the country we still treat diseases/illnesses the traditional, all-natural methods.

      Thank you for connecting!  Sincerely appreciate it XOXO

    • Posted

      what is a frozen shoulder and what are the symptoms please?
    • Posted

      Also called adhesive capsulitis, frozen shoulder, menopause shoulder, hormonal shoulder or 50s shoulder. Usually it starts in your non dominant shoulder with pain in your shoulder and arm. The pain in the 'freezing' stage is excruciating, especially when trying to sleep or moving your arm in certain directions. You can't put your arm out or up in the back, or even to put your deodorant on. Eventually you get to the frozen stage when the pain subsides but you still don't have full range of motion. Then it will suddenly 'thaw' and go away. It can happen to people other than peri but it's very prevalent in woman going through peri and suspected to be brought on by the hormone changes. Some people will get it in the other arm too. Another fun peri symptom.

      You mentioned being so shaky that your husband had to help you in the shower. That was me in November. I was like a shaking old 100 year old lady. Mt husband would help me in and out of the tub. Just awful! You're the only one who seems as bad as me. I haven't had a normal day since August. Every day I feel ill. Wish it would just go away!!

    • Posted

      My 17 y/o son has been the one helping me through this ordeal.  Isnt he amazing?! He's my hero!!! and he gets As in school!  

      Until now I still get shaky from time to time.  Initially I didnt even equate it with menopause.  I thought it was from the hospital where I was traumatized after my operation.

      I will pray for relief for both of us and for the millions of women out there suffering.  XOXO

    • Posted

      Hi suzanne OMGosh my gallbladder was also removed. It removed April 2016 😩. I will always think my gallbladder stopped working due to menopause. I also tried cream but I had bad bad breast pain with that. It is very scary cause you go from being healthy and active from coming home from work barely making it couch. I am limited to what I can eat not sure if it was due to gallbladder removal. I also get a bad throat ache not sure if it's IBS. Do you have that problem. Thanks for taking the time Suzanne it helps to hear that I am not going crazy thank you

    • Posted

      One of my first symptoms was a sore throat for about a month, then I had a lump in it and it was hard to swallow. My GB was removed in Nov 2016 after I was admitted for tests because I was so ill. The only thing they found was the bad GB, all other MRI's, scans, bloodwork were normal.

      You are so right, it's like a switch was turned on overnight. Just awful.

      My breasts were very bad, so many cysts and very painful. Too much estrogen. They seem to be a little better now since I'm on the progesterone. Do you know if you are estrogen dominant? Sounds like it.

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