There must be someone here who's had this who can help.

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I've been so worried about this back condition called cauda equina syndrome. basically when I was pregnant I all of a sudden got a numbness in my vaginal and back passage area. . I had an mri on my back which showed everything was clear. now after having baby 7 weeks post partum I'm feeling this again and this time my legs are feeling extremely weak and achy. and numbish sort of. I have no back pain or anything and even though I feel this I still have control of my bladder and bowels. I'm terrified il wake up paralysed one day.... I was at the hospital last week for other stuff. and the doctor there said she didn't think I needed another mri. is this right ?? if it came back clear once. and would i have severe pain ?? i have hardly any pain. pls reassure me

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    im no doctor so what i say is a non medical advice..

    have you looked into postpartum back pain, an ex partner of mine had this after pregnancy and of course another MRI will make you feel better but the fact the last one was all clear probably will be a waste of time (but that's your decision). there are plenty of aerobic exercise you can do with lower back pain which you may find will build up some of the back muscles that were effected during pregnancy/labour

    • Posted

      hi Christopher did ur ex have any numbness or anything like that. yeah I mean my mri was clear so I don't know is there any point in having another. like could it change in that amount if time

    • Posted

      i get tingles in my couchie area too!! i know there is a lot of blood vessels in that area so tingling can be a sign of anxiety. im hoping its all anxiety. my leg still feels weak as if its alseep it driving me mad!! i just hate these symptoms so much if its not one its another. it needs to stop!

    • Posted

      i wish there was a way we could talk outside this just tired of not feeling like myself

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