These changes suck
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Thank gawd for this forum otherwise Id be locked in the funny farm quite sure. Im only 42 and been suffering only 2.5 years. My absolute worst symptom is the anxiety. Oh and lets not stop there. Following the anxiety are the digestive issues, fear Im going to drop dead and no one will find me, waves of heat in my body, the some chills, im exhausted, theres chest pains too. My period doesnt have a set date anymore. It shows up whenever. Its heavy like Im not sure if theres enough blood left to circulate in my body or is it all violently flowing out of me? Geez Ive seriously contemplated Depends. Then its light and lasts 10 days. Hey what a lovely feeling waking up knowing Aunt Flow has decided to extend her visitπ Half of me wants to curl in a ball and give up. The brain fog, i never feel with it. Idk who I am some days? I feel life is just going on around me. I just go to work then hurry home. I now hate shopping because the grocery stores make me feel dizzy or too much stimulation. Im NOT on any meds. Ive tried and I didnt like the side effects. How will i know when menopause is here? Like if this is peri whats the real deal gonna be like? Am i in menopause? These hormones are kickin my ass!! I cant do hrt because im on blood thinner. Why cant we just take a pill to end our periods when were done? Please tell me if youve suffered heart burn acid reflux or chest discomfort right around your period? This is my newest symptom. Yaaaaay!!!π Ty all for posting here. Its my rock!π
4 likes, 20 replies
susane84679 becky21031
Hi Becky,
I have chest discomfort and aching due to silent reflux. it feels like something stuck in my throat and hard to swallow. apparently some people get the acid burn with it and some don't. I don't but it causes other issues as well. sometimes it doesnt matter how much I drink my throat feels dry.and then there's the gagging and dry heaves. I don't get anxiety anymore, thank the lord! I'm 51 and my last period was in Nov of 2018 so maybe I'm almost there. I started peri at 44. try not to worry, I've been told it gets better! hugs to you!
becky21031 susane84679
Silent reflux...Ill check into it thank you very much! The chest discomfort always makes my anxiety worse. Its like which came first the chicken or the egg? (pulling my hair out). Thanks again! glad youre near that finish lineππ
kelly55079 becky21031
Yes the anxiety is my worst symptom.. It ruins a lot and I'm having a bout with it now. Woke up at 4:30 this morning cuz of that!!! I desperately need my sleep! Next is my monthy cycle with too many things to list but the most annoying is the heavy flow and wearing 'depends' is actually a good idea. Usually I just stay home as I'm in the bathroom alot. And yes, many of days I feel like I'm 'not with it' at all-- that spacey feeling.. I used to be able to shop and do errands no problem BUT now I just don't give a s**t anymore--I only go if I need too and now that my 16 yr old is home for the summer, I send him to the store a lot!!!
becky21031 kelly55079
Girl I stay home too when im on it. Like i hate peeling my butt off the couch to pee cause its such a gushπ§ And dont get me started on the nightime. Thats why Id rather put a diaper on and be done...that sounds silly but my flow is like someone opened the flood gates. sorry you suffer the anxiety too. Im so avoiding stores these days. Think my milk was past due last week..haha. At least we all have here to ventπππ
Guest becky21031
i have had everything that you mentioned including the chest pains. My doctor sent me for stress tests a couple years ago and my heart was fine. I made some life changes and it the chest pains eventually subsided...I beleive it was probably anxiety. So funny because I had the exact same thing with the grocery store!! One time I just walked out and made my husband go back. Also the acid reflux..I would have horrible heart burn every day all day and then wake up at night choking because i would be throwing up a bit in my sleep. For me the lifesaver for the acid reflux is a prescrption called Dexilant (dexlansoprazole). As for the anxiety I cut back my work hours. All the things we do in a day then didn't seem as difficult such as grocery shopping and the endless cleaning up after our family. If you are not able to cut back work hours then think about getting help like a cleaning lady once a week (you can get some really cheap) Asking for help takes great strength although most of us are afraid it is a sign of weakness
becky21031 Guest
