The SOLUTION: Excessive Yawning and Constant Need to Breathe Deep!

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All, Flutterbypie started this thread and there have been hundreds of responses:

I needed a way to get my message out to everyone and thus wanted to start a new post. Many people suffer from this ailment which causes people to contantly (usually in 4-7 minute intervals) to take a deep breath in order to just "trigger" that satisfying feeling in their upper lungs. But it's not that simple, because sometimes that feeling doesn't come. And we keep forcing that deep breath, trying to get the satisfaction - a forced yawn, contortion of the body, whatever it will take. It always comes eventually, but the cycle starts over. We all say it's worse when we eat. We all say it's not a problem while sleeping. We all say it goes away at times when we are heavily focused on something. 

Trust me, I HAD it for almost 2 years, and it wasn't just once in a while. I literally had this thing NON STOP EVERY DAY until a few weeks ago.

One caveat before I say what I did - I've talked to many people with this condition, and it's true it's not a one size fits all solution - some have hiatial hernias, others have GERD, and I'm sure others have other conditions that cause it. But if you have any inkling of a thought that it could be anxiety, keep reading.

The reason why you will never hear someone say "here's the cure for it" is because it's not that simple. But I'll just throw it out there right now. YES IT'S A COMBINATION OF ANXIETY AND LIFESTYLE. STOP seeing doctors (again, caveat - unless you think it might not be anxiety per the above), STOP reading on the internet about what people do to fix it (pepto bismal, breathing exercises, just STOP). It's ANXIETY AND LIFESTYLE. And I didn't believe it either because, sure I was anxious about a few things every now and then (who isn't?), but this thing lurks around all day even though you don't think you are particularly anxious. But I guarantee there are things you are anxious about. For me, and I bet for many of you, I was anxious about my overall health. Why wouldn't I be? I was grasping for a satisfying breath every few minutes thinking this must be the end, so it makes sense. But I did something drastic, and I admit that I am a little bit in shock that it ACTUALLY worked!

I completely turned my lifestyle upside down. I am not suggesting all of you are fast food junkies, but I was. I wasn't obese (196 weight 5'10 male) but I could stand to lose 20-25 pounds. I was drinking coffee, diet coke, some water here and there - but burgers, fried foods, some good foods here and there - ZERO exercise. My waist was 38 and I remember it being a 36 for years, so this was a relatively sudden expansion. 

For the past three weeks (which isn't long), I've 100% cut out:

1) Caffeine and carbonated drinks

2) Soda

3) Fast food

4) Fried foods

And added:

1) Vegetables and fruits to diet

2) Exercised vigorously on an eliptycal for 20 min a day

As time went on and my weight dropped (now at 190.3), the need to deep breath almost exponentially vanished. I still breath deep every now and then mind you, but you have to remember, everyone breathes deep every now and then. I talked to a doctor who said people breath deep once every 20 minutes. But we are hyper focused on it, so we will think "Oh geez, it's back". It's not.

I never in a million years thought I would beat this thing, especially as quickly as I did, and a couple people I know did a massive lifestyle change and they said things look better. I wish this worked for everyone, and I'm sure there will be someone who says "but I am super fit and already eat well". You might have a different issue, OR, it is still anxiety but as I said - I was nervous about my health - now that my blood pressure has visibly dropped and I'm sure my cholesterol levels have too - I am NOT SO NERVOUS ABOUT IT and that's why my deep breathing went away. So you need to find out what you worried about and address it.

I hope this helps folks, and it can't hurt to try this if you think you might be worried about your health. I also feel there's a component of your stomach expanding (from food, extra fat around waist, etc.) that changes your breathing patterns - I don't know if it's more that or anxiety, but I don't really care as this works. Please do try it for a couple of weeks and let me know how it goes!

Again as a final disclaimer: I am not a doctor so if your deep breathing is totally unrelated to anxiety or diet/lifestyle, then you should definitely get it checked out. I can speak for myself, and many others, we've had our fair share of doctors and there's nothing they can give you to fix it. You need to fix it yourself and I am living proof that I was able to beat it! Good luck!

8 likes, 127 replies

127 Replies

  • Posted

    Hey Steve!

    Are you still without this symptom?

    Thank you in advance!

  • Posted

    Man! you've described me. For the very first time in the last 4 months (when it all started) I found people that is having the same issues.

  • Posted

    Hello all!

    im Joe , writing from Sweden.

    i just want to share something that has worked for me regarding this issue.

    i have had trouble taking deep breaths for over two years now and it has been a horrible two years with me seeking medical attention everywhere. Almost to the point of me and people around me thought i have lost my mind.

    My experience matches everything Steve writes. But my solution and cure for this was different. You see i already had a healthy lifestyle with good food, training and sleep. And still my breathing and excess yawning was always present.

    I was on the brink of giving up... And then randomly i listen to Joe Rogan podcast with James Nestor - who is the author of the book "Breath".

    in the podcast James talks about the benefits with nose breathing. And how one just by breathing trough the nose can help with anxiety. One single exercise removed my symptoms and almost cured me... Breath in from the noise, 6 seconds, and breath out from your nose, 6 second. Do this when ever you can. Just get the habit of breathing from your nose.

    I do this all day, and now i breathe from my nose without thinking about it. And when i feel my breathing and chest is getting heavy, i know its because i breathe from my mouth.

    There is a lot if science behind this that i cant explain. Just listen to the podcast and take it from there. It sure cured me and im so thankful for that.

    Good luck!

  • Posted

    Caffeine is not a problem medically. Its said to promote energy not decrease it. Yawning comes from being tired. I believe you should sleep longer or try mental calming methods, such as TAI CHI or yoga.

  • Posted

    Hi everybody, I have the same problem and though you’re solutions are all great long-term solutions I’m here to let you know an immediate solution. Go ahead and get a bottle of water and about a tablespoon of cayenne pepper. Put it in a bottle of water shake it up and drink that bottle of water and you’re breathing problem will disappear. I am so serious. I have the same issue and I do this when. I need immediate relief and it works.

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