The difference a week can make!!!!!

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last week ( week 6) I was a wreck!!! Couldn't get passed 85deg bend, I was doing all my exercises and knee wouldn't budge any further. It was so swollen I had to ice and elevate for 48 hrs on instruction from physio.I went into an emotional meltdown crying for days, poor hubby couldn't speak to me without me bursting into tears. I thought my knee was going to stay that way and that I wished I'd never had the op. One week later I'd taken the advice from OFG and done my exercise well hydrated and also did them more slowly and stretching, I also bought a packet of ibuprofen.I went to physio and lo and behold I had 98deg bend. I'm doing so much better, my spirit has lifted,I really must of needed to cry it all out, my walking is better and I think I have a better mental balance between exercise and rest. Physio said it can take months to get maximum bend.My fav exercise is pushing my bend into the bottom of my stairs,that seems to loosen things up well. So just for today I can see the light at the end of the tunnel 

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Looking good! Well done. I'm just about 5 weeks into my PKR and I have similar problems. My knee is very stiff and won't bend as much as I had hoped it would. I'm icing and resting and trying to do my physio as best I can. I have also been in a complete meltdown, crying for no reason and grumpy. Hubby thinks it's his fault! I know things will improve but at the moment can't see very much progress although I'm sure there is. I'm just quite impatient. 
  • Posted

    hi chrishappy well done !!! as usual OFG has inspired us and so glad you took his advice it is the best advice you could get doing excersises slowly works sooo much better and hydration well it speaks for itself i think you should explain exactly how you bend the knee on the stairs it might help others especially new tkr so happy for youcheesygrin
  • Posted

    Great news....very happy for your progress. Just be sure you don't shed so many tears you get dehydrated. You'll be at 110 soon then maybe stop ba k a little before getting more bend. The body is truly a magnificent instrument. Works even when not completely tuned up but doesn't take much for it to get fit and go full speed.
  • Posted

    So glad to hear youre feeling better. Im sure others will agree, weeks 5-6 can be really tough - a lot of us have reported being VERY emotional at this time, and having VERY confused husbands, who cant seem to do right for doing wrong redface

    I also found the pushing against the stairs to be very beneficial - even now, at 21 (?) weeks, if my knee feels still from overdoing it Im straight back to the stairs.

    Enjoy feeling better, dont worry if you have another "down" spell, its perfectly natural, and we all understand. 

    Oh, and Im sure OFG will have already said this, but dont sweat the bend too much - it comes with time and perseverance, but the straighten is more important for your long-term recovery. Take care, and come back whenever you need us smile

  • Posted

    SO GLAD to hear this!

    I have had down times, too, and they surely aren't pretty! We just have to all be PATIENT! Progress WILL come!

    I do that stair exercise, too. I like how you can control the stretch.

    Another is sitting in a chair with arms with both feet on the floor. Rise slightly, move your surgical leg back about an inch then slowly sit. You will feel a gentle tug. Hold this about 20 seconds, and then increase the move back another inch. Repeat.

    For fun I make it a challenge between RIGHT KNEE (non-surgical knee which also will need surgery) and LEFT KNEE (surgical knee). LEFT KNEE tries to get close to the bend that RIGHT KNEE can do.

    The other day on my first try with this exercise I actually TIED RIGHT KNEE! I had my PT laughing. It was a good moment!

    Wishing you LOTS MORE happy moments!

  • Posted

      It's the magic six weeks improvement!  don't let it depress you if you get the odd bad day from now on . .it happens, but then everything goes right again.

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