Thinning hair
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hi all iv been going through the meno probs for a few years on and off with different problems. but the symtom im having problems with now is my hair its just so thin i can see my scalp, lots has fell out and whats left is alot thinner in the strand than befor, its horrible my pony tail is as thin as my finger thats it the hole of my hair. its shoulder length but its a mess i hate it anyone got any ideas on a style or color that helps it look thicker i hate short hair dont want to chop it off short iv never had short hair always long.
fed up of meno im only 47 its realy catching up on me with aging and all. i think losing hair just makes me more fedup than anything else,
2 likes, 15 replies
Indifferent d19606
gailannie d19606
This is a very common complaint, as our hormones decline. There are plenty of supplements that you can try. One that is highly regarded is boron.
But I'm going to tell you that our hair is fueled by estrogen and progesterone. Those two hormones are what gives us our full, thick hair. Without them things definately change, and a smaller ponytail is one obvious sign.
There are many hormones experts who have written about this. I'd give you authors and sources, but of course, we are prohibited from sharing that sort of information. (Good Lord.)
I'd suggest seeing a good stylist for recommendations on cut and color.
But I totally agree, losing our hair is one of the most obvious and disgusting parts of menopause. Nothing makes us look older than the hair loss and wrinkles.
maria____a64048 d19606
Gillian1956 d19606
Hi I'm having the same problem also I have low vitamin D levels and that makes my hair thin and fall out ad well I used to have long flowing hair now it just on my shoulders and Gone so fine I feel very depressed about it
pinkcatfairy d19606
I have always had long hair but now it doesn't seem to grow on the sides and doesn't feel as thick now, it has always been fine but it seems to have lost its fullness. I do buy shampoo to thicken it but it still doesn't seem the same, I feel like treating my self to hair extensions for special occasions so at least I feel go on a night out or some social event. X
its realy weightless. im just going to have to keep it in a pony tail now till i can think of a style. i take vitamins and im using thickening shampoos but nothing is working. im going gray and want to die it but to scared to now its so thin.
kelly55079 d19606
Yes, I don't like it either... I would feel so much better with thicker healthier hair. I did switch to a couple shampoos with great reviews and also make sure I'm taking my vitimins and eating enough protein.. I don't see clumps of hair in the shower or all over the bathroom floor so this is a good sign.
Indifferent kelly55079
maria101 d19606
Hi i lost my hair too, it's dry braking flimsy horrible don't like anything I put in it so for mean time cover mine with a ultra short wig while I wash it and treat it hope this is all hormonal and hope it will come back one day.
shallah24 d19606
I went through a similar issue last year - because of peri symptoms . I was v anxious and suffering from palpitations , nausea etc . My hair started falling out when I washed it & brushed it . I did some research & started the wellwoman hair folic supplements .i took 2 daily and after 2-3 months my hair stopped falling out at the rate it was before. Definitely worth a try .
kazzaxs d19606
Hi i can completely relate to this its just horrible I myself at different times in my life have suffered from hair loss but not to the extent over the last 4 years my hair is so fine and whispy I was told at the beginning it was my thyriod but I am going through the menopause I'm 44, I recently started my hrt patches because I had enough of feeling like crap all the time it's bad enough dealing with all the other symptoms of the menopause without your hair falling it just takes all your confidence. I myself have started to have hair extensions by a hair specialist that deal with all types of hair loss for women to be honest it's nice to go because you know your all there for the same reason. It's helping with my confidence but I'm hoping in time I can stop as hopefully the patches will help somewhat in stopping my hair loss thankfully we have these forums and knowing we are not alone helps a little.
gailannie d19606
Moniee d19606
kelly55079 Moniee