This perimenopause is torture!!
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Oh my god this is never going to end is it? Every month seems to get worse and worse. It is almost every day my stomach feels jittery or straight up nauseous and my lower gut rumbles like crazy! It is so hard to eat and ive lost so much weight.... I have been dealing with this stomach issue for 5 years now and yes it is perimenopause. Ive had blood tests that show my estrogen and progesterone are way too low, my fsh is higher than normal but my thyroid and lh levels are normal. Ive even tried antidepressants and tried to eat a healthy diet with vitamins and herbal supplements.... didnt help. Im tired of the extreme fatigue, my dry skin, anxiety, and unpredictable periods. This hell has ruined my life and im at my ropes end. Im sorry i just needed to vent, ive been sick all day today and not being able to eat is driving me nuts! I feel like i have a lump of vomit in the back of my throat its even hard to drink. 😦
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karen65574 Guest
I feel your pain , my life has been taken over by this as well , stomach issues nausea , anxiety lower back ache hips and joint pain , am 51 and feel 91 !!!! cant enjoy anything as the symptoms always there , just try and get through every day as beast we can , am on anri depressants , and now bp tabs !!!! great isnt it , lets hopw we can all support each other and come out the other end !!!!!!! wheneva that will be x
Guest karen65574
Let me know if the antidepressants ever help, I tried them on different occasions just to get more symptoms on top of the hell i was already feeling. Im getting desperate, it feels like a cruel nightmare i just cant wake up from. I want to eat so bad, but every time i do i get sick! I feel cursed. And i thought having a normal menstrual cycle 20 years ago was bad but i never felt like 41
Kat7201 Guest
Ahh, ladies. Hello. I'm so glad to have found this forum.
Sometimes, I think I'm a whinging hypochondriac - albeit whinging to myself!
I've not long turned 47. Been diagnosed peri-menopausal for 18 months. Identify with the joint pain, lower back pain and extreme tiredness.
Never had a massive sweet tooth, but now I'm a sugar monster. 🍯
Consequently, extreme weight gain, which is getting me down as I lost 6 stone 3 years ago.
Thyroid tests show normal, but unsurprisingly glucose is borderline.
BP is through the roof.
Mood is relatively stable though as I am on anti-depressants.
Bladder leakage too anyone?
Ohh the joys of womanhood! 🤭
Guest Kat7201
Oh damn i would give anything for an appetite and no nausea! Im sick of having to explain to everyone that my weight loss is not on the account of an eating disorder. i bet the antidepressants are causing the increase in appetite and weight gain, my antidepressants only cause me more appetite and nausea unfortunately but i know several ladies who have gained weight because of them. This is a horrible time we have to deal with but im praying once through the menopause my appetite will return! I just feel like i have the worst case of morning sickness inly it lasts all day every day!
Kat7201 Guest
Bless you.
We're 2 sides of the same coin.
I'd like the weight loss, but not the nausea.
Isn't it strange how it affects people so differently?
That's why forums like this are so good, to prove there isn't a 'normal' as such and share experiences.
I wish you well and remember, this too will pass.
Stay strong.
kel02886 Guest
I'm sorry that you are suffering. I am too and despite telling myself that it's a normal transition, feel really down with it all. I am 48 and have had weird periods for several months - I have brown discharge for 4-5 days then heavy period for 3 then another 4-5 days of brown discharge. I can have a clear couple of days then spot again. I also suffer with indigestion and acid (cue major anxiety because I was worried that I had ovarian cancer - scan came back normal). I often wake up hot, dripping with sweat and have a fast heart. GP says its all normal and that it could last years! I'm sharing all this because I hope it makes you and other ladies feel that you are not alone and that by talking about our symptoms we will feel reassured that we are not dying of anything! x
Guest kel02886
Hello and thanks for sharing! It does help knowing others are going through the sane thing although i hate to hear that they are suffering just as i am. Most days i get so depressed cause it never seems to be getting any better. Last year i had hot flashes alot and major insomnia but i can honestly say in the past 3 months thats the only thing that has gotten better. I think my nausea is the worse and it never seems to improve.
kel02886 Guest
Have you tried any herbal supplements? May be worth a shot. I used to have nausea in the morning which felt just like it did when I was pregnant. My GP told me that some women's hormone levels decline steadily whist some step down in stages. Mine is definitely the latter as I can go months feeling rubbish then have months feeling ok, only for it to start all over again. It's an unsettling time but something which will eventually end, and which all women go through. When I moan to my Mum she just tells me to remember it is a sign that I am alive! Not sure that gives me much comfort! x
Guest kel02886
Yes ive tried everything! I even tried ginger gum & candies but the smell and taste of ginger makes me feel sicker....i hate ginger. The only thing that helps is prescription phenergan, but i hate its side effects too it makes me tired, dry mouth and very hateful. Not to mention even with insurance it costs me $40 a month and its not a med someone should take indefinitely and that is how i normally am these days, i only have one good day every 15-25 days. That is why this is so hard. It cant end fast enough for me. If i do feel better after menopause all i know is im going to get fat! i dont care what people will think cause i miss food, i miss feeling like eating!
Kat7201 Guest
I know it sounds bizarre, but have you tried Miso soup? When I went through a bit of nausea last year, and really need to put something in my tummy, this went down better than anything else. It's thin but quite tasty.
Just a thought.
Thanks i will give it a shot! I try drinking Boost vitamin drinks but alot of times it majes it worse