Thoughts about progesterone
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H all, hope you're all doing ok. Considering this last week of hell since my anxiety/dizzy episode & feeling so horrible which includes BP spikes that make feel hot, woozy & somehow unsafe/unstable( if that makes sense) wth endless tears. I'm wondering whether a natural progesterone cream might help settle everything & help lower my BP. I have done a lot of reading about it with all the pros n cons....very confusing 😏 "yes it's good, no it's not good, will wreak havoc with hormones n body, is good for mood, wellbeing & ease menopause, can lower BP, can cause dizziness or it goes" OMG!😳 A lady I know of has used this cream & she found it a life saving god-send. Maybe I have too estrogen & not enough progesterone, I'll be seeing my Dr Monday so will be asking what she thinks even though she & other Drs at the clinic are against HRT because of bad side effects. Will also ask for blood test to determine hormone levels. Guess Its come to a point where I have to do something, the tearful low moods etc are just about doing me in! Does it all worse before getting better? Feels like I'm floundering in quicksand. Any ideas, experiences, thoughts...Thnx Ladies xo
Keep Well
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gailannie Bobbins059
I know how it feels to want a quick fix. But none of this works this way. What I can tell you for sure is to be careful. Your friends experience is just that, HER experience. Hormones are extremely powerful substances. They can make us feel wonderful and make us feel awful. (That's what your reading showed you, right?)
So if you do anything else, please do yourself a favor. First, get with a very experienced and competent physician who really knows hormones. Second, do some extensive blood testing to verify what you need. Third, start low and go slow.
It takes time to get your hormones adjusted, but when you do it's heaven. And you will never look back. But please, do it the right way. Your body will thank you.
Bobbins059 gailannie
Take Care, keep well
sheryl37154 Bobbins059
With progesterone cream, make sure it is real progesterone, not based on the 'yam", and this does not transfer to humans - scientifically proven to only work on mice. Bad side effects are caused by the wrong prescription or quantity.
Do you have a sort of Family Planning Clinic near you? They may have drs who are more knowledgeable about hrt. That is where I found the best one.
I hope your research was scientifically based - not blogs, or biased websites - with references and criteria of the study that is relevant to you - not just outcomes, and was fairly recent. I can give you the names of excellent books to look for in the library written by female specialists of hormones but the moderator deletes it. But I suggest you search for the wisdom of menopause for starters.
Best of luck
gailannie sheryl37154
I can give you the names of excellent books to look for in the library written by female specialists of hormones but the moderator deletes it.
I have had the same experience. I often would like to pass along an excellent book, written by experts that truly care and are doing their best to guide and direct woman to some REAL help. But for some reason, this site and moderator feel that this sort of helpful information