Thanking god for the better days
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Its definitely been a long road its been a little over 3yrs and i will be the first to say it was a living hell when i first started this journey i always felt doomed like i was gonna just die or something bad was gonna happen as time went on the anxiety took a toll on me my family my husband it was aweful i had a very Ill sister i have custody of her children at times its overwhelming but god got me through it ive taken on so much in my life along looking after everyone in my family i had to finally say enough is enough well along with the anxiety the aches and pains came then the stomach flops then the teeth ears jaw head so many weird feelings but i played with my rubberband and kept telling myself its hormones it worked then here comes tendonitis bursitis carpal tunnel lord i thought to myself what next but keeping faith and prayer im past most of the bad things the only complaint is the aching joints but i will take that over the rest of the symptoms that ive been through so ladies hang in there it does get better with time i did it all naturally no meds nothing except my blood pressure meds thata it no hrt nothing so when you feel your all alone with the crazy symptoms never hesitate to ask these wonderful ladies here because they helped me through some rough times when i was feeling doomed and alone and always know it gets better in time god bless you all keeping 😃 god loves you. just think not a man alive could ever handle what we as women handle in life (((((hugs))))))
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steve75571 monique_93857
"" "ps just think not a man alive could ever handle what we as women handle in life""""
I'm sure we couldn't and it's not fair that you woman have to go through all this
monique_93857 steve75571
Cookie313 monique_93857
I know it's not healthy or smart but I blame menopause on most of my craze these know it works! Good to know you are not alone!
Guest monique_93857
maria____a64048 monique_93857
2chr2015 monique_93857
monique_93857 2chr2015
Absolutely the anxiety was horrible there were days i felt like crawling underneath the bed and staying there i got to the point where i was feeling ill with the anxiety and panic attacks but it finally went away i felt tge same way as you i just started telling myself it's hormone and it will pass i also had an over clean house lol i kept busy so please try to over take it dont let it over take you good luck (((((hugs)))))))
2chr2015 monique_93857
Thank you Monique. It helps to know we are not alone in this. Recently, I have been telling myself the same thing. "It's just hormones making me feel this way". And it does seem to help. As well as Philippians 4:6-7.
victoria94811 monique_93857
Too true! We're all going thru the same a
beth86610 monique_93857
tmpearce monique_93857
Thank you for sharing Monique. I am entering my third year of these crazy symptoms...anxiety, various aches and pains, and my worst problem is with acid reflux and stomach issues. Thankfully I haven't had a lot of problem with hot flashes. This gives me hope!!
monique_93857 tmpearce