Could u share what lifestyle changes u made? I gave up smoking, soda, coffee, greasy fatty fried foods. Still have the reflux heartburn. Doctor had me on prilosec which helped but made me dizzy. So im requesting something else. Yes the grocery store thing is just weird. Im usually in and out i just toss stuff in the cart. Ive been making my kids help me more with things. Thank u all for sharing. It helps me see Im not alone nor did aliens abduct my Sucks we have no choice but weather this storm. Thank you.π
Beverlys1 becky21031
Hi Becky the last 2 months I have been bleeding off and on,,,Thats never happened yet and Im 4 years in( I sound like I'm in prison right?? ) well I am... Flooding really sucks!! Like Kelly says you just stay home the whole time during this time and the cramps!! I never even got cramps with my regular periods compared to these,, they are killer!!! Hugs Beckyxxx
becky21031 Beverlys1
I know the cramps are awful! I dread going through this. Haha...I think we are in prison youre right. I know we're supposed to embrace these changes but my mind isnt there yet. Hang in there and thank you.π
jo67532 becky21031
I have always had a little heartburn here and there, but last night I was starting to think I might be having a heart attack. I actually felt my left arm tingle and the more I thought about it the worst my chest felt. I finally got out of bed at 2am and took gas x. I stayed up watching TV until I felt asleep around 4 am. I think I might have one good week a month. Every other day is me worried I've got something wrong. I worry about things I can't control. I know I should enjoy life and not focus on the negatives, but I can't stop my mind from going there about 3 weeks a month.
becky21031 jo67532
I worry too!! I worry about everything. Wait...EVERYTHING!! Any pain or twinge in my chest i think im dying. In fact I usually have 1 great week a month too. Then it all comes back. Im rereading a good book called Jump Off the Hormone Swing which helps me feel reassured. Im with u along with every woman here. I truly know now not one man can tell me to my face hes stronger than me after going through all we go through. Take care and hugsπππ
2chr2015 becky21031
maybe i should get that book. i sound just like you and jo. and i never thought about it like that but, yes maybe one week out of the month i am a little more optimistic about my future and not all doom and gloom. does it talk about that in the book?
becky21031 2chr2015
Yes that book does an excellent job putting into perspective what were going through. I recently purchased it I liked it so much.π
2chr2015 becky21031
i ordered it. thank you!
Mel_P becky21031
Menopause kicks in after not having your period for a solid 12 months.
Gosh how I feel for you.
I am in post menopause and as the stages have passed for Menopause I have acquired more and more symptoms.
I am pretty sure I have every symptom and then some, and I find Menopause hyper-heightens other symptoms I already had.
I have hot and cold flashes, dry eyes, hair, skin and vag. I have joint pain, and my arthritis in my hands flares up way more now. I have bleeding gums, stomach and bladder issues, I have out of control mood swings, anxiety, brain fog, and sleep issues, always tired, and -10 tolerance for any and all alcohol, food sensitivities, chronic fatigue and a very strange light headed feeling like I am under water and in some kind of wishy washy bubble. (I have to actually stop doing what I am doing and literally ground myself, talk to myself and assure myself it will pass before I can even move, kind of feels like I am going to fall down) Never have I felt so crappy in my life. Oh not to mention thoughts of death (rare but still there) because I feel so out of control.
Antidepressants are a firm NO, they made me feel totally out of control. HRT is next but my family DR is on extended leave and because of my moms breast cancer history The stand in Doctors won't even blink and eye at HRT's for me.
I have ended up taking matters into my own hands and started taking Medical Cannabis, THC for sleep, and CBD for anxiety and pain. Sleep is under control, everything else is still hit and miss. As I posted in another thread, I feel I just pick my battles daily to see what I can live with that day and address what I can't live with.
I eat well, I exercise, I work super hard at keeping stress at bay. My weight is good, and under control, I feel like this is punishment for living well all my life until now.
I may have blathered on too much, it is nice to have a group to come to and unload.
We are all in this same boat I guess, and it's good to just share experiences
becky21031 Mel_P
Oh lordy..u mean this continues awhile after menopause?π I cant take all this. Im up at 4am now with terrible heartburn. Doctor gave me a prescription for it just started. Im anxious bad right now. So my sleep is disturbed. Thank u for your insight. I get that brain fog/ weird off balance feeling all the time too. I hate all of this. But yes reading from others helps.π