The best treatment out there for HS
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Ok let me start about myself. I've tried many different things. From changing diet, cutting out nightshades etc and none of those worked.
I took zinc, turmeric, raw garlic etc and while those helped the wounds heal faster when the spots burst, they never actually stopped the lesions forming in the 1st place.
I have tried many antibiotics and most never worked apart from the 2 I'm going to mention.
Now not everybody can handle these, some may get sore stomach etc but the ones who can handle these I urge them to try these. Under the doctor's supervision of course. But these antibiotics have cleared ALL OF THE LESIONS ON MY SKIN.
And most of all, these antibiotics don't do serious damage to your health. They have low side effects and even those can be handled.
The 2 antibiotics that should be taken together, twice a day are:
Rifampicin 300mg
Clindamycin 300mg
Believe me or not, please whoever is suffering out there, go ask your doctor for these 2 antibiotics and just give it 3 months and watch your skin clear up.
Now we have all heard of antibiotics killing good bacteria too. Well while taking these antibiotics you can limit the side effects of the good bacteria being lost by taking probiotics along the course and eating things like yogurt.
Remember to take these twice a day together. They are powerful in destroying HS. I can promise anyone that. After many other failed antibiotics, I went to see the dermotologist at the hospital and he told me nearly all of this patients got rid of this disease when he treated them with these 2 special antibioitcs. So please those who aren't aware, get out there and discuss these with your doctors and get a hold of them.
Also I have been researching on something else, probably which many of you haven't heard of before. It's called phage therapy
In short, phages are viruses which destroy the specific bacteria. They don't destroy human cells, only the specific bacteria they are designed to destroy.
The great thing about phages, they can kill even if you become resistant to antibiotics and phages don't kill all your bacteria only the specific bacteria.
Bacteria plays a huge role in Hidradenitis and acne in general. Maybe destroying the type of bacteria that is on our lesions could be the potential cure? Who knows. But you can do your research about phage therapy and read about it how it plays a role in destroying the bad bacteria causing problems.
But for now the best 2 antibiotics with a high satisfaction rate for treating HS from the root are:
Rifampicin 300mg
Clindamycin 300mg
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sophie77258 jason69456
I am on my 2nd try of this combination.first time i ended up with a severe case of c dif and this time 3 weeks in to starting them i have an enormous abcess in groin.doctors are baffled.i have been suffering with hs for 9 years now.numerous operations 3 of those being in last 4 months.i have also had lots of different medication over the years none of which help.i lost my job after continued abscence due to hs and no luck getting another job once i disclose my condition and abscence feeling very low on top of pain and discomfort and dont know where to turn now 😢😢
Aroma_Mahmood sophie77258
This means the combination of these two specific antibiotics didn't work for you ?
sophie77258 Aroma_Mahmood
No unfortunately not.was back in hospital at the weekend 😞 see my doctor today who has taken me off of that combination as having no jason69456 has said these usually work well for most sufferers so definitely worth a try.
The reason for the combination is to prevent c dif.
If you take clindamycin alone then you may develop c dif. But the combination is meant to prevent c dif
Anyway I have had a discussion with a top dermatologist and a plastic surgeon.
They advised me this is the only best treatment out there for dealing with this painful disease. This is by far the most superior when it comes to swallowing pills and the success rate is actually high with very minimal side effects (only sore stomach, diohhreah etc)
Surgery is by far the most successful but only if the glands are removed completely. It should also be done by an experienced plastic surgeon.
But taking this antibiotics along with getting surgery, offers the highest cure rate than anything else. It's the sad truth to be honest.
Cutting nightshades works for some and not for others. It's not yet proven that nightshades are the problem for everybody
But what is proven is the bacteria that plays a role in causing these flare ups, it's killed by these 2 antibiotics
sophie77258 jason69456
scott47942 jason69456
I am curious about how long you have had the diease and what other treatments you have had.
I have been dealing with it for 10+ years. 3 or 4 surgeries later and have had a flare up in my legs for about 3 weeks now. Scared to death about calling the doc because they will want to do surgery again and the recovery is long and painful.
Any thoughts?
pagal_4200 jason69456
Wildersanna jason69456
Do you take the medication forever? I can imagine the effects of antibiotics wear off and perhaps you build up a resistance. That can't be healthy for your immune system.