Thinking I have stomach cancer

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Thinking I may have stomach cancer

WynterWynter 14 hours ago 2 Replies


Based on symptoms I've been dealing with the last year or so I'm deathly afraid I may have stomach cancer. Of course I'm no doctor, but can't help thinking the worst. It started out as a bad burning sensation in my stomach that would also cause heartburn. It was constant and every day. I bought prilosec orc and that seemed to help for a while, but eventually needed to up the dose to 40 mg daily because 20 mg wasn't working as well. Also, if I miss my dose or forget to take it for even one day, I'm very sick the day after and the heartburn and burning starts creeping back up again. I'm just so worried you guys. I was finally cleared for an endoscopy about 2 months ago but then found out I was pregnant right after, and now the doctors say I can't have the endoscopy until after I have the baby. So more waiting I guess. It would seem I would have some kind of stomach ulcer, however I feel like if it was that then the prilosec should have cleared it up by now. Any advice would be appreciated. I tend to over worry and analyse things so I'm hoping this is one of those situations.

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    Gosh me too! ...................But when I ended-up in hospital i found I was totally wrong. Best leave the actual diagnosis to those who have the correct equipment. 

    ​Tell you what, your going to have a lovely life and a whole new world. You will look back on this and learn about yourself and life too. 

                                           Love and regards, E

    • Posted

      Very true, and thank you. I'm also a Googler which I'm sure doesn't help things, you know how it is :p but thank you for your kind words.

    • Posted

      Also do you mind me asking what ended up being wrong in your situation? I know there are so many things it could be and to narrow it down to stomach cancer is pretty much jumping the gun, but I've always been one to expect the worst lol.

  • Posted

    Firstly the more you worry and stress the more your going to increase the heartburn, secondly pregnancy will possibly increase/cause heartburn as the baby grows, speak to your dr for the best treatment you can have to at least bring some relief, if anything being pregnant and going for your scan should help because if they find anything like a tumour or not you are then able to either relax or get the correct treatment possible
    • Posted

      Yes i definitely need to just relax and not worry so much, as worrying won't do a darn thing! It's just so hard. It's easy to forget about when you're feeling good, but not feeling well definitely keeps it in the back of your mind, thank you!

  • Posted

    Do u have any pain vomiting after eating If you don't your chances

    of having stomach

    cancer are very small try to focus on the new life

    you are bringing into the world.

    • Posted

      I will, thanks! I dont have any vomiting and surprisingly haven't vomited at all during my pregnancy yet and I'm 11 weeks. I still eat like a pig and there's been no weight loss. I'm just wondering what the heck could be wrong since its over a year and the burning hasn't even slightly eased up. It's so hard not to worry sad but thank you for the advice!

  • Posted

    I don't see why you cannot have an endoscopy while you are pregnant. There are no X-Rays involved and it is a quick procedure.. 

    • Posted

      That's what I thought as well, and they mentioned something about the medicine they use to put you under and how it "can" cause pregnancy complications. I have another appointment with a different doctor in a few weeks and I'm going to see if maybe they can clear me for it or something. My primary doctor was the one that told me no, not my OB who will be handling the pregnancy, so we'll see I guess, thanks!

    • Posted

      you really dont want to have an endoscopy especially while pregnant, they are not the nicest things to have, i have had one as well as a barium meal swallow and a 24hr ph test. maybe start looking at your diet, you say you eat like a pig, maybe spread your food over a few small meals and snacks in between, try to find out when your burning is worse or better, maybe even try a bland diet, i was able to take gaviscon when pregnant with my 3rd and 4th, 
    • Posted

      I've actually cleaned up my diet alot, and cut out sugars and things since I also had some weird hypoglycemic episodes as well during the past year. I guess when I say eat like a pig I mean that I still have a pretty good appetite despite my stomach issues. The prilosec helps tons. Honestly I've tried everything, and just really concerned now. If I have to wait for the endoscopy then I will, I just didn't want to wait too long in case something was really seriously wrong.

    • Posted

      To be honest, I wouldn't risk an endoscopy while pregnant. If they give you sedation, it can make you feel very unwell and it may have an effect on your baby.  I had this procedure done and I wasn't pregnant and the sedation caused me severe depression. Listen to your doctor's advice, try to forget about the heartburn and enjoy being pregnant.  Leave the endoscopy until you have had your baby.

  • Posted

    Hi wynter,

                      I did the and disease Course. As as I remember Stomach cancer is fortunately fairly rare, about 1% of cancers ?

    I had blood pressure of about 300/200, constant sickness,total exhaustion, blood clots in legs. But it wasn't cancer or diabetes I was in the early stages of kidney failure. This was less than 3, years ago. It took almost three months to get well . But more or less I'm o.k. now.

    I really hope your going to be well! 

                                                              So thinking of you, E

    • Posted

      Oh wow that's crazy, I'm glad you're doing ok now and that you're pretty much back on track. Our bodies are strange sometimes and I wish there were ways to find out what could be wrong a whole lot sooner. Glad things are better for you!

  • Posted

    Pregnancy can cause heartburn and so can anxiety. I have chronic heartburn which was brought on by stress. .When your heartburn started, you may well have been pregnant then and not realised it.   Having heartburn can have many simple causes not necessarily bad ones.  Worry will make your heartburn much worse.

    When you come off PPIs very quickly, you can get acid rebound and this may be why your heartburn was bad after missing a dose.  I find Gaviscon and milk control my acid reflux.  Try to relax. 

    • Posted

      Thank you for your reply. I've had heartburn/burning sensation in stomach for almost a year before becoming pregnant, however it all started around the time I was going through a very stressful and emotional time, which at that point other health issues surfaced as well. I think stress really can damage our bodies and maybe mine just hasn't had a second to heal yet. Hoping its just something simple like that, you know?

    • Posted

      Just hoping that it's nothing for your sake. Yes of course stress can damage and distort our physical bodies. One only has to experience what severe mental; or emotional trauma can do to ordinary people. Just have the most sensible diet you can manage, and a calm easy going lifestyle and should troubles beset you, laugh and look at others and think of your unborn baby. Hope you have supportive parents and partner but if not people manage without those things

      Good luck and keep calm, perhaps this is one time in your life to be a little selfish and think of your own self too.

                            Chin up, it's a lovely time in our lives, E x

    • Posted

       If your symptoms started after stress, it is likely anxiety is the cause.  Try distraction techniques like meditation or take up a hobby to help you to forget about your stomach.

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