The effects of plunging Estrogen levels
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Have any of you experienced having migraines and or heart palpitations during the part of your cycle when the oestrogen levels plunge? I have been experiencing migraines off and on for the past two days. Then last night i was drifting off to sleep and woke up coughing suddenly which startled me i guess and it triggered heart palpitations. Ugh! I want off this crazy bus ride!
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annieschaefer sharcerv52408
I used to have issues in my 30-40's with hormonal flucuations. It was a really rough ride. I have only had a few migraine (nasty ones) since entering true Peri. The heart palps on the other hand are another thing. Yikes! They are still intermittent, frustrating that they are, I know they come and go. Not sure I see a real pattern with those. Yoga and the relaxation breathing helps me relax-doesn't stop them but I don't get too upset about them anymore. Some day hopefully they will stop.
Sorry you are feeling bad and hope you feel better soon.
Annie xx
sharcerv52408 annieschaefer
annieschaefer sharcerv52408
Not without finding new doctor to help me adjust things a bit and also am getting treatment for hypothyroid, which between that med and the Prometrium (micronized Progesterone) this is about the most level and stable I have felt continuously for some time. 5 months away from being considered full menopause, at almost 57, I sure hope so!
Sending you big Hugs Shar!
Annie XXxx
sharcerv52408 annieschaefer
kristi63 annieschaefer
annieschaefer kristi63
Honestly, looking back, that was small potatoes compared to some of the other symptoms that cropped up past year or so......really felt like old lunatic for a bit.
Thankfully as I said eariler, I know I must be winding down finally plus other issues were addressed. I had started using progesterone cream over a year ago and in my case, was very helpful but not enough. Most recently went on micronized progesterone and ahhh.....must be what I need for right now. I am on other supplements and vitamins that all work together along with thyroid med.
My doctor warned me, things may change or they may just level off more and that will be it. I don't know if anyone knows how each of us will do, but at least for now I am working with an incredibly knowledgable doctor who while may not always get it, has been most helpful during this journey.
Right now my biggest complaint is the aches and pains and chronic plantar faciitis.......hope to be rid of those soon!
Hysterectomy may solve your issues, it all depends on what is tolerable for you and what isn't. Best wishes in whatever you decide. I have several friends that did go through with the surgery and it has greatly improved the quality of life for them.
Annie xx
annieschaefer sharcerv52408
When you get to NY-look for Integrative Medicine doctor who specializes in women's health. I'm in the Midwest and we have a relatively large institution that has that program now for past several years. I just learned about it end of last year when my Naturopath (not covered by insurance) found my hypothyroidism and suggested them as she cannot prescribe meds. Had a bit of a wait to get in.....and while Naturopath already had ordered some tests, new MD ordered more and is working in concert with my GYN.
I am incredibly impatient as I still have some issues due to the meds(thyroid) taking time to fully work, but at least I feel better knowing there is light at the end of the tunnel.
If your insurance allows, please seek this type of doctor out, they don't seem beholden to Big Pharma, which is incredibly freeing. Allows them to get to the source of the issues, not just give you a big band-aid and send you on your way to figure it out yourself, I guess.
Hope you'll find one, once you get settled.
Annie XXxx
susan21149 sharcerv52408
The FDA who I called about the progesterone pill he did say that these HRTs can make a person have palpitations. Maybe its you oestrogen pill doing it.
Call this number and let them know what you are taking the number is 1-800-FDA-1088 and see what they say. You can get a lot of information from them on HRTs and they will tell you right out that it makes the heart race, it raises you blood pressure that could be where the migrains are coming from your blood pressure could be high and it can cause palpitations. Also let your doctor know too.
sharcerv52408 susan21149
susan21149 sharcerv52408
kristi63 sharcerv52408
so, yes, definitely go for yoga, meditation, deep breathing. come here and check in often. i found out from REAL women who have severe issues what to really expect and that it gets better the more you know about what is going on in your body.
sharcerv52408 kristi63
elizabeth142 sharcerv52408
I had all symptoms with this peri menopause.
Dizzy, sickness, faint, legs heavy hurting, chest hurts sometimes,very lethargic, dry eyes,feel nothing going right some days.
Feel depressed, hot sweating at evening times. Dry coughing at night. Have drink at side of bed. So all in all, it's how our body is changing. But exercise and keeping healthy walking and eating healthy, reaydoes help.
Relaxing techniques are great. Too.
Get a relaxation noise maker for natural noises like the sea tide going in and out, the rain bird singing all helps to relax before sleep. Warm bath shower before bed, and a warm milk drink an hour before sleep too.
All hypnotic for me anyway. Lots of veg and fruit. Walking keep circulation going.
All best 😊🌺liz