The Anti-Jowel Movement !!
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Hi ladies. I was reading this morning a post from a lady (can't remember who, sorry), expressing dismay at her jowelly appearance in the mirror and I thought I'd share with you all a recent trick I discovered and which I have dubbed 'The Anti-Jowel Movement'. Aged 49, I too recently discovered jowels and for the first time in my life, I found myself thinking about having a facelift !! Now, that shocked me because I've always been a great believer in growing old gracefully so I set about googling and looking for advice on how to deal with a jowelly appearance. What I found reminded me of a great piece of advice my late mother gave me and these two things, used together, are already having an effect. My mother's advice was to moisturise the neck upwards, which I was doing but have recently forgotten to do and have now developed a double chin. So I have resumed this process and also am following the advice found on the internet for jowels. Using the back of your hand, slap yourself lightly but firmly on the underside of the jawline and keep doing this till it hurts! Honestly, I saw almost instant results and do these two things every time I shower and moisturise. I even think my double chin looks better. Facial muscles, like any muscles, need exercising to remain firm and the appearance of jowels is a result of no exercise of the facial muscles. It made sense to me and as I say, the two exercises seem to be working. I'm still a little jowelly but it has definitely improved. Anyway, just a little bit of useful info to help us through this ageing process. Hope others find it useful too. Wishing you all good health xxx
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caroleUJ62 Lara66
I was shocked and dismayed, and did some research and now I do neck excercises to strengthen the muscles and moisturise it really well every day, and it definitely looks much better. Even my husband thinks so. Doing these things reallyis worth the effort!
norma54754 caroleUJ62
victoria83983 Lara66
supermim Lara66