This isn't Hell on Earth. Has anyone had any luck with the Oral Contraceptive pill?
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My partner is suffering, literally DAILY. There is always another symptom. She never knows how she's going to feel from one day to the next. She feels sick, has parasthesia, tinnitus, bad tummy, constant jumping in her left ovary, horrendously itchy skin, feelings of extreme cold then hot, and a constant flu like feeling. I have been researching this nightmare condition for over 2 years now and have managed to get a combination of vitamins for her that has at least stopped her hair falling out. But vitamins alone aren't going to cut it - she needs something else. I can't watch her like this anymore - it's heartbreaking. She is fundamentally an outgoing, hilarious and sociable person who couldn't give a s£&@ what people thought of her. She has never struggled with anxiety and yet now, thanks to this grim PM, gets terribly anxious about next to nothing. Her mood swings really are something to behold - I never know if she's going to laugh, weep or scream.
I am furious that perimenopause isn't talked about more?! It literally ruins lives. None of this, "oooohhh you may feel a bit hot and do a little sweat". She'd LOVE for that to be her only symptom. As women we are told "you're a bit hormonal love", or, "you're just going through the change". We went to the doctor and she literally wrote the website address down for a menopause website. And she is female and in her late 40s?!? What friggin hope is there, seriously.
Anyway, rant over! I'd like some advice please on whether anyone has had any luck with the oral contraceptive. My partner has regular periods and ovulation. She is 47 and has been going through this horror for about 4 years. HRT is not something we want to consider yet, and anyway, know that any GP would tell us to get stuffed when we tell them she has regular periods. I am researching like a bad boy about the combined pill, to see if will help even things out for her. But I would love to hear from anyone with any stories, good bad and ugly, regarding the pill.
I hope this language doesn't stop my post being published, but Perimenopause - please just F.R.O .
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amy341731 Guest
I am so sorry your partner is going through this. I was also under the impression that peri/menopause was just some crankiness and hot flashes and that is DEFINITELY not the case. I’m 47 and last year started this awful journey through hell..Extreme health anxiety, so many aches and pains, headaches, heavy bleeding, heart name just a few..short story is that I do not have any real answers but you are not alone. I have tried to walk a few times a week (but haven’t in last month due to cold weather and holidays) stay hydrated and cutting down sugar and caffeine (also failed miserably due to holidays/stress) . With half the worlds population, I’m shocked and angry that this is not taken seriously, or even talked about! It’s awful and I’m so sorry for what everyone is going through. Please take care and stay in touch . We will get through this!!!!
amy341731 Guest
Sochima822 Guest
Hi, as for the birth control contraceptive pill question, it works for a lot of women. However, if after 3 -4 weeks of taking it you don't feel any changed you need to go back to your doctor to try a different bcp. I worked in ob/gyn, and I tried 3 different bc pills until my body neutralized. The crying stopped, and the hot & cold subsided. I never got anxiety but other women had success With It. I also recommend she take extra vitamin d3. It will help lift her spirits. Good luck, hope this helps.
dawn70425 Guest
Hiya Lou .. sorry your both having to put up with the crap of the menopause, as sound like your both suffering in different ways.. I def know what you mean about docs, unless they’ve had this crap then they ant got a clue, as it’s not just the hot sweats we put up with, it’s the othe 99 smytoms as well, I never realised it was going to be this bad, and for so long, mines been around 4 years ( to my knowing ) I’m not sure if I can give you any hope on this at all, or whether your doc will give the pill or not with the way she sounds ... BUY I was on the DEPO PRADO ( think that’s how it’s spelt ) for around 18/19 years I’m 53 which stopped my periods yeah, and I was told to stay on it untill I was 55 then, I would go through the menopause with out the symptoms of this crap.. but stupid me came of it at 51, thought I’d gone through most of the menopause, don’t ask me why I throught that but i did, so I stopped taking it, and was great for around 11 mth then the periods came back and the crap what went with the menopaurs, and I’m still getting the symptoms of this crap, but not as bad, so hoping I’m on my way out,,, so I wished I’d stayed on the Depo in the first place, but now they won’t put me back on it as waste of time they say...
Not sure if you’ve looked in to the depo injection it’s once every 3 months you have it, or it’s not what your partner wants, but just throught I’d give it a mension to you, as the menopause is a hell of a rollercoaster which last waaaaay to long for us woman good luk big hug 🤗xx
mbs12 Guest
I'm 52 and on contraceptives. I haven't had any issues and my doc doesn't seem too concerned about it. I have been on them for years and never stopped.
Guest mbs12
mbs12 Guest
Yes but according to what I read here, it seems to be tolerable. I would love to be 30 again but what can we do? I'm not saying it's great but tolerable, yes.
Guest Guest
lorraine59875 Guest
Hi, I am 44 and for the last 4 years have been through hell. My main symptoms are fatigue & anxiety but i've had them all just about including the "on fire" hot flushes. My endless trips to see the GP just made me feel like it was all in my head.
A couple of months ago i changed GP's and was told I was in perimenopause. They have put me on a low dose combined contraceptive pill. I have the option to go onto HRT if the pill doesn't work. So far my sleeping has improved from 5hrs per night to 6-7 and my anxiety has not completely gone but is a lot better than it was. My energy levels are also slightly better. It's very early days but i would say there has been an improvement. I'm going to give it a couple more months and see how it goes.
I am not afraid to try HRT, i am only 44 and want my life back. I feel like i've already had 4 years stolen from me so i don't intend on waisting any more. Hope this helps x
Sochima822 lorraine59875
Lorraine, low dose bcp was a great option for me, as werl, when I took it. Except that I tried me 3-4 different pills until my body calmed down. Hrt didn't work, but low dose birth control did. A bit of advice, don't go off of it early without a back up. I stopped it too early, a year later, my symptoms came back 100 fold with a vengeance. My gyne said it was because I stopped it too early. A word of advice, don't make the same mistake as I.
lorraine59875 Sochima822
Thanks for the advise. I'm going to give the combined pill a good go because my problems only started when my GP took me off them when I turned 40 and put me on the mini pill (progestogen only). I just hope my hormones level out and things go back to normal x