The new me...
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Hi ladies!!Just have a question for all of you...I've actually been feeling good but still have bad days and very bad days but not as often thank goodness..My worst is head pressure and anxiety at this point but have learned to go with the flow..My question tho is how have you learned to love the new you??Im really having a hard time with this part...Looking in the mirror is not my favorite part of day anymore and have gained a little weight around hip area.But sometimes enjoying life is near impossible...I have a wonderful life but struggle enjoying sometimes...Im kinda stuck in a hole Thank you ladies...
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nic1976 laurie70017
This is exactly the problem I have, it's the weirdest feeling ever. I have a lovely family etc but there always seems to be something hanging over me, like I don't want to get too happy in case something happens. I feel like I go through each day on auto pilot, paint a smile on etc but I just don't feel the same. I'm trying to build a stronger me so I can deal with this, staying positive etc but it's hard.
laurie70017 nic1976
Guest laurie70017
denise89209 Guest
(If anyone knows what i mean)....the only time when i felt this same way was when i had postnal like a robot!!! Does anyone else feel this strange??
Guest denise89209
I know what you mean about disconnected...when i get the 'hormone hit' as i like to call it....i feel like I am on drugs...very spacy and in a bubble. Its very disconcerting and that alone can make me anxious. The depression is different from PND too...its up and down..not consistent with a switch going on and off whereas postnatally it was a constant low.
Its bizarre...when i feel ok i think phew...but when i feel bad i think i am losing it. How many sh*tty years is this going to go on for ...thats what i want to know! I havent got the time or energy for it
jamie50513 Guest
I had postpartum depression after my 1st baby. I was 18 years old. I locked myself in my room put my baby outside the door and cried and cried and cried. My mom took care of the baby until I got myself together. So I've always been sensitive to my hormones. Now I go through bouts of depression around the cycle times but it comes and goes. The anxiety is horrible and all the other physical stuff that comes along with it. When I feel good, I'm good, but when I feel bad it's hell. I can't imagine going several more years like this.
Guest jamie50513
jamie50513 Guest
denise89209 Guest
Well ,before xmas my periods were still fine.
Iwas consistant not light not heavy lasting around 4/5 days...ive been in peri now for years , about 6/7 years.. i had my period as normal on the 24/dec/16.. lasting 5 days......i took this st johns wort exactly 1 week after my period to give it a go pep me up a little ( really didnt know what it was used for. I thought it was like a ginseng) 2 days in i had a breakthrough bleed then nothing for four months STILL gynea said it can totally flatten the estrogen testosterone and progesterone completly kill them this is one of the side effects..( i didnt know this )...ive been in a living hell since i took them ( im off them but has taken months to get me back ) what im trying to say is that i think my estrogen was low but taking these horrendous so called herb had flattend my levels all together and im now paying the price...i was only on them for one week. YES ONE WEEK..!!! im extremly sensitive.. as i got seritonin syndrome 4 days in.... sorry peeps !! Im so angry as now im suffring from anxiety and crying for nothing episodes are doing my head in..
Thing is i know my body and the day i took that 'SHXT' it all started and that 4 months ago i was great..... enlighten me plz
Guest denise89209
The funny thing is....i have had peri symptoms for a few years now but about 4 months ago it literally ramped up overnight.....and it may be a coincidence but I had just started meds for cholesterol called crestor. I stopped them but need to lower my cholesterol so going to have to try something else but a bit nervous now
And you are right...we do know our bodies and i always know when something is wrong...and its NOT in my head! Stay strong Denise...maybe google foods that help boost seratonin may be worth try x
denise89209 Guest
This herb has been graded to a amber triangle meaning' heed the warnings' or 'At your own risk.' As for my estrogen levels well i had to go private and he said my level was very very i know what caused my estrogen to deplete as fast as it did. So for women who are at least perimenapausel and been in it for a while be very very careful taking this herb as it might push you further towards the menopause faster than you janine id BIN THEM !!!!! Dont want this to happen to anyone else..people underestimate this herb! !! :-(
Guest denise89209
I have always been a carb/caffeine junkie so have quit caffeine and trying to eliminate sugars. I think it has helped a little. I still wake up every morning feeling blah though.
I just feel like groundhog day...same old stuff going on
The thing is I don't know what I want to do...i think I am at a bit of a crossroad. I have heard this is common in peri....i have just lost that spark. I have a great husband and three boys...20,16,14...they try to help but its hard for them to know what this feels like...i think they get sick of hearing me complain about my symptoms. I hope this doesn't go on for years....i have realised its up to us to trust our instincts and research things that may has become my friend lol
denise89209 Guest
At the minute I have that "brain fog"..... like it's as if you are in dream state kind of mode but your eyes are open and you are awake...A lot like I was when I had the postnatal depression...its horrid coz every waking morning I'm like this... :-( it must have a lot to do with our serotonin because estrogen is directly involved with the serotonin and neurotransmitters that are connected to our moods and the brains behaviour and hormones effect everything!!!
I'm 49 but me too I don't want to go for long with this sh$t!!!!!!!!... I'm so glad hunni your going to bin them ...I really am !!!! :-)
Guest denise89209
I know since peri stepped up I have had more digestive indigestion and constipation which I have never suffered from. I started small things like taking a probiotic...eating a couple of apples a day (pectin in them really beneficial) caffeine..meditation half an hour a day...and i must say it has helped a little. So I am going to start looking into the nutritional side of things more. Another thing that has helped is an amino acid supplement called L-Theanine. You find it naturally in tea but not in a big enough quantity to help. Its for the anxiety and its supposed to be as good as xanax in studies in helping anxiety. I got some from a naturopath and take about 1/4 teaspoon (powder) when i feel really anxious. Within about half an hour it just calms me down. Its not a drug so you don't feel anything...just don't feel wound up anymore. Look it up and see what you think? I think its great we can all share our experiences on here because we all get the support we don't seem to get anywhere else!
Take care
callianne_65675 laurie70017
I so know how you feel! I feel almost as though I woke up in someone else's body. I feel really 'middle-aged'. (I've been middle-aged for a while now, but I sure didn't feel it).
I am trying to love the new me. Part of this has been deciding to lose weight in a gentle enough way. Eating nutritious and healthy food. My body served me all of my life, perhaps it is time to give it some thanks and care.
A lot of days I can't be bothered to do anything will myself, but I have become more interested in makeup, hairstyles to suite my face and ways to dress my body since it has changed.
I joined some blogs for women over 40+ for example.
I try to laugh each day, find new interests (I love gardening who knew!) and I''ve taken a few courses meaning I can if I want to have a different life, more suited to me now, and stop hankering over the past. (I used to be in finance now I am studying Holistic Healing).
I spend hours in the shower, with essential oils, using oils and smells to help me kick start my day. The bathroom is my magic room, where I tend and care for myself as best I can that day. I hope that helps a little xx
junieju callianne_65675
Do you have a blog
callianne_65675 junieju
junieju callianne_65675
Sounds great what you are doing,
Do you have a blog, I was thinking of doing a forum for us wonderful women, but that takes a lot of time.
Great to come here and read what others are doing.
Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on, I find it very interesting.
Keep smiling