The Hardest Fight of My Life!

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I have been dealing with the awfulness of perimenopause for close to two years now. Just when I think that things are improving, I seem to revert back to pure torture: feeling numb inside, as though I am not even a part of my body, if this makes sense; fear; depression; hopelessness; rage; bloating; digestive issues; wobbly and off balance, which causes falls. The list is endless.

I am doing everything that I can to just get through each moment, when times are bad, but it almost seems beyond human endurance.

My periods are all over the place: early, late, heavy, almost non-existent...

I am turning 51 later this year, and I have yet to skip a period.

Every day, I work on keeping hope alive, and I remind myself that, one day, my life won't be like this anymore.

It's incredibly hard.

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    I am 53 now and still going through everything you mentioned, along with the anxiety and heart palpitations. I have good days and bad days now, but the bad days seem like they will never end. I feel lucky just to make it through the day sometimes. Eventually, we will make it through this. I hope you start feeling better soon. Hugs to you.

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      Thanks, Sherri. It kind of defines comprehension, doesn't it?! What are you doing to cope? I just keep trying to push through, but it is exhausting!! It feels never-ending.

  • Posted

    Hi there, I am 58, post menopause for nearly 2 years now. Same as you, I thought symptoms are getting better but recently, sweating became excessive. It comes with palpitations , light headed, digestive problems and just losing energy.

    I am grateful I find comfort in knowing God. Every time Im down, I read healing verses. I go to sleep humming worship songs. I diverted all my energy in talking to Him and asking for His guidance. I realized, going back and forth to doctors, all of them are saying the say things, 'maybe menopause'.

    God gave me strength and comfort. I dont take any vitamins. I eat a balanced diet, I do regular walks and strength excercises. I dont stay in bed being anxious and fearful anymore. I do volunteer work for the seniors in our area. I talk to people and count my blessings. Somebody sent me a book called 'AWAKEN THE HEALER IN YOU'. It helped me a lot.

    I hope you will find God and be renewed by Him.

    God Bless Us All.

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      Edna I am with you! I have been leaning on God and surviving this...and most days actually thriving.

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      I will be 56 in September and have been post-menopause almost 7 years. I also thought symptoms would be subsiding by now, but that is not the case for me. The last 3 years have been some kind of bad and I do not see an end in sight. I have every symptom on the 66 list and then some. I can honestly say if it we not for the sustaining strength that comes from my JESUS I would have lost it a long time ago. He is the One who gives me the strength to come through each day.

      Praying how soon this journey will be over for each of us.

      GOD Bless

      Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy GOD: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

      Isaiah 41:10

  • Posted

    I feel your pain! I've struggled with anxiety all my life and the last few years in peri-menopause have been pure hell. Just a quick suggestion for you - I lost my dad in March and that, together with the hell that is menopause pushed me very close to the age. I found myself walking....and walking...and walking...and I'll be honest, having never enjoyed excercise before, I think it has been a minor miracle for me. I now get up early and leave the house at about 7 and walk for a couple of hours - I listen to a story on my Audible app and just cut myself off from everything in life for that short time. My mood has been lifted and I feel so much better - aches and pains have eased and generally speaking I've felt much better than I have in years. It may not be for everyone, but it has helped me so thought I'd suggest it.

  • Posted

    im 51 and was very active. then outta nowhere im almost bedridden for 3 mths..the anxiety. feeling like im suffocating. the surges they call hot flashes. the doom feeling. now allmy body hurts so bad its hard to walk. yes my head feels weird at times too..idk how long to deal with this but it seems if i push myself to be more active the symptoms are less..oh did i mention my ankles blew up and these stupid heart seems everything in my body has found a way to go against me. but the anxiety or so they tell me it is cause i had all kinds of bloodwork. ekg. mri. chest xrays. u name it. the anxiety is the u have that?? if so do u take anything that works??

  • Posted

    I was just put on Buspar a week ago. Went to my dr and literally lost it in front of her. It's been 6 months of torture for me. My anxiety has been so bad I haven't had an appetite I feel as if my body has left me behind. I also had the biotech pellets inserted 2 weeks ago so anxious to have them start working. In my case I am extremely low in all hormones which my dr said explains all that I've been going through ( anxiety depression heart palpitations no appetite crying constantly etc). I'm no stranger to going to Dr Google which has only tripled my anxiety so note to self DON'T DO IT!! I've started to feel subtle effects of buspar but they said it would be 3 to 4 weeks before it fully kicks in.

    This is so hard I hear ya. I remind myself as well that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, just have to be patient. Easier said than done. luv to ya💛

  • Posted

    i have buspar but been afraid to take it but if its going to work ill take it!! this is horrible. never in a million years would i think after giving birth to 6 children raising them now as a grandma am going through this hell. i should be enjoying my grand babies snd watching my children grow with tjier own children. i pray this passes before im too old. great to hear from otgers im not alone..god bless you

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    what is biotec pellets??

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      They are like small grains of rice that contain hormones needed by whatever your bloodwork suggests. The dr makes an incision less that an inch above ur buttock

      and places them. slowly the hornomes are released into your bloodstream. It takes 4 to 6 weeks to feel better. I have to go in for bw in a couple weeks to see how I'm reacting. If im still low then they place a booster. otherwise its like every 4 to 6 months that they are placed. my ins doesnt cover HRT and this was the most cost effective for me.

  • Posted

    is it safe ?? it stops the symptoms of menapause??? i cant see doing this for years. i hope all goes well for u

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