The Great Frozen Shoulder Adventures Continue! This Chapter:X-ray guided Cortisone Joint Injections
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Hi ladies, hope you are all managing today. I bring news of cortisone joint least my experience. I had a cortisone injection under anesthesia on March 7 (back of shoulder). Then doc scheduled me for a 2nd identical procedure for a few weeks later for March 21.
March 7: Noticed no difference in the shoulder after the first injection. I am a Diabetic, no change in my well controlled blood sugar.
March 21: I really haven't noticed much pain relief to be honest. Also, I had an allergic reaction to something in the injection or procedure.
March 21 procedure was in the morning, around 7pm (after a 5pm dinner) my heart began racing, checked my blood sugar and it was elevated to 170, heart pounded harder and harder, pins and needles in hands and feet, weird wave up my body (like niacin). Husband took me to ER. After a five hour adventure and tons of fluids, the doc speculated that I was possibly allergic to something in the injection (Iodine or dye in the contrast material they injected or some preservative in one of the materials injected). Thank goodness that hasn't happened again, but now my glucose is very high and it will not come down, even with extra insulin and frankly I feel awful from it all still. It should come down soon, I hope!
Anyone else ever have a similar reaction? I did find a few people online who had a similar reaction to either the contrast dye in imaging or benziol alchohol (I think.)
Hope you are all having a better week!!!
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Mincub Je_n
i was told it was probably the anaesthetic in the injection, but I firmly believe it the prednisolone which is synthetic I think.
either way it's put me off for life, and the pain just gets worse and worse.
Good luck I hope you feel better soon .
Je_n Mincub
I'm very well controlled Diabetic and glucose will NOT come down, I even added a few shots of Novalog and just won's come down from around 300 or upper 200's. After all my hard work trying to balance blood sugar through this FS pain the past few months, my A1c is shot. No pun intended. :-0
I'm with you, I'm off cortizone injections for life too. Thank you for your well wishes and I hope you feel better very soon too.
Guest Je_n
I took his advice and it with the big strong P.T. lady enduring my football player deep and loud hollering and screaming, she was able to help to break up and stretch out the "frozen adhesions".
I met another non-diabetic guy roughly fifty who also did okay with cortizone and P.T. workouts.
Cortizone seems to work equally well on men and women sufferers of Frozen Shoulder provided they utilize and work hard in Physical Therapy after the injections.
Best to all my fellow Frozen Shoulder suffering posters!
Bobby in U.S.A.
debbie36227 Je_n
Je_n debbie36227
How are you doing?? I am so sorry you're feeling so bad. My doctors have done the same to me. Not cool, especially when you feeling awful and I don't know about you,but feeling awful makes me sensitive.
Sounds silly, but have you tried an ice pack?
bobbysgirl Je_n
A while back he had an angiogram(?) test which involved an injection of dye. The Cardio people told him to stop taking Metformin for several days before AND after the scan as it can have a nasty reaction with the dye/test.
His own GP was ignorant of this fact. But it is well known in cardio circles.
Je_n bobbysgirl
The ER Doctor wasn't sure what casues it exactly. My follow up with my General Practitioner MD, said the reaction was because I hadn't eaten! When I became upset, she looked into it further and said it was the contrast material/dye..... How obnoxious!
Please thank your husband... I am horrified at the lack of knowledge treating some patients and especially Diabetics... I am speechless.
debbie36227 Je_n
Je_n debbie36227
You had a rection from the contrast dye? That must have been scarry, especially considering they were giving you a cardio test! Boy, we have to research everthing ourselves before medical procidures, don't we.
Yes, I take Metformin too. I'm sorry others have experienced a reaction, but am SOOO gald we all communicate with each other on this site. Thank you!!!
FSconversations Je_n
I don't have pain anymore, but if the guided cortisone would help with ROM I would glady do it. Any guesses?
Je_n FSconversations
I won't be having another Cortizone shot. I don't care where the reaction came from..
Maybe someone else has advice. At least your pain has subsided. Congratulations on that part!
FSconversations Je_n
debbie36227 FSconversations