Thanks for all the wonderful support
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Hello Ladies, I just wanted to post a message to say thanks to one and all that post on this forum. I dont get much chance to post on here but I always pop by for a read to see how everyone is doing. It such a comfort to know that there are ladies out there who are experiencing the same weird symptoms which seem to be many and varied. Just today my hot flushes have returned after a break of almost six months, so slightly annoyed about that especially with it being so warm too! For me right now its the tiredness that I am finding hard to deal with, it doesnt matter how much sleep I get it never seems to be enough and now to top that off my eyes keep twitching which is driving me slighty mad its so frustrating. I am also experiencing that weird sensation of not being quite myself a bit like an out of body experience, I really dont like that at all, luckily that doesnt seem to last too long but all the same its too long for me especially if I am out somewhere I am not used to. Hugs to you all my dear ladies, we shall win and come out the other end eventually, in the meantime we have each other for support
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anxiousface lancsrose
linda72460 lancsrose
lancsrose linda72460
Sandy07 lancsrose
madcow1964 lancsrose
Also been getting bouts of pressure only in the left ear - still got it now after a whole week. A sort of "fullness" but I'm not aware of any hearing loss. There's a sort of whooshing sound but it isn't my heartbeat. A while back it came on strong after I bent forwards to pick something up off the floor - the whirring whoosh sound was so strong I was flapping away an imaginary moth until I realised it was my ear! I was on the verge of seeing my doctor when it cleared up.
Anybody else had the ear issue? Or am I weirder than weird??!
jayneejay madcow1964
dry eyes too, suffered with that and my contact drove me crazy, so wore my glasses for a long time, but the dry eyes are alot better and i have my Daily contact lenses back in again with comfort 😀 jay
Sandy07 madcow1964
lancsrose madcow1964
madcow1964 lancsrose
The ear thing got me really worried earlier this year and I made the mistake of Binging it (can't get on with Google at all!) and I had a blocked artery on the left side, or some sort of brain tumour! Luckily, I can forget things I've read almost in an instant! But then it went away and I forgot about it until last week. I must admit, I have had deep-seated wax problems in recent years, mostly in the left ear, and I've had mild tinnitus for decades. Had them both syringed last year and completely lost my balance for half an hour or so afterwards! Not had that before. It was just like coming off the Waltzers!
jayneejay madcow1964
ear problems are common in peri menopause, and dizzyness and vertigo etc.. i read alot about it and its more common than you think the ear sensations etc.... Jay xx
madcow1964 jayneejay
It's just amazing that all this information isn't widely known! Even now, all that's really publicised is the hot flushes, mood swings, erratic periods, hair thinning and osteoporosis.
I was flicking through a book on the menopause the other day but put it down in disgust! It only dates back to the 1980's but is SO patronising, patting us on the head and telling us how to manage close relationships during and after this phase!
What did get me giggling was looking up the menopause in a Home Doctor book from the 1930's - apparently, whilst most women lose interest in "relations", others (rare ones) can become raving nymphomaniacs (though not in those terms!) and have to be safely locked up in institutions to be cared for by trained nurses (presumably not male ones!!) until they are over the phase, being termed a "nuisance"! So funny!
jayneejay madcow1964
mind you to be quite open, ( in year nine now) I have had heightened interest so to speak, hahahahahaha... but now the dryness makes pain 😕
but.... Replens MD vaginal moisturiser is amazing and so good...
hahahahah started another conversation now...
know what you mean though, when we are younger, theres antinatal etc classes and baby toddler classes... but when we are most wanting reassurance theres nothing.. so thank goodness for this site, share and share alike ... help and support each other... Jay xx
jayneejay lancsrose
me too with the hot flushes, mine have returned too, hadnt had any for a couple of years ( approaching ninth year of peri) and bang for last couple weeks been having about 6 a day.... all weird .... but otherwise feel quite good, i too had a twitchy eye some time ago, an over active nerve ... weird too... okay now...
just changing my natural peri tabs soon, from Estroven Max to Menapol plus to see if that will ease the flushes as i think maybe i have been on estroven way too long and my body has got use to it... so will have a swap when i use all the estroven i have..
the B6 has been wonderful for me, no anxiety, now aches, no headaches, no fog, so lets hope i shift the flushes and bingo a new lady 😑 ..... regards to all you nice ladies, together we can help each other, snatchpiece suggested the menapol so i will give it a go, cheaper too... 😀 take care 😃 jay xxx
lancsrose jayneejay
jayneejay lancsrose
it needs to be a good strength i have felt like a million dollars since mine, been on two months now... weird thing years ago my UK doc sent me home with a prescription of B6 i didnt realise that they were so important for peri and post meno, he didnt really explain... they were a stronger and just b6 too.. ( i halved mine for a month took 150mg ) now i take the full 300mg daily
Jay xx
lancsrose jayneejay