this week has been so rough :(
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About 2-3 weeks off my citalopram.. Im doing good mentally, for the most part.. My biggest issue is still this chest pain. It just won't stop. I was having a bit of chest discomfort Monday morning.. My boyfriend came home from a trip Sunday so I was excited on Monday.. Then it happened.. We had intercourse and I was extremely excited and into it. During probably 10-15 minutes of it, I had around 6-7 heart thumps.. Big ones.. Now my biggest complaint since march is that during sex, it is not uncommon for me to get a heart palp.. The more excited and active I am, the more I get them
They don't happen every single time, but 90% of the time. Anyways, after these thumps, which were not normal ones for me, I got slightly chest aches after. Again, I had chest discomfort earlier that day.. I'm now still feeling chest discomfort three days later.. I have pain directly in the middle towards the left, like directly in my heart.. My heart rate has been a bit fast, but I've also began drinking coffee once every morning to get me through my long days.. I cannot find ANY insight on why I get these heart palpitations during sex.. Not during any other form of activity. I can run up and downstairs and not get one palps.. Can someone tell me why this is happening? Is it adrenaline and now just anxiety telling me my chest hurts? I should mention I was in the ER 4 weeks ago, chest xray, blood work and EKG all came back perfect.. Will this ever end? I NEVER had a palps during sex until four months after my son was born (coincidentally about a month after all my insane symptoms started). I'm beginning to feel insane, I can no longer enjoy intercourse. I'm asking for a referral to a cardiologist but cannot get to one for a few weeks at least.
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g.90572 anxietysite123
anxietysite123 g.90572
Thank u. I notice that I definitely get some serious heart palps when I have chocolates, spicy foods, etc.. I also have been on a mostly strict diet of no red meat, no grease, low fat, low cholesterol since I began with my heart anxiety.. Also I only drink water now. I'm going to drink some Gatorade or Powerade and see if maybe it is my nutrient level that just can't keep up with the activity during my busy times.
g.90572 anxietysite123
There are good oils like olive oil that your heart needs, and I've notice d athletes are mostly drinking water now not gator Ade. Perhaps the pharmacist or nurse or nutritionist can steer you toward healthy supplements and good diet choices
Guest anxietysite123
lisalisa67 anxietysite123
craig137 anxietysite123
Hi Anxiety
?To put it into perspective, sounds like your suffering from situantional anxiety attacks. These are difficult to control as you have one during a certain event, and your brain remembers that. So when confronted with a similar expierence, you feel the same results. The good news is that it's not uncommon, but you have to try and remember that it's a one off, and if you treat it as such, it will abate in a relativly short peroid.. Or better yet pay no attenition to it at all. I seriously doubt you need too see a cardiologist. You have to keep in mind, that when these little "wobbles" as I like to call them happen. They are a "learned and remembered" result instigating the flight or fight response.. I have been where you are and was convinced i was dying in one way or another. It's simply a defense mechanism that is'nt required at the specific moment. People (like us , world over) will agree that the symptoms your feeling are the baser insticnts of a panic attack. You'll be fine. Take it easy an take it slow. Was here something that happened to trigger these attacks. Please respond privately if you prefer, but rest assured your fine
anxietysite123 craig137
Thank you, this really helped me. I'm not sure if it was something specific that happened, one day I had intercourse and I felt a little flutter in my chest, and I just panicked.. Now I'll have them almost every time unless I'm tired and can't really think about it.. But if I'm thinking about heart palps before we start, I'm almost guaranteed to have one. Its just frustrating that it seems like it was maybe a wrong place wrong time for it to happen, but its ruined all intercourse I have now. A few weeks ago I went twice without having one heart palp and I was so happy. Then this happened and I'm now refusing to have any intercourse with my boyfriend out of fear that I'll randomly die.
g.90572 anxietysite123
Now is not the time to piece together a good nutritious diet. The most tested and respected heart healthy diet is the Mediterranean diet. Google it. And check your blood test results to see if any results were borderline, and v8 juice has lots of healthy drinks. If you lower your salt make sure you're getting enough sodium, check your blood levels. Check your vitamin levels. And you say when you're tired there's no problem with the blip
anxietysite123 g.90572
OK so not to sound weird but I read up on your suggestion of what kind of anxiety attacks were and it actually worked. No palps! Now hopefully I can tell myself it won't happen again and be on the road to recovery, at least for that part.. I'll look up the Mediterranean diet tomorrow, I believe I've heard of that before actually. Thanks again for your help!
kimberly59704 anxietysite123
I don't know if you have aniety, but if this keeps up, you might get youself worked up into an anxiety attack. Then a whole bunch of stuff starts happening. During sex you have a major spike in blood pressure. I think that's what is happening, and may be causing chest pain. I would keep appt. with cardio doc for sure. I was having sex, and at the pivotal moment, you know what I mean. I got a terrible sharp pain in my head. Never felt anything like that. I grabbed my head and fell over on the bed. Thought this was the big one. The pain turned into a 3 day migraine. Went to med express and got a shot to get rid of it. WOW that was something. Doc told me it's a major spike in blood pressure. Said he's only had maybe ten people that this has happened too in his 50 years of doctoring. I am hoping that this is another rare thing that is happening to you. Maybe with this continually happening, maybe there is something for you to take before sex. That's better then something being medically wrong. This is interesting, Keep me posted with outcome. Also did you have anxiety after getting worked up with chest pain, or did chest pain come first. Maybe just a low mg of something like Xanax before sex. I am not convinced you have an anxiety issue. Not enough info.