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Hi girls, I just wanted to know if anyone has any kind of thoughts for example,thinking about things in general I wake up like waiting to feel unwell or thinking about death, or how I will feel from one day to the next..then if I watch the news and what happening across the world can bring on a hot flash, my sister calls me sudden and she is going about did your hear about the shootings something like that doesn't help me it can be scary and because my hormones are all over the place right now I just can't handle bad news I suffer with Anxiety not as bad as I was but still trying bit to control me.
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Suki_girl maria76995
I don't watch the news. The world (the human word anyway) seems to be becoming a horrible place and I don't want to know about it. It is out of my control anyway, so I focus on what is within my control - my and my families lives.
Gypsy014 maria76995
Hi Maria, yes I do think about everything you just listed and then some!!! It makes you feel like your losing your mind at times... I don't like the negative gloomy doomy thoughts at all I wake up thinking about it and can't shake it and then sometimes I cry . I guess it's just these wacky hormones.. And you are right the news and any little thing brings it on and boom there goes your ANXIETY for the day, just Awful I do try and change my thoughts when my mind starts with the gloom, sometimes i can and other times I'm just blue all day... Can't wait till this is all over hang in there for better days?
arlette98229 maria76995
2chr2015 maria76995
laura370 maria76995
I'm so tired of feeling irritable and anxious and thinking negative thoughts that I'm so exhausted. Sometimes I just want to go away until I feel human again. I feel like I'm putting my whole family through hell. I am sick of being this person. Everyday I keep hoping that it's getting closer to the end of this and I can be happy again because at this point nothing is doing it and I'm fed up with myself. Like enough is enough already!!!
maria76995 laura370
Laura understand my girl my heart take off as any little thing people tell me,everthing can scare me..but I'm better I keep telling myself since I started all this hormonal crap I think it's Anixety that is controlling us most of the time,maybe the last symptom to go in the menopause,I find I can't take stress or anyone arguing at this time of life.
nobody will go through this forever we have to come out on the other side.
Azzumi maria76995
Hi maria, bad thoughts can bring on intense hot flashes for me and the worst part of peri menopause by far has been the dark obsessive thinking and moods. I'v been on bio identical hormones for about 9 months now and am definately a lot better than i was but due to some personal issues I still have times when I can't control my thinking.
Sometimes its hard to know if its my hormones being stupid or that life just sux sometimes.
juanita93228 maria76995
Only all the time. I don't watch the news, but I'm on Facebook so it's in your face. It doesn't help that I work in law enforcement. I take Trazodone and the occasional Valium, a multivitamin, magnesium, and tumeric. I pray and talk to God. I'm doing ok now.
Guest maria76995
I don't even like to make any long range plans because I never know how I'm going to be feeling. Recently had a few good weeks, now yesterday and today feeling awful again. I've just gotten to the point where I tell my husband it's just not a good day, and he knows what I'm talking about.
laura370 Guest
Oh boy does this sound familiar!! I used to get relief for at least a week or two, but now it's non-stop. I'm so tired of feeling like an outsider. I feel so alone and since I have no women left in my family to discuss this feeling of doom and gloom with, I feel even more lost. Like you, I can't even make simple plans because I'm not sure how bad I'll be feeling on any given day. Thanks for sharing your story. I know a lot of people talk about the physical symptoms, but the mental ones are the scariest to me.
2chr2015 maria76995
laura370 maria76995
I agree Maria. Aren't we supposed to be enjoying life at this stage?? Now all we do is fret from day to day and it seems like even the doctors aren't sure what to do. It seems like it's hit and miss with their diagnoses.
Guest maria76995
So far my 50s suck. I'm going to be mighty peeved if it doesn't get better soon!!!!!!! This all hit me out of the blue, thought meno might consist of some hot flashes and that's it. Now that I'm finally over thinking I'm dying of something, because if I was I'm sure I'd be gone by now, it's just making me so angry to feel this poor, it's just not fair. My kids are grown and gone, isn't it the time to be having sex on the dining room table? LOL!!! NOT
2chr2015 Guest
Oh geez. I'm 45 and pretty much miserable all the time. And sure I am dying of something. I feel like I look sick....and it scares me so bad. How long have you been going through this?
Guest 2chr2015