THD recovery
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I had a THD with mucopexy procedure done less than a week ago for internal grade 3 haemorrhoids that were bleeding.
The procedure went well, with general anaesthesia, and since then the recovery I suppose has been normal. Not a big pain, controlled using the analgesics, antibiotic and Movicol for getting soft BM.
I think the constipation and getting the right BM is the most tricky part on this recovery process.
The problem started today that after a good night and almost no pain I went to the toilet and after my BM I started to feel quite a lot of pain. I've noticed like if a new haemorrhoid has pop out, and different from others, this one is quite hard.
Could be that really a new one? and why is so painful now?
was really so happy with the recovery that this has sent me down completely...
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Maripily PeterT1
I'm still having problems a year and a half later. It's the worst horror story imaginable. My advice: See a Dr right away.
mikebummer PeterT1
i had the same procedure done on Friday night. the operation was as expected for outpatient and found friday, saturday, and sunday nights i neeeded Tylenol for pain, about two every two to four hours. the only problem i had was sitting for too long i felt a pulling sensation. that was cured by walking around about every couple of hours. today, tuesday, i had my first full bm and it was just fine. i got rid of the plug they inserted on sunday but that was all. no serious pain during any bm. my surprises were that after the operation my butt was deadened for a couple of days, but that came back on sunday. didnt expect my rump to be shaved, but i am a novice to surgery. I was surprised to feel there is no hemmies left when i wipe. i thought my external were external, but they pulled them back in during the procedure so now for the first time in decades i have a smooth wipe. so fat so good, and i would recommend the THD procedure for internal roids. i will updat if things change.