The delirium tremons horrible experiences

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I'm 23 years old but have been drinking since I was like 15 pretty much every day and now that I'm older it's a definite everyday thing. I started to feel weird and hear things and feeling like I was Gna pass out and die but had not idea what I was feeling or how to describe it . So now based on the fact that I Dnt wanna die young and I want to be healthy I'm trying to stop however if I do I start to feel those horrible symptoms and I swear I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. The anxiety the shakes the insomnia the sweating vomiting itching unable to think straight I Dnt wanna feel that ever. So I have cut down but I start to feel it again so I have to take a swig which I Dnt want to but I also Dnt want to go into having a seizure. It feels horrible when I would get these twitches that I can't control and I hope that by slowly drinking less and less it will be down to zero and these horrible side effect Dnt occur. The worst on is when you feel your heart is stopping and you can't really breath on your own and I feel like I can faint at anytime so I just take deep breaths but my mind starts fightin against me and it's the worst feeling ever. Especially when I'm alone or my boyfriend is asleep and I'm up trying to fight it off .. Well I just wanted to hear other people's thoughts

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    You have become alcohol dependent. Your body cannot function with out alcohol in the system, it is really no different to being a heroin addict. Your central nervous system is shot and this is how it reacts when there is no alcohol in the system.

    There are two ways to deal with this, taper off as you have suggested, slwoly over two weeks. The problem with this is, once you've had a couple of beers, you get the taste for it and willpower goes out of the window.

    The other is with a benzo like diazepam, which you take for a week and it stops the symptoms, so you can come off the alcohol without suffering.

    You would need to see your doctor.

    PS Please don't use text speak, it is not always understood by others.

    • Posted

      Thanks for replying I had a Dt episode happen to me way long ago and I thought I was going nuts. My mom literally took me to her supposed spychic friend to have me cleansed.  I had no idea what was really occuring.

      about the miss typing. Sorry sometimes i cant handle the shakes and my hand just hits any key and I dnt really proof read it after. I didnt think anyone would respond

    • Posted

      The medicines that I7 mentioned are good, Thiamine, vitamin B compound strong sometimes referred to as comple and folic acid, which are all lacking in people who are alcohol dependent.

      The vitamin B mentioned (not ordinary vitamin b tablets) is also meant to help withdrawal. I think you will struggle to taper off, it is very hard, I managed it once, but it wasn't during one of my heavy drinking periods.

      I think you need to see a doctor as Vicks said and get diazepam as I mentioned, then you can also be checked over for other problems and have an LFT test.

      I've tried valerian root and other than smell awful, it didn't do a lot and I don't believe the other herbal medicines do either, especially as badly affected as someone like you. You need a benzo that will help your central nervous system recover whilst you come off the alcohol, it reallly does work and makes it easy to detox, trust me, I've used it.

      Now I know at least two people replying to you on this thread are over 50, so there is plenty of experience talking here.

    • Posted

      Yes I am one of them!! I agree that very few people succeed using tapering, as willpower disappears after a couple of drinks. It would help to know how much teffy is actually drinking. I'm assuming it must be quite a lot judging by the symptoms she's getting.

      In an ideal world the best advice I can give, based on my own experience, would be to see a dr and not hide anything, request a home detox with diazapam and then follow on with campral or TSM (naltrexone ) However, without going into great details about procedures and policies and whose job it is to prescribe the drugs, it's not as simple as it sounds


  • Posted

    Yes you can do it you just have to be very careful. If you can't get medication from your doctor for withdrawals you can taper off slowly. Make sure to always eat as much as you can and drink as much water and liquids as you can. Make sure to take vitamins everyday to protect your health and your brain. Especially B1, B- complex and folic acid. But if every day you are at least drinking one last drink a day you can taper down to zero. it's just difficult because while you are consuming alcohol it can be really easy to slip back into getting drunk and not using it as a way to stop drinking all the time. For the anxiety and problems with sleeping look up valerian root and melatonin

