The RELENTLESS Symptoms Of Postmenopause Are Overwhelming!!

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Hey Ladies...

You see that cat Postmenopause is a BADD MUTHA... shut your mouth!

Yes, I've taken a line from the hit theme song, Shaft! That being said, right now, I am dealing with:

  1. Chest Pains
  2. Racing Thoughts
  3. Overthinking
  4. No Motivation
  5. Worrying About My Future
  6. Health Anxiety
  7. Anxiety
  8. Focusing On Cray-Cray things, that have been said to me recently
  9. Shoulder Pains
  10. Arm Pains
  11. Anger
  12. Rage
  13. Isolation
  14. Jumping Eye
  15. Headaches
  16. STRESS
  17. Shortness of Breath
  18. Numbness
  19. Cold Hands
  20. Cold Feet
  21. Chills

Ladies, it's just too much! Today is a very GOOD day for me to hide in a VERY dark, clean closet for a few days! Any advice, and yes, I do pray.

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4 Replies

  • Edited

    i could have written this. im sorry were all struggling. i ventured over to the anxiety disorder portion of this site. at first i thought oh goodness, this isnt helping until i came upon a guy that is responding with logic. his name is arthur56 he has given a much hopeful outlook at least about the anxiety part of life.

    • Edited

      Hello There, ShoSho....

      I wouldn't wish MENOPAUSE on my WORST enemy! It is debilitating, to say the least!

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    I so wish I could offer you some advice, but unfortunately I am in the same situation as you. I honestly could have written your latest post, literally every symptom you listed I too am experiencing, it’s crazy. I never imagined I would still be feeling this way this far into this journey. Today has been super bad, but for the last year all my days have been a challenge. I know how abundantly blessed I am in so many areas of my life and I try my best to press on and not complain, but some days I must confess, really wear me down. I so long to just feel a little bit human again. It’s really hard not to become fearful that this is what life is going to be from here on, just makes me so sad. I too pray and talk to JESUS and know He is my saving grace πŸ™πŸ» So sorry you are dealing with all of this too 😒 Prayers for better days ahead for each of usπŸ™πŸ»

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      Hey There, Cass..

      I am STILL dumbfounded by the atrocities of menopause! Thank you for your response, it is thee UNADULTERATED truth!

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