Thinning hair

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Hi, I notice increasingly my hair is falling out in the shower after washing! Arghh!!!  

Anyone else the same & if so any tips to help girls?

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    The same here! Thinning and losing hair is a typical meno symptom due to the lack of estrogen. Hrt helps but my hair is thinner than before. I use Kerastase products and Argan oil. I also avoid chemicals and dryers. Hope it helps! smile

  • Posted

    Yup. I am 46 and I think I have been in perimenapause for somewhere between 4 to 6 years. My hair is about 25 percent thinner then it was, different in texture and turning grey.
  • Posted

    Try taking /drinking a collagen powder .. research it and see what you think . 


  • Posted

    Yes! I'm 42 in perimenopause and past year noticed a big increase in hair loss 😔

    Have read so much about increasing iron intake and vit d. Really not sure what the best solution is.

    I remember years back taking Florisene which a trichologist recommended. It's basically designed for women and hair loss. Look it up! It helps by reducing hair loss and increases hair growth.

    It really helped me at the time and my hair definitely benefited from it.

    My hairdresser noticed a difference too.

    Speak to your doctor first and see what they suggest.

  • Posted

    Hi Yellow

    Try a biotin and a zinc tablet every day (once a day), and make sure you also have calcium and vit d tab each day. Also check out Plantur 39 - a caffeine shampoo for women in their 40s. This regime stopped my partner's hair falling out and has actually thickened it - honestly. She wouldn't be without this now, especially the vits. Good luck 😀

  • Posted

    Hi, I’m a Hairstylist and I take 4 capsules of flaxseed oil daily. I preach this to my clients on a regular basis.  It works wonders for me!! I’m 50 and I still have thick hair, I’m an observer of hair loss and flaxseed seems to prevent it.
  • Posted

    Hi, I've got the same problem. I agree with what everyone else on this discussion says about vitamins,iron ,flaxseeds etc. I also massage my scalp daily so all the vitamins etc get to the scalp through blood flow. Taking hrt as well seems to help hairs still thinner but I'm not shedding it as fast as I was.

  • Posted

    YES..  I have noticed this too and I'm afraid at 49 I won't have any hair left..  I've taken biotin for years but  not sure that does anything so I'm trying bamboo extract.  At the same time, my friend recommended spirulina too so I'm alternating days on both.  I also use hair oils or an egg for a hair mask once a week.  I believe it's helping- lots of new growth BUT still too early to tell.   I want strong thick hair so it might take awhile.

  • Posted

    Thank you all so much for your comments and tips.  I will research more.

    Has any one tried massaging caster oil in to their head?  I read that this stimulates hair growth, perhaps you have some experience of this Angie as a hairstylist.

    • Posted

      Yes.  I use this as well.  It's very thick so I mix it with other oils.  I have read that it really helps especially with the edges.  Not sure but I think it makes my hair darker or even hides the grey a bit more.

  • Posted

    Hi Yellow. I use silica complex from holland and barrat. It includes zinc and magnesium. My hair (and nails) definitely grow faster when I'm taking it. I need to get my highlights done more often the growth is that noticeable! Not sure on improvement on thickness. But I have now grown my hair longer than it has been for years. My hair first suffered when I was very low on ferritin due to heavy periods a few years ago. It may be worth getting that checked.

    I started hrt 20 months ago so that could be helping too. 

    Hope you find something to help x

    • Posted

      Maisie, I’d like to try the H&B Silica, the reviews in their website are really good.

      i have a bit of a delicate digestion and am not a good tablet taker.  Did you have any digestive problems taking it at all?  New tabs make me nervous as I have had nausea so many times with new tabs but I’d love to try it.

  • Posted

    Hi. They are a rather large tablet but I had no problem swallowing. It’s like a compounded tablet, not capsule, so I have broken one in half in the past with no ill effect or after taste. I take it after a meal with water and never had any tummy upsets.  Unlike taking iron tablets which make me nauseous!

    Look out for when they have a penny sale or 2 for 1 offer. xx

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