the boo hoo's...
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Hello ladies..need that reassurance again....woke up this am and had all plans to go out get my coffee and pick up a few things at the store...well lo and hormones were not on board...ugh!!! I sat in the parking lot of the supermarket felt uneasy..called hubby and cried like I have never cried before! I ended up driving home sobbing the whole bad that I was wondering if a passerby saw me they would have been overly concerned..I felt sick to my stomach. All my de-escalating tactics just would not work. I hate that you can do so good for periods of time then WHAM! It doesn't help that I am beginning my final semester of Nursing school and doing my Pysch rotation too. Can anyone share these same moments??? So I don't feel like a loser! It doesn't help I guess that I have had very light bleeding since January 8th...I am so glad I have this board to get advice!!
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Jan999 lisa65434
lisa65434 Jan999
jayneejay lisa65434
no your not a loser, be kind to yourself, put it down to a bad day, and start tomorrow with positive thoughts, i have had these days too..
Not all days are like it, its a blip, an over emotional / hormonal day..
Jay x
lisa65434 jayneejay
annieschaefer lisa65434
I agree, when we are feeling good, hard to believe we get into those other funks. Sorry you went through a bout, but it passes and you are not a loser whatsoever!
Sending you BIG HUGS! This will pass!-promise!
Annie xxxx
lisa65434 annieschaefer
Adventurer lisa65434
susan556 lisa65434
lisa65434 susan556
susan556 lisa65434
susan21149 lisa65434
This is how I have been feeling too. There are days I'm fine then there are days I just cry and cry and scream because I'm so on edge. Isn't this ever going to stop all these mood swings and the crying and screaming
val50972 lisa65434
Yes, the mood swings can be so sudden and very frightening. Give yourself a big hug and a pat on the back too for all the hard work you're doing on your course.
The future will be better, once this peri loopiness is out the way.
Take care.
shaznay96184 lisa65434
On a daily basis we have all sorts of cr*p to deal with, and that cr*p doesn't take into consideration whether we're Peri/menopausal or not!
You sound like you have enough stress to be dealing with at the mo, with your Nursing.
Let's put it this way, you will see unwell people on your next rotation. I'm going to see my mentally ill, eldest sister this morning. Not looking forward to it as we, her 3 sisters can see/hear her declining state, but she can't. Looks very much like I'll be dealing with her GP & Psycho Support Team as I now realise we can only help her by getting her the right help. Its been a very long 13+yrs dealing with her needs, but she's alone and can't seem to help herself.
Before I plucked up courage to go to my GP to discuss my Peri symptoms, I felt like you: tearful (and believe me, that's just not me) highly strung, sensitive. My wake up call was being prescribed SSRIs to 'trial'. They're becoming a big part of treating Peri in the UK.
With my sister's cocktail of anti-psychotic drugs and their side effects, I was bought down to earth with a bump. She defo needs these meds, but I don't! I've probably only cried once at Xmas (missing parents and in-laws
) but I don't feel tearful any more. Angry/impatient/intolerant/ irritated = Yes, but not tearful.
I believe HRT can help a little: probably by king us less things to stress over when other symptoms are taken care of?? But I'll be getting me some, that's fore sure. Can't be a Martyr to this curse.
Maybe have a chat with your colleagues as a first action. Without knowing you might be feeling a little anxious about your work. Next, go see your GP. I know SSRIs are not for me, but I know they really help other.
Or, would the possibility of HRT be for you??
Chill out kid. We're all in this together and remember: this doesn't go on forever, things will change. Its just now, unlike our mums/nans, there are meds out there to help us though this rotten curse!
Cheer up Sweet x