This forum is a life saver.
Posted , 9 users are following.
I am 53 now and I have had every one of the peri symptoms in the last couple of years. From the anxiety, which is the worst for me, to heart palpitations, heartburn, headaches, crazy periods, and a general lack of interest in anything. Some days, I just want to make it through the day. I can feel completely normal one day, and them Wham! The next day I am a total mess. I came upon this forum a while back when I was looking for symptoms of perimenopause. My husband and I read them together, and he was like Wow! That is a list of the symptoms you are having. Honestly, I thought I was dying, going insane, or had some real bad disease. When I have a particular symptom, like right now with my periods being so crazy. I am just spotting, but this is the 2nd time this month I have done that. I get on here and see women with the same thing going on and it really helps me cope. It's also a good thing that I have a very understanding husband. I wouldn't know what to do without him, or this forum. Thank you ladies for helping me to see that maybe there is a light at the end of this long tunnel.
8 likes, 14 replies
beth12460 sherri87081
Right on!!! I have learned a lot of from this forum. So much they do not tell you in the doctor's office.
Guest sherri87081
Hi Sherri! glad you found us! It is nice that your husband is understanding of what you are dealing with. My hubbie is great too, even when I am a raving lunatic! I hope you are close to the end of this mess. Take good care 😃
shannonmairs7 sherri87081
I am so thankful for this group too! Other than the periods, I am a mess like you, Sherri! (mine stopped over two years ago, but I would SURE take them back in trade for this nightmare!)
Just knowing we aren't alone, and most likely NOT going crazy is priceless!
Hang in there!!
Thank you ladies. Just knowing that I am not alone with all this mess is comforting. Do any of you ever feel just tired all of the time and have a lack of interest in anything? I don't sleep good at night, with the hot flashes, burning up one minute then freezing to death the next. Seems like I can never get comfortable and I am awake more of the night than I am asleep. When I get up in the morning to get my Son ready for school I am more tired than I was when I went to bed. I don't even have an interest in sex right now, and I love my husband so much and truly enjoyed it, but for the past year, I don't even want to think about it. I just don't feel very much like a woman right now. I have gained weight around my middle. I don't have a muffin top. I have a busted can of biscuits. Haha... Better to laugh than cry about it. Hopefully we will all make it through this phase in our lives and come out of it just fine.
Guest sherri87081
Hi Sherrie, I have been having night sweats every night for the past 3 weeks...2-5am I have barely had any sleep. Full body, then get chilled. I thought it may be from a med I take for vestibular migraine ( another perimeno gift). But, my dr said no. Getting some blood work done at my physical tomorrow to double check my thyroid and hormones. I think I may just be in a new phase. I would get night sweats occasionally, just not almost a whole month straight. I am 41. But, my periods went crazy at 40 and I have tested out meno a few times. Longest without a period is 57 days. Otherwise, very light when I do get one 21-25 days. The shop is closing up earlier for me...I think. Fatigue is a big issue for me too. I ended up losing weight with this crap. I have 2 school aged kids and have no energy. Sex, yeah right...between fatigue, nausea, heart pals, sweating, dizziness and my pounding thanks! Do you get night sweats for weeks on end? This seems to have replaced the day flashes/flushes for me.
sherri87081 Guest
Lou, I don't even know what a good night's sleep is anymore. I wake up sweating and burning up. I try to get comfortable and when I finally fall back asleep I wake up freezing to death. I feel so bad for you, because I have all the same symptoms and know what you are going through. Hopefully this won't go forever. I think we might make it through. Prayers your tests come back good. Big hugs for you.
Guest sherri87081
Hi Sherri, my dr wants me to try gabapentin. Just posted a discussion. IDK! I give up somedays!
sherri87081 Guest
Lou, my Mother was on gabapentin (Neurotin) for diabetic nerve pain. They took her off of it because it was causing problems with her kidneys. I hope it helps you and doesn't have any bad side effects.
jo67532 sherri87081
This forum is a life saver! It helps a lot with my anxiety or for whatever odd ball symptoms pop up!
sherri87081 jo67532
Who would have thought your hormones could cause so much trouble. I have a lot of odd ball symptoms. Hugs to you Jo.
claire38123 sherri87081
hi sherry i so feel for you this site also saved my insanity i thought i was gona die from a heart attack the palpitations are unreal then along with the hot then cold sweats and feeling unwell all of the time and its all down to the bloody menopause hahaha the anxiety is the worse for me never knew hormones could cause so many horrid symptoms iv felt that rubbish with no interest in nothing i cant even face going work and iam now on my 5th week on the sick but i do need to stand up to the anxiety problems so iv booked myself some CBT therapy to see if that helps as the antidepressants the gp gave me are still in the chemist lol as i dont want to go down that road but all you ladies help so much dont know who i would turn to at 3am when iam in full anxiety mode thinking whats going to kill me today ,you have all truly saved me from cracking up... BIG HUGS xx
sherri87081 claire38123
I tried medication for my anxiety, and it just made me worse. I cried all the time. I actually started to feel a little better when I quit taking it. When my palpitations first started, I also thought I was going to die from a heart attack. They usually come around when I should start my period. They are pretty scary at times, but then they go away as fast as they come on. I quit working, because I couldn't continue to take care of other people and fall apart myself. Sometimes we need to just take the time to care for ourselves or we won't be well enough physically or emotionally to take care of others. I hope all of this passes for you and myself soon. It's pretty rough time. Big Hugs to you too.
jamie53221 sherri87081
WONDERFUL post Sherri!!!
jamie53221 sherri87081
GREAT post Sherri!!