Thank you ladies....
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for the support thats given to me and to each and every women in this forum...
i cried all day tuesday.... so down and sick of feeling bad....i told my mom i wished i had her and my two older sisters to talk to about all this.. its very sad and lonely... i thank the LORD I found this forum...
thinking of you all...
7 likes, 9 replies
tawana68 pam90720
hi Pam , im happy this forum is here too cause i have learned so much and now i know im not alone going throuh this terrible change of life. we all have rough days thats for sure and many of them , but we are strong and will make it through.
stay strong ! im glad your here and i hope you have a awesome evening.
hugs from Canada here .
katyD211 pam90720
Hugs rightbackatcha, Pam... I was feeling similarly early this week, after- holiday let down a big part of it.
Self-care,hon....self care
staci88515 pam90720
I feel the same way!
CarolKelso pam90720
Hi Pam.
It is awful at times. The sadness can be indescribable. The trying to be positive when you have nothing left and the worry of hoping that nothing sinister is going on.
If i could go back in time and have a chat with myself, Id say girl...hang on tight through this very difficult storm. It will be tough mentally and physically but you will get through it.
Go easy on yourself...ive been there and im still going through it.
But I have better days now so for you, im sure will be the same.
Hormones are powerful and they affect us in all ways and when our bodies are feels dreadful and I and many ladies feel like our bodies are dying.
Our hormones are its so complex.
Hang tight Pam. Keep checking in here for support and know you are not alone.
God bless...this time to shall pass and when we are on the other side of this, we will feel like we can conquer the world.
pam90720 CarolKelso
oh my goodness❤❤ THANK YOU!!!!!!! you are so kind ... the words of encouragement are indescribable ... im hanging on as tight as i can... what a journey this has been.... bless you and thank you❤
katyD211 CarolKelso
Well said ,'ve just made a lot of feel a lot better today.😘
*a lot of us
CarolKelso katyD211
ah thx Kathy...from the ❤ x
Finny2018 pam90720
Pam - I feel the same way about this forum. I don't know how I would've gotten through some of my darkest times with this peri nightmare had it not been for the women here who took the time to encourage and to share their experiences, too. I am forever grateful! I'm so sorry you were having tough day. This meno stuff can feel so very lonely and isolating at times as I don't have anyone around me who has had it so tough. I, too, thank the Lord for leading me to this site - I really don't know how I found it but I am so thankful. Take care, Pam. HUGS.