This is insane!

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Hello again folks,

now my surgeon has me wondering where in the world he is even coming from.

4 days ago my bend was at 80 and he wanted to see 100 by the end of the week.

Well, I reached 85 (75 just 7 days before) and my physio was quite happy because Im making solid positive progress. Im only 3 weeks post op.

Today I call the surgeon and he now wants 120 by next wed. I say thats absurd.

Not even reasonable. They continue saying that if its not 120 I need to go to rehab team where they will force the bend! Now I'm not only worried but really ticked off!

This is insane!

In all honesty, that was the secretary relayng his message and she might not have a clue 

as to what will actually take place but at the same time she out not to be making statements to patients that belong in a horror movie!

Sorry but I'm just sort of beside myself here at the moment. Thanks for listening. 

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    You might want to check and see what he's on and ask if he would like to share. Seriously, I think he must have you mixed up with another patient. I'd call back and ask him to review your file as you think his assistant has you confused wit someone else.
    • Posted

      Yes I agree. Not sure what it is but there is something seriously wrong here
  • Posted

    This is insane though there may be some "lost in translation" going on here. 90 degrees by 6 weeks is the goal. I suggest that you relax, tell your surgeon to chill out and cancel a few appointments if necessary. And if I were you I would not let this surgeon do any more surgery on me!

    By the way why are you having so many appointments with the surgeon? I have had 2 in 9 weeks... it will be 12 weeks by the next one and this is more than usual due to the difficult surgery this time. Usually I have a 3 month and 6 month appointment unless the physio has a negative report ( this has not happened to me yet). Even my stitches are usually removed by my GP. I believe that you need a physio appointment a week and the time to do the exercises prescribed. Relax. This seems to be someone else who is stressed. It does not sound as if you need to be.

    • Posted

      I havent had any appointments with the surgeon yet. This is all over the phone. It began when I had to go to hospital last week because of internal bleeding. That happened because I overdid the exercises.

      I called him after I went to emergency because the surgeons want to know if anything unusual happens to their patient before the reg appt is scheduled.

      thats when I also told him my numbers and this whole stupidity started.

      i'll go and talk to him if I have to but theres no way anyone is touching me without my approval.

      Im starting to wonder if they have me mixed up with someone else as well.the physio folks and me to for that matter, all think Im doing fine


    • Posted

      That makes a bit more sense. It explains the weirdness, if they have you mixed up with someone else. Stay strong and proactive. You are doing fine!
  • Posted

    I agree with Oldfatguy completely! Your surgeon sounds like he's either nuts or he's got the wrong patient! I'm in the UK and only saw my surgeon at 6 weeks after the op and then won't see him until a year's time! 


    • Posted

      Hi Glenda, I'm in the uk too I saw my surgeon after 8 weeks ( should have been 6 but the Christmas hols got in the way 😄) but I see him again in 4 months for an X-ray and check-up, then in a year ....  It's odd how different it can be even in the same country smile
    • Posted

      hi you're so right about everywhere being different

      i too am in the UK and saw my Surgeon 7 weeks after my op ..then again on 31st December knee isn't doing too well so I see him again in February where he will investigate bruising that appears after I've been walking a short distance.

       I'd love to be totally pain free but even at 18 weeks this still hasn't happened 

      my bend is good so I'm told and straightening not too bad either

      i try to avoid taking painkillers if I can but sometimes take them at night.

      all I can do until things get sorted is .exercise/ Ice / elevate etc.....



    • Posted

      Hi Jean, I was interested to read about your bruising. Are you still in embolism socks? I noticed when I took them off light bruising Above ankle just in front of leg. It's almost green in colour, it's not going away. It's not painful but a mystery. 


    • Posted

      I'm never sure how these protocols are established: the medical schools they attend, their personal likes or in this country, what insurance allows. My surgeon who is part of the teaching staff at the university medical hospital is accessible but spends much more of his time in surgery than thisecin private practice. On the other hand, he has so much more help doing the basic stuff. He always has a couple of residents following him around taking out stitches, cleaning wounds, making preliminary assessments and so on. Physical therapy is where I see huge differences. Everyone is thrown into PT immediately after surgery and gets 2-3 x's weekly one on one help with most sessions one hour. As you advance, the times is spent learning new excercise and you are expected to work them into the routine on your own. Generally you get therapy 6-8 weeks unless you need more for a particular problem you may be having. Home health care is available for those who can't get to the clinic but isn't the preferred as you don't have the same professional equipment and it eats up the allocated funds faster. Still gets back to the individual and how their bodies react and heal.
  • Posted

    Hi Peter, how are things now? I'm still slow on bend. Bike on Monday, that's going to be fun! On one crutch. Still with limp. Still outer knee pain explained by nurse as being caused by repositioning knee to correct bowing. Still don't like it. It compromises my exercises. Still lower back pain. Woke up with sore thigh probable wrestling in night to get sleep position. And that me at three weeks. Take care.


    • Posted

      Hi robert, I thought I was doing pretty good. bend is at 85 now. Not much but improving consistanly so physio is happy. Restless nights have returned. Back to 2 hrs sleep max again. I really been pushing the exercises which is likely the cause of that. Pain is wonky.

      My biggest worry at the moment is that my surgeon says if my bend is not at 120 by wed, he wants to see me to force it there. I dont know if this is a scare tactic to try and force people into more aggressive exercise, if they have the wrong patient, or they are nuts!but this has me worried to no end. I dont believe thats even humane. Gues I find out in a few days

    • Posted

      Def sounds scared to me and totally unreasonable. I might push for early review. Are you limping? How's the crutch situation?
    • Posted

      I have a walker at the moment. Have no problems with full weight at all but Limp is pretty pronounced so physio suggests staying on walker for safety

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