    • Posted

      my mom had me take valerian root and i popped them like tic tacs. However I had no I dea it was the alcohol causing it. So far I have been doing good. I have cut down massively. I literally have had a full beer unopened and i woke up and I started feeling the dt symtoms so I just had a couple sips and sat up and turned on the telly at like 3 am until i felt normal again and i was able to not finish the drink and fall asleep about 2 hours later. Im not abusing it now. im mostly using it to calm me until i can function normally.  I will go out and get those vitamins maybe this time around the valerian will help since im not popping it with a beer.

      thanks for everything this has helped me so much I just gotta take it day by day

  • Posted

    Hi  teffy

    wow wish I was 23 again, life could have been so different without alcohol.

    well done in recognising that you've got a problem with alcohol. Its referred to as AUD (alcohol use disorder). The good thing is that at your age you can turn your life round.

    IMHO I'd start by visiting your GP and telling him/her what you've said here. You're quite right that stopping suddenly can cause seizures and DT's. I've never had DT's, but others on this forum have and am sure they'll reply to you.

    How much are you drinking daily? Please don't think I'm just being nosey or judgemental, but the more information you give here, the more helpful the replies will be.

    The cutting down slowly works for some people and is called tapering. Someone else will reply about that.

    There are two kinds of medication you can take. One is acamprosate (campral) which stops the cravings for alcohol so you don't drink at all. The other naltrexone/nalfemene which is a tablet you take an hour before you have an alcoholic drink. In simple terms it stops the 'buzz' or pleasure you get from alcohol, therefore stopping you wanting more.

    Ive only replied very briefly, and you will get lots of replies and advice here. You can say whatever you want, no one will judge you. We're all here for the same reason and support each other.

    youve come to the right place for help and advice, and it's great that you want to do something positive. You're really young and have you're whole life ahead of you to enjoy. Much easier to do something now, rather than 20/30 years later.

    good luck and keep posting 


    • Posted

      Actually I think you were one of the forums that inspired me to start to write and I'm a very will powered type person and honestly I drink about 4 40z a day maybe more I had drank a whole bottle of wine before and interview at 14% and I wasn't even drunk came home and drank more after and I got a second interview but so far I cut it down to 2 1/2 40z then just one and then just 2 regular beers and today I haven't had anything and I keep a 40 by my need Incase I start tripping out and I haven't touched it all day it's just there

  • Posted

    That's good your sipping beer to just make the withdraws go away. Don't get drunk. I'm not trying to scare you or anything but yes it can be dangerous but it can be taken care of. I have tapered multiple times and I have used medication and for me they both have worked. But once you get off the alcohol it's finding out why you drink and what you can do to stop abusing it or stop altogether. That was my problem that I would keep going back. Definitely keep checking this forum there is a well of knowledge share from so many people. A lot of people on this forum have gotten me through some very hard times and it does help. I've only had one beer in a month and I don't crave it but I'll check back here every day just to talk to people and then try to help other people too. I mean I still need help and everyone here is watching out for it everyone.

    • Posted

      I'd never really gave it a thought, yes we do watch out for each other, and if someone's been posting regularly and then disappears, it is noticed. You must be very proud of yourself, one beer in a month, that's fantastic.

      If the detox is done properly, I.e. the right dosage and enough chlordiazepoxide (Librium) or diazapam (Valium) you shouldn't really suffer, just have a responsible adult with you. The hard bit is the stage after detox. Like you said I relapsed thinking I'll just have the odd one now I'm better, not a good idea.

      After my small blip a month ago, I'm back on campral at least until Christmas. Just realised I told myself 6 months alcohol free and I've subconsciously knocked off two months!

      anyway well done again on your one beer in a month

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    if you decide to give up, the cure wont be overnight but you will need to be strong, so that you don't relapse again.

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    Thanks for all the support I definitely been juicing and stuff I have no cravings right now yest only had two regular bottle beer and today nothing I'm Gna try to go all week without anything and see if I start to get that anxiety it's not that I crave drinking it's that I get scared and I feel like my heart races and so I drink a bit to calm me down

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