the worst thing i have ever had done

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i had the marina coil fitted approx 10 weeks ago and i would advise any one not to do this. The reason i had the coil fitted was due to heavy and very painful periods, but now god! they are 10 times worse, i have bled eversince and the pain is terrible, severe backack and even my pelvis hurts, i have gone off sex and have bad mood swings. and the really worse part is the weight i am putting on. i went to the doctors today to request it be removed and am waiting for the hospital to get in touch but i will have it removed. TO ANYONE WHO IS SERIOUSLY THINKING OF HAVING THIS FITTED DONT DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/b]

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    I was starting to worry it was me not adapting to the coil.. I had mine fitted 4 weeks ago and oh my god do i regret it.. :cry: .. I had mine fitted as a birth control but any activity to have any babies has well untrully stopped now anyway..I have been to the doc's to see if me havin Terrible mood swings, fellin sick, tierd, putting on a stone in weight in 3 weeks is ok.. He said i need to let it settle down.. I think by the time it settles down il be divorced and have no friends left... Ive started taking Evening primrose tablets to calm me down.. just waiting for those to work...

    On a good note though doc said i only need to have it in for 4 more weeks to see if it settled down before they would take it out....

  • Posted

    Sorry to hear you guys are having problems - I had mine 3 1/2 years ago due to heavy bleeding continously for months at a time and have never looked back. I havent had a period all that time and its due to be changed next year

    Maybe it wasnt fitted correctly in the first place or its not right for you/your body?

  • Posted

    hello all, I am at my wits end :evil: had the merina coil fitted in May due to heavy painful periods, got tilted womb, fibriods and cysts on overies. :shock:

    Was suggested the merina coil by my Dr and then after having a laperoscopy was advised to have it fitted. At first thought it was great, had it inserted while i was on a peroid :oops: and since then I have had nothing but periods. A friend of mine had the merina fitted years ago and she swears by it, but since I have had mine fitted I think I have had 6 days of none bleeding, now I am just bleeding non stop!! Relationship broke down (can be a moody cow at times but OMG, talk about being happy one second then bursting into tears the next, then feeling as right as rain which made me worse because I have never experienced mood swings like that before)!!! Talk about me head pickled :shock: I really need to see my Dr about having it removed and go back to just being moody week before my period, and having heavy painful periods for 10 days, least I know what to expect and when to expect it, plus being constantly bleeding I have started to get sore (down below) due to constantly wearing towels :cry: :cry: On a plus side though I havn't gained any weight :P . If you are thinking of having one fitted then all I can suggest is to try it, because no 2 people are the same and like I said my friend has had no probs whatsoever :lol: At the end of the day you do what suits you as you might be one of the lucky ones :lol: [/b]

  • Posted

    I've had mine fitted for 5 years. I gained weight, have the mood swings and also get cramping now and again. I never realised that these could be down to the marina coil. It did however stop my periods which is a good thing. It took approx 6 months for them settle down though.

    It is now time for it to be changed, went to my GP practice to have this done and they couldn't find the threads to remove it! They referred me to the hospital for an ultrasound and an internal scan, which I have had today. It's still there albeit not quite in the right place so I now have to wait to hear from my GP to what happens next and in the meantime have to go back on the Pill!!

    I'm also starting to wonder whether it is worth it, but I certainly can't go back to how I was before it was fitted! Will wait to see what GP says and will make the decision then.

  • Posted

    [b:9fa62ec910]Hi, I was just investigating this site for a friend and I am so surprised by some of your comments. I am 43 and had the merina coil fitted 10 years ago (I am on my second fit). It has changed my life. I used to get such heavy period with huge clots. I have now not had a period for 10 years, cannot feel the coil at all and my sex life is fantastic. It is obviously not for everyone but I know of two other friends who also think it is fantastic.

    hope this helps some one[/b:9fa62ec910]

  • Posted

    So good to hear a positive about the merina coil. I had almost backed out on my decision to have one fitted. I have been gushing blood all over xmas and new year. Havent left the house. Totally fed up. Tried Norethisterone tablets but the side effect s are scarey. I suffer headaches with them. THe pill made me moody. I have heard the marina can too but I think its worth a try. I am 46 and a single working parent of 3. I need my life back! smile

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