The screwdriver test for PMR
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Dear All,
As a current PMR sufferer can I suggest a completely unorthodox and in no way scientifically or even quack endorsed by any shape of the imagination a test to determine if you have PMR. If you are currently NOT I repeat NOT on steroids and wondering if you may have PMR I would consider the following test as a POSSIBLE indicator.
The set up.
Arrange to have a large star headed screw inserted into a solid piece of wood and driven fully 'home' to the extent that it would be difficult to drive it any further.
Use a screwdriver that preferably has an oval handle but any one will suffice.
The test is as follows.
This should be carried out initially by a fit person.
Try to screw the screw further into the wood by an increasingly stronger 'TWIST' and then when it is obvious that it is not posible to turn the screw in any further GRADUALLY release the pressure and remove the screwdriver from the screw, IT IS IMPORTANT NOT TO LET THE SCREWDRIVER SLIP WHILST DOING THIS. The objective here is to demonstrate that the muscle strentgh is good and I repeat try and get as much torque as possible when carrying out this step.
Now carry out the same procedure and try and screw the screw in as hard as you can but then ease back on the forward pressure so that the screwdriver slips out of the screwhead whilst still maintaining the torque when you are exerting the maxmum force and see if you find it painful when the screwdriver slips out.
NOTE, CARRY THIS TEST AT AT YOUR OWN RISK I can state that the excruiating pain will not last very long
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[b:eed3f9e049]WHAT[/b:eed3f9e049] :idea: :?: :!: :?
For me it was just trying to open a jar of pickles my wife asked me to open. I couldn't... [i:e39127a6e9]AND ... [/i:e39127a6e9]it hurt to try. :oops: :wah:
When you consider the ratio of women to male sufferers of PMR I think Rick's suggestion is far more useful. Even more relevant would be holding the vacuum cleaner or any other form of cleaning item.
Lizzie xx
Think Lizzie Ellen's test much better :lol: :lol:
Not good at mo as in pain in left hip, groin and upper leg and was in bed most of yesterday on painkillers and resting.... a little better today although very upset and stressed because my grandaughter, who is almost one, was in hospital most of Friday and then in and out of local one today..... very ill with an infection of the blood and query rheumatoid arthritis? :roll: :roll: High temp at the mo and projectile vomiting so we are all really worried and distressed :roll: :roll:
Fifties girl - and why do you think you feel so rough this weekend????? What makes PMR worse???? Sorry to hear about the small person's problems - let's just hope she's like loads of paed patients - they can be very poorly one minute and half an hour later they're sitting up and giggling. Did my head in!
Hugs to you and GP, her and Mum and Dad,
:cuddle: for the little one and a :hug: for you.
Im afraid these worries and stresses do make your PMR worse and its unavoidable
As for the PMR test trying to do your Bra up when PMR is at its worst and it seems impossible to believe what a difficult and exhausting procedure that can be !!
Hope you have all had a good weekend Out Friday night, all day yesterday and very busy today so a rest tomorrow I think and another Birthday lunch for me Tuesday as my friend will be back from Spain The diet will have to start again this week !!
Best wishes
Mrs G
Eileen...screwdriver, as far as I recall, is some orange juice and as much vodka as you can tolerate without chucking up :lol: :roll:
I don't think I'll be trying Jim's PMR test any time soon...have enough trouble with the girly option of the hairdryer
:shock: :wink:
Love to all, Pauline.
Love from Lizzie xxx