The 68 Symptoms listed on a Hormone Saliva Test...
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I ordered a Home Saliva Test Kit online and thought some of you might be interested in seeing the list of symptoms for Women:
1. Hot Flashes
2. Foggy Thinking
3. Heart Palpitations
4. Aches and Pains
5. Allergies
6. Sugar Craving
7. Loss Scalp Hair
8. Tender Breasts
9. Anxious
10. Weight Gain - Hips
11. High Cholesterol
12. Hair Dry or Brittle
13. Constipation
14. Hoarseness
16. Mania
17. Autism Spectrum Disorder
18. Night Sweats
19. Memory Laps
20. Bone Loss
21. Fibromyalgia
22. Sensitivity to Chemicals
23. Elevated Triglycerides
24. Increased Facial or Body Hair
25. Bleeding Changes
26. Water Retention
27. Decreased Stamina
28. Swelling or Puffy Eyes/Face
29. Nails Breaking or Brittle
30. Rapid Heart Rate
31. Increased Urinary Urge
32. Numbness
33. Eating Disorders
34. OCD
35. Vaginal Dryness
36. Tearful
37. Sleep Disturbed
38. Morning Fatigue
39. Stress
40. Weight Gain – Waist
41. Acne
42. Nervous
43. Fibrocystic Breasts
44. Decreased Muscle Size
45. Slow Pulse Rate
46. Thinning Skin
47. Hearing Loss
48. Low Blood Sugar
49. Breast Cancer
50. Addictive Behaviors
52. Incontinence
53. Depressed
54. Headaches
55. Evening Fatigue
56. Cold Body Temperature
57. Decreased Libido
58. Mood Swings
59. Irritable
60. Uterine Fibroids
61. Rapid Aging
62. Decreased Sweating
63. Infertility Problems
64. Goiter
65. High Blood Pressure
66. Developmental Delays
67. Panic Attacks
68. Pre-Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder
1 like, 12 replies
Gypsy014 Finny2018
Hi finny, yes I seem to have them all a side from a what do they suggest if saliva test shows hormones out of whack??? Where did you get the test kit from, if they don't let you post it maybe you can send it to me pm... I've been thinking of ordering one off internet...😊
Finny2018 Gypsy014
I ordered the test from a company that starts with the letters ZR and then another letter, LOL! so type in those two letters and the word "hormone" and "lab". The kit came in the mail and then I filled the tubes with my saliva and then mailed it in. (I will pm you, too!)
My results came in for Estradiol, Progesterone, Progesterone to Estrogen Ratio, Testosterone, DHEAS and Cortisol.
They suggested a natural progesterone supplement based on my results.
There is a disclaimer that says it's for informational purposes and not recommendations for treatment.
I have a good friend who was a Pharmacist for years. She said the top 3 prescriptions she filled were Blood Pressure Meds, Cholesterol Meds and Synthetic Hormones (very interesting information!).
She is using the bio-identical compounded hormones and has been on them for years and suggested an over the counter progesterone for me to start with; one that you can purchase at Whole Foods or on Amazon. Her thought was that it might be just enough for me versus trying to find a compound pharmacist here in the states. I am on month 2 and am seeing marked improvements! I will not stop trying things as each month and year comes (depending on what is going on with my body). My doctor has been on a hormone prescription for 10 years and has offered me this same option if I find the over the counter isn't enough.
There is another gal on here that ordered from the same lab and did the one month saliva test as that gives an even better indicator of things. As with anything - our hormones are all over the board and results may not be that accurate. For me? I just wanted to have a baseline idea of where I was at with my hormones as well as I had an FSH blood test done on my own. I'm thankful for these options! I am thankful that I can get my own blood work done without a doctor as well as this saliva kit.
Sassyr12a Finny2018
Hi finny
Thankyou. I too have 80% of that list. Can't help thinking if we were all in 1 room, whether it would be much more fun to play hormone bingo. Big tombola spitting out 68 symptoms, and lots of lovely ladies shaking, anxious, hot and angry all checking them off.....
sharcerv52408 Sassyr12a
😂😂 Hormone bingo! 😂 😂 That is too funny!
Finny2018 Sassyr12a
I am hysterical with laughter, Sassy! I absolutely love this idea- oh my! I am thankful for the laughs and smiling emoji's...they help us get through it, don't they? I can see many of us ebb and flow on this forum; some days we are weary and need encouragement and then other days we can be the ones to send out some joy! Now we have to come up with our own "good luck" item we will bring along to the bingo hall..hmmm...something other than a troll and menopause related, LOL!
Guest Sassyr12a
Omg yes! I’m in 😀 I was thinking today, we should have meno cafes. You know how some people hang out in coffee shops and recite poetry and stuff? Well, we could have coffee/tea pastries, served by burley men who don’t speak. It would be well air conditioned. Dimly lit. God, I need a life! 🤗
Finny2018 Guest
🤣🤣🤣🤣!! Bingo and a Meno Cafe! I'm in.
juanita93228 Finny2018
Ok really laughing hard now😂😂😂😂😂😂
sharcerv52408 Finny2018
Finny2018 sharcerv52408
Sharcerv - you mail the kit in. You pay the fee up front and they mail you a box with a prepaid label to affix to the box once you've collected your saliva. They give you very detailed instructions. If I remember correctly - I waited 2-3 weeks for my results. You do the test on day 19, 20 or 21 of your cycle if you are regular. If you are not regular - I think it said to estimate and go back 5 days from estimated period.
My original goal was to do the over the counter progesterone for 3 months and then order the one month test from the saliva test company again. I was very motivated in trying the natural progesterone after reading about that wild yam cream company in Australia.
Takingtime Finny2018
I find it interesting that they put autism spectrum disorder. I am very doubtful that is a symptom of menopause. I say this because I have two boys with this disorder and they were diagnosed very young and there is still no known cause as to what causes it, pretty sure it's not menopause....hahaha, but on a serious note, yes a lot of women including myself experience some of these symptoms due to the inconsistency of hormones at this stage of life, a lot is age meaning our joints, and skin tissue and muscles are slowly deteriorating if we are not putting the proper nutrients in our bodies. Progesterone is declining causing anxiety, which causes stress, which causes a crazy amount of cortisol running through our body, it's like a merri go round.
Finny2018 Takingtime
Takingtime - Isn't that an interesting item on the list? In a lot of my research this past year, I noticed that they attributed certain hormone levels with Autism Spectrum Disorder as well as low levels of B12 in Autism Spectrum Disorder. I'm very interested in all of it as we have a few loved ones in our family that were diagnosed and I had wondered about sending them this info more as an FYI if they had wanted to look further into the studies.
As far as the Perimenopause - oh my! I had aching joints, muscle pain, tendon pain, ACHING all over, hot flashes, night sweats, depression, anxiety, tingling, dry skin, the list goes ON! I had read so many success stories that there was a good chance many of the above (along with a ton of others) would go away once I started some type of hormones. I started with the "natural" progesterone vs the prescription.
AS of today, on the physical side - I have no more aching joints, muscle pain, or tendon pain (this pain was all new at 49 - never had it before my period skipped); it lasted for weeks - ugh. I had read about so many women finding this relief once they started the hormones. The depression and anxiety are all but gone as of now.
If I have to keep trying different things along this journey, I will. I am such a "natural kinda person" that I never thought I'd be open to trying anything. I've always been the one to say - try eating, supplements, exercise yada yada. But like that gal who has that worldwide paleo following - she had to take the "natural" hormones as well after years of "toughing it out". Once this stuff all hit for me in June, I am open to all of it; anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, HRT - you name it. My symptoms were intense and I was looking for a quality of life. It's such in individual choice and not an easy one!