the side effects makes me want to quit sertralin

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I have been depressed for 1-2 month and have not been at work since june,4. Five days ago I startet sertraline: 50 mg for 3 days, then down to 25 mg for 2 days - and i am supposed to go back on 50 mg in to days. The psychiatrist lowerede the dose because I have the worst sideeffect but told me I would feel better after aprox 1 week. Right now I feel I can´t take it anymore. The last 2-3 days have been a living hell and i feel a lot worse than before. I have a family with to toddlers and I miss them so much - but all I can do is lie in bed and I feel physically sick - flu-like symptoms, bad headache, very very tired and excauted, nausea, restless, no appetite, trouble sleeping (get imozop to help me sleep - it helps but I still feel tired). The hole thing makes me want to give up and I am all in tears. I will go back to the psyk on thursday and will try to stick to the plan but right now i just want to quit. It seems like the medicin just makes me more sick. please I need your advice and comford 

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Dear Ann    firstly let me try and re-assure you if I can    I have been on Sertraline for 2 months and been up and down the Mgs  (told it is a question of finding the right dosage your body can tolerate)   anyway 1st 3 weeks for me was ok  but then I started to get really bad diarrhea  and am still suffering from it now  5 weeks on although is has got a lot better and am beginning to feel there is light at the end of the tunnel.  I recieved masses of support from this site  I thought I was going mad but people told me to stick with it and it will get better.  This my seem like the worst possible time for you at the moment   but please take heart    we have all been thru the side affects  and are still here to tell the tale.  It will get better I promise   do you have a support family of friends  as this will help  especiallly as you lhave little ones  it helps to know they are ok   then you can take time for yourself to get thru it   and remember we all know what you are going thru  keep posting  it really really helps to share how youre feeling    Love and best wishes to you
    • Posted

      Thank you so much much Kathy. I just didn-t expect the side effect to be so bad. Neither, thar the side effects would kick in so fast (day 1-2) and i am so worried that it will only get worse from here. Never felt so bad before and i almost can't take it anymore. My husband and family are helping me out thank god for that- today he and the kids are visiting his brother+kids - but a fell like a terrible mom and it breaks my heart that i can't really explaine to them what is going on (they are only 2 and 5 ys old). I know it will not stay like this forever but i can't keep giong on like this for much longer. I am afraid that i will not be able to go on vacation with them in 3 weeks, but i hope so

      ps. live in denmark so please forgive me this is not written in perfect english :-)

  • Posted

    Also needed to say  have you been feeling depressed for some time   I was anxious for a couple of years  so I know in my case there is no quick fix  its going to take time to make things right again  I was told I would probably feel much worse befor I felt better
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      Only a couple of month - which almost makes it worse. I felt bad for only a short while before I got help and now it is my worst days ever
  • Posted

    Dear Anne   You are not a bad mom  just someone  like the rest of us who needs a bit of help getting back on track   If you were a bad mom you wouldnt be putting yourself thru this  At the end of the day your children are very young and probably wont remember any of this. The human spirit is so strong  things are thrown at us as we go thru life but we look back on them  and chalk it up  You will come thru this and you will be stronger at the end. Accept all the help you are offered, your family love you and will want to support you thru this blip in your life (even though it seems like your in a horrible place this will end)
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    See UR MD. dr. Those sre not the normal side effects.
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      Hi hope4cure. what excactly do you mean by those are not normal side effects? I have an appointment on thursday but right now i am not sure that i can take it much longer. It is day 6 and it doesn't get better even though i lowered the dose..
  • Posted

    Hi Anne..the side effects are different for everybody as you will see from this site. Do stick with it and contact your doctor if you are worried.  The side effects will ease off eventually when your body adjusts to the medication. I have been on Sertralin 75 for over a year side effects now except very bad sweats which are very uncomfortable. Whatever you do don't suddenly stop taking the would feel much worse will pass...take care 
    • Posted

      hi Marianne - glad to hear you are not suffering from bad side effects - do you remember how long you had to wait for the benefits and the sideeffects to ease?
  • Posted

    Hi Anne...I can't remember exactly  but I think it has to build up in your system for a few weeks before you feel any benefit. I started off on 50mg then it was upped to 75 after couple of months which is what I'm on now. Sorry I can't remember more precisely..probably because I didn't have bad side effects..apart from the dreadful sweating which I only found out recently can be a side effect of this med.

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