The shakes on Setraline 150mg
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I have been on sertraline about 6/7 weeks now 150mg and im experiencing shaking in my hands or somtimes I find myself moving my leg for somthing to do! I have been sleeping fine at night!
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tricia70779 Emzy5699
I also have been on setraline for 7weeks 5 weeks on 50mg and two weeks on 100mgs still getting anxiety and also have shaking hands don't sleep very well wish it would hurry up and kick in xx
russengland Emzy5699
Hello Emma,
can I ask you, did you have a tremor prior to taking sertraline?
I ask this because I have something called Benign Involuntary Tremor. Its 100% stress related, is passed thru the generations. My gran had it, my mum had it and so.....
If "the shakes" is isolated in one arm/leg/neck then it may be worthwhile checking with your doc, although its probably just an early side effect of the med.
I'll have to say that my tremor has got slightly worse, so it may be a side effect.
Emzy5699 russengland
ihavenonickname Emzy5699
Perhapa you should contact the physician who writes the prescription and ask to discuss agitation and directions on reducing the dose a bit.
kind regards
Emzy5699 ihavenonickname
Yea maybe I need to but im worred as I havent been on 150mg for long about 6/7weeks and dont want to feel crap again 😞
ihavenonickname Emzy5699