Thank good I've found somewhere that frozen shoulder is discussed
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hi, my names Amanda and like all of you I have been in so much pain since last September. I have had 2 lots of injections into the shoulder, which has not worked. I'm tired through lack of sleep and probably driving everyone mad around me. My doctor has arranged for physiotherapy which I'm dreading because of the pain. I'm seriously considering going private and having surgery. Has anyone heard good things about this option please
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kerri77889 amanda01927
I have been in terrible pain since end of November, originally thought it was Frozen a Shoulder, but after having 2 injections and no relief I visited an Orthopaedic specialist who did an ultra sound and found a full thickness tear in the rotator Cuff. Same symptoms as Frozen Shoulder I believe but it won't fix itself, so I have surgery next Friday and in a sling for 6 weeks. I honestly DO NOT know how you can manage physio......I think I would literally vomit with would be excruciating π©
This is a great forum as we all suffer the same pain and inability to do the simplest of things, so we all understand what each other is going through.....and what we are going through IS NOT nice at all π₯
amanda01927 kerri77889
kerri77889 amanda01927
melanie_55366 kerri77889
How was shopping, do you get tired more easily because of the pain Kerri?? Xx
kerri77889 melanie_55366
I get very fatigued with the pain.....I think everything is so much harder and difficult it's just exhausting. I find it exhausting having a shower.....getting painfully undressed, washed, dried and re dressed and I'm knackered.....have to sit and rest for a while. I think pain is exhausting especially 24/7 pain
melanie_55366 kerri77889
Anyway the French toast sounded amazing!!
Yes I get tired much quicker. Have to sit sometimes, quietly!!
I hope you had a wonderful and peaceful sleep. Xxx
kerri77889 melanie_55366
its 9.30 Sunday morning here and to be honest I'm still lying in bed, it's drizzly and overcast outside and I have nothing to do this morning. My sister owns a we usually go there for coffee and lunch on a Sunday.
you had problems with your iPad and phone.....maybe your server was down, hate it when there is a glitch in the system.Β
Glad your back up and running β€οΈππβ€οΈππ
the french toast was amazing π
i had a good sleep.....LUV my Targin
melanie_55366 kerri77889
Sounds great. No washing up for you guys then!! Perfect. Do you have a roast dinner?!
Well have a good and relaxing day Kerrie.
Definitely asking about Targin. I may have asked before, but do you take anything else??
I'm so pleased I got this back!!! Xx
kerri77889 melanie_55366
just a coffee and a brekky wrap usually, that's bacon egg and cheese wrapped in flat bread and toasted.
just about to leave now π
i have Panadeine Forte on standby for if I wake through the night and can't get back to sleep because of pain. The Targin also have something in them to prevent constipation which can be a problem with a lot of painkillers.
talk to you soon.....we are off πββββ
melanie_55366 kerri77889
Speak in the morning. Night xxx
melanie_55366 amanda01927
I keep saying doctors not knowing/understanding enough. It's becoming more and more stressful which makes everything worse. Yes I feel like I'm driving everyone insane!
I've not had any treatment yet, except loads of pain killers , but there's lots of fantastic people on here who have, and I know will be only happy to advise you.
alison44235 amanda01927
My problem with the N.H.S. at the moment is that they have not actually had a look inside with an ultrasound to see exactly what is going on with my shoulder, they are just sayinjg it is frozen. I had a fall and they did not even diagnose a hairline crack for 4 weeks. Then my shoulder froze, they originally said it COULD be a rotator cuff tear. I don't think they are really bothered, i feel as if I am just a number. i have M.E. as well and the two conditions are impsooible to live with.Β
I am thinking of going privately for a second opinion on my shoulder.
The best of luck with yours.
kerri77889 alison44235
I have NO range, cannot reach behind or out to the side, Β I have trouble lifting my arm just high enough to squeeze the deodorant bottle in and it just aches 24/7 the pain worsens with sudden movements or bumps, can't lay on either shoulder and have to sleep on my back all night. The doctors were treating mine as a frozen shoulder until I demanded an ultra sound which is when they found the tear. The specialist has said a full thickness tear WILL NOT heal itself and has to have surgery. I can't wait to have my surgery next Friday and start the road to recovery π
cheryl95104 amanda01927
You poor thing, I know exactly how you feel, there is no pain like it, it literally makes you want to faint or be sick!Β I pulled my arm backwards trying to get out of the train and was doubled up in agony for 5 mins waiting the pain to subside.
I had the arthroscopy capsular release surgery on 13th Feb and so far so good.Β Horrible pain has gone, but still have pain if I move it too far.Β Could drive after 10 or so days (slowly) it was a bit tricky going round corners!Β Movement was much better, but shoulder still felt heavy.Β Have to do lots of exercises every few hours to keep it moving, but pain is not like FS pain, more like operation pain.
Saw surgeon this week and was told I need aggressive physio to make sure it doesn't come back.Β I have had one session, which was hell - I wanted to throttle the physio, but it has helped free the shoulder a bit more.
If you do go the surgery route, it is not a quick fix, but at least you start to go in the right direction.Β I had FS for 6 months and looked like a tramp for most of the time, put on half a stone comfort eating, hair like straw, skin all spotty - not a pretty sight, now I can put my hair in a ponytail, able to sleep better and am starting to feel like a human being again.Β FS is a long process, whether you wait it out or go the surgery route.Β I wouldn't go the physio route without having had the adhesions broken, physio alone can't, as far as I know, cure frozen shoulder, it is more likely to aggravate it.Β Gp's are badly informed on frozen shoulder, so I would make sure you see an orthopaedic shoulder specialist for a more informed option choice.Β My gp offered physio, surgeon said no point, shoulder was frozen all the way round and was as bad as it gets, surgery was only option.
Take care and I hope you feel better soon, if you need any advise I am happy to help. xx
linda37283 cheryl95104
Everyone must push to see a shoulder orthopaedic surgeon one who know's what he is talking about!
I had ultra sound but because of my lack of movement the sonographer couldn't see everything she wanted to she thought I had a possible tear but when the consultant did keyhole it was just masses of adhesions! He has said I may need further manipulation... I'm almost 6 weeks post op........ Anyway we will see.Β
cheryl95104 linda37283
How do you find doing the exercisesΒ I am never sure if I am doing ok or not.Β I still cant do the external rotation (one where you keep the elbow at your waist and push arm out to side) doc said it should be at 90 degrees by now but I can only get to 45, also cannot reach behind my back higher than my waist.Β Can lift arms over my head now and out to the side with the pulley and lying down can do those on my own.Β It is such a weird illness, sometimes I feel like im getting somewhere and then it feels really stiff and doesnt want to move.Β Surgeon wants to see me in three weeks and said if I dont have full movement he will give me an injection to lessen the pain so that I can continue with more aggressive physio.....what joy!
Like you, I guess, if this doesnt work fully, I may need a bit of manipulation.Β I don't want to go that route, but anything is better than the misery of FS.
Hope everything works out at your appt. and lets hope we will be free of this thing sooner rather than later.
amanda01927 cheryl95104
linda37283 cheryl95104
I didn't want surgery but I'm glad I took that route in the end - my surgeon is a loverly gentle man who so understands FS - I know a great many don't .......
Please keep letting us know how you are getting on - its so good to get support
melanie_55366 amanda01927
We all have each other on here now. Thank god. It's incredible. I love it. I've been so upset all day, as for some reason couldn't access it on here since early this morning. Just able to now.
I hope your day hasn't been too painful x