Think I'm perimenopausal
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past few weeks have been a nightmare bleeding on and off. Anxiety through the roof and now no sleep. Been to the doc but he's not convinced. Have hot flushes and low mood. Trawling through pages of recommended herbal remedies but don't know what one to try . Any help would be appreciated .
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maddysmom2015 ilona00642
So sorry you are suffering. Are you taking anything now? Did the doctor recommend any tests?
ilona00642 maddysmom2015
maria_03422 ilona00642
Hi Ilona
Im so sorry you going through this. Have you seen your dr yet? It might be a good idea to have some blood work done if you haven't already!
If you indeed going through peri you are at the right place
we all suffering with you
but since I found this site I feel so much better knowing I'm not alone!
ilona00642 maria_03422
Had bloods done but doc sais changes were minimal. On reading the symptoms it's so whats happening to me. Just dont think the docs interested both my mum and gran hit menopause in their early forties am 44 !
maria_03422 ilona00642
That's what my dr had said to me, and that's because you still getting your period. I was your age when I start getting my first symptoms and after 6 years still on...Be good to yourself try not to stress and maintain healthy diet. For me vitamin D helped me alot!!
ilona00642 maria_03422
natallia04776 ilona00642
Well, my GP tald me I'm too young to be in perimenopause!
maisie05 ilona00642
Hi. I use super strength sage, stopped the night sweats within two week. Vit D3 for low mood. Passionflower for mild stress and anxiety, also aids sleep. I take other stuff too but that's a good place to start. Hope you find something to help soon.
LisaAnn1226 ilona00642
Sorry you are not feeling and sleeping well. I have been perimenopausal for years and insomnia was the first symptom. Unfortunately, I have yet to find something that helps me sleep naturally. I have tried Calm (you can get it at a health food store) or Magnesium or Melotonin. I tried boiling green leaf lettuce to make a tea ( I found it helped sometimes). Maybe it will help you. Just started missing periods at age 51 and still going through stage of having periods on and off. What type of Doctor did you see? From what I have read in this forum, it seems many doctors are unfamiliar with the various stages of menopause and discredit our symptoms. I will be seeing a new Gyno next week and hopefully she will be educated and helpful. I would find another doctor. Have you had blood work done? I have read about saliva testing. I am going to look into that. Maybe you should too. Hope you feel better and get some answers
Guest ilona00642
I'm in peri meno and blood tests must be done on 3rd to 5th day of period for a accurate reading...that's what my lady gynae said. ..... she gave me evening primrose oil capsules which have vit B, vit E, zink and magnesium in them....I can't put name on here it blocks me....and also calcium with K2, vitD tablet.....It seems to help.... otherwise I just take 1 day at a time and remind myself everything is hormones fluctuations causing chaos in my body..... nothing else.... Anxiety can be hectic just comes out of nowhere.....strong
ilona00642 Guest
ilona00642 Guest
natallia04776 Guest
Hi, thank you for your feedback. My GP said that it doesn't matter when you do blood test. 😕 I'm going to sort everything out. Hoping to be referred to Gynaecological.
Blessings to all ladies.
jane5216 ilona00642
Sympathise with you. Having been through peri for a few years now and reading lots of entries on this forum, I think you just have to try lots of things to find what suits you as an individual. We're all different. So vitamins, minerals, essential oils, Bach remedies, yoga, meditation, different foods - we all find our own unique combination. Remember though, you're not alone - we're all going through similar experiences. Oh, and trade your doctor in for a new one if he's not in tune with you. Some are clueless. xxx
ilona00642 jane5216