Thickening of the Uterus Lining to 9mm
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I'm 50 years old in Menopause with no bleeding or any sort of pain. I went to do my regular annual papsmere and the Dr. recommended that I go in for a pelvic ultrasound, etc. I did in April, 2017 and they found my uterus lining to be 7mm thick. I then went back in July and it had grown to 9mm. My doctor is now recommending a hysteroscopy with dialation and curettage. I am terrified and hope it's not cancerous. Like I said before, I have not been bleeding nor have I had any pain. Has anyone had this procedure done and how did it go?
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lynda20916 maria04566
Hi, Maria,
Sorry you're going through this. I am wondering where you live. In my area of the US, it is usual for doctors to do a biopsy of the uterine lining. I can understand why you are so scared! Usually the hysteroscopy and d and c are done under general anesthesia.
I began to spot when my uterine lining was at 8mm. I had no pain, essentially a cramping feeling from time to time. I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer.
I know that you must be terrified--I know I was. But usually if things are caught in time they can be taken care of. I hope that the growth of your endometrial tissue is not cancerous, too. But please don't hesitate to follow your doctor's recommendation. Best of luck to you, and please let me know how you get on.
maria04566 lynda20916
Hi Lynda, thanks for sharing. I live in Miami, Florida. I'm sorry to hear you had cancer. Did you have a hysterectomy after you were diagnosed and may I ask at what age?
lynda20916 maria04566
You're welcome. I had a complete hysterectomy, including removal of my uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes and adjacent lymph nodes in July 2016. At 67. I was staged at 1A, no further intervention or treatment needed. But I continued to be monitored every 3 months by my surgeon/oncologist.
maria04566 lynda20916
I'm so sorry Lynda, at least they caught it on time and it's good that you're being monitored. A complete hysterectomy must have been hard on you. Sounds like a complicated surgery. How have you been feeling since the surgery?
lynda20916 maria04566
Hi Maria,
At 67, it took me a while to start to feel better. The surgery went fine. It was a DaVinci robotic procedure, the major incision was at the top of my vagina. It was a lot to deal with, because I was so panicked.
That's why I am urging you to try to take it one day at a time and do what you need to do to find out what's going on. I have always thought, "Better an Ugly Truth Than a Beautiful Lie."
For that reason, I'm going to let you know that even though my staging was good, the uterine cancer reoccurred. I found a lump in my abdomen on August 6 and contacted my doctor immediately. There had been no palpable lumps three months before, and I was 11 days away from my next quarterly appointment.
All the tests were done, CT, MRI, PET scan and biopsy. Yesterday, I had a chemo port placed. Today, I'm starting chemo to shrink the lump so that less damage will occur when it's removed. (The surgeon will need to make sure wide margins are taken of the surrounding tissue.) The chemo will also attack any other little wandering cells in my body.
When it was confirmed I had a reoccurrence, I was very upset. But I'm trying to make sure that my attitude now is "What do I need to do to get rid of it? Let's do it."
So take care of yourself. Try not to be afraid but live day by day, appreciating all the good that you have in your life, and those that you love and love you. xx
maria04566 lynda20916
Lynda, thank you so much for your encouraging words and positive attitude. You are a strong woman. You have gone through a lot and have fought it. I am so sorry that the uterine cancer reoccurred, but you are a fighter, a winner, and will beat this one, too. I will keep you in my prayers. I'm scheduled for the biopsy a month from now so I will let you know how it goes. Stay strong and please keep us updated. We are here for you. 🙏🏻😘xx
lynda20916 maria04566
Thanks so much! I appreciate your prayers more than I can say! Please let me know what day you are scheduled for your biopsy, so I can mark it on my calendar! You are in my prayers as well. Love, Lynda
shallah24 maria04566
Hello there, I had a hysteroscopy fine 5 years ago for the same reason . Just make sure you are given an anaesthetic.
My biopsy was clear . I did not have the d & c .
My womb lining is still on the thicker side, as I recently had an ultrasound . I am in peri and in hrt, so this is a possible cause.
I think if your biopsy comes back clear you should be ok especially as you don't have pain or bleeding .
Good luck
maria04566 shallah24
Thanks, Shallah, I'm hoping I get a clean bill of health. I've never had any issues until now at 50. I also had a small polyp in my bladder recently, had a citi scan, and cystoscopy and it wasn't cancerous, thank God. I'm hoping and praying that this thickening of the uterus lining is not either. What concerns me is that it grew from 7mm to 9mm in just 3 months. Don't know if this growth in 3 months is too fast or if it's normal. I just got the news today.
jane5216 maria04566
Hi Maria, there are loads of reasons why your lining might be thickened and cancer is only one of them - and statistically the least likely. So (easier said than done) please try not to think the worst. I had a thickened lining last year at the age of 52, followed up with hysteroscopy & biopsy. I was terrified but all results came back clear and it was put down to 'hormonal activity'. I've learned from this forum that it happens to many ladies and for the majority there is nothing serious behind it. You don't say why your doctor suggested the ultrasound in the first place - what were the results of your papsmear? xx
maria04566 jane5216
Hi Jane, I just went in for my annual papsmere in April, and remember telling the Dr. that I often felt bloated. I never had any pain nor bled. He sent me for a transvaginal and pelvic ultrasound. The results showed the lining of my uterus at 7mm. He said it was supposed to be 5mm. He then ordered a hysterosonogram which showed the same, 7mm. I then made an appt with a gynecologist oncologist because I wanted to get to the bottom of it. He ordered the second exam which I did on July 14th, and it showed it had thickened to 9mm. Today, August 30th, was my follow up appt to get the results from July. I'm now wondering if it had grown 2mm more, why didn't they call me to come in sooner. He did mention that it can be hormonal, and wants to do the biopsy to rule out cancer.
prajakta24674 jane5216
Hi Jane
My mother in law is at her 57 and started a bleeding like in our normal periods it later for 3 days. She haven't had her periods for 2 years . Doctor suggested to do ultra sound and the uterus lining found to be 6mm. Now the bleeding had stopped but Dr suggested to do biopsy. Is there anything serious in this please guide me
jane5216 maria04566
Lynda, you really are an inspiration in your positive and practical attitude. I'm so sorry that your cancer has reoccured and I'd like to send you strength and support across the miles to help you to beat it. Love Jane xx
lynda20916 jane5216
kathleen55620 maria04566
lynda20916 kathleen55620
Hi, Kathleen. I'm hoping the best for you! xx
kathleen55620 lynda20916
lynda20916 kathleen55620