The after effects of achalasia

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Hey guys 

I'm now over a week post surgery and everything is going fine. I can now pass liquids with ease and can eat most foods with only some water to help it pass if need be. The stitches are healing fine and it's safe to say I'm happy with the results, however I'm just curious if anyone took a while to adapt to a normal life again. As strange and weird as it may be, this condition effected me for 4 years and I found that with every meal, whether it may be something small or large, it stuck causing me to drink gallons of water, I had to stand to eat meals and I used to (as weird and sad as it sounds) eat meals on the toilet, incase I vomited. Now even though I totally eat fine, I find myself doing these habits, I don't even realise. 

Also the main thing I was wondering if anyone has had any anxiety eating food again. Although i know I can now eat and drink fine, I'm scared to eat in public, in the chance i vomit or my food sticks. I also fear every couple of hours that the condition has returned and I find myself drinking water to make sure I'm fine(which I always am). Just wondering if the anxiety with food wears off after a while, if anyone has faced a similar situation. 

Many thanks 


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3 Replies

  • Posted

    I think it is natural to feel anxious about whether you will be able to eat normally again.   Your body will take time to adjust, especially after having a long period of the achalasia issues.   I think you might want to consider making progress really slowly and steadily.    And still eat little and often for a while.  You will probably still have to avoid certain foods that might give you problems, and still eat slowly, making sure that you do not overload your oesophagus.   If you can gradually develop more confidence and experience less tension and anxiety around eating I am sure that it will help your system to manage better.


  • Posted

    Matthew, I am so happy for you that the surgery went so well.  Since my type [1] of Achalasia differs from yours, my results post-surgery are also different.  However, take it easy with the food for a week or so, in order to allow your 'insides' to heal and the post-surgery swelling inside, to go down.

  • Posted

    I did for ages. I'm now 2 years 4 months post surgery and can now eat out. Still need water to help food go down, and chat is a minimum while eating. With time the anxiety has lessened.

    I wish you well.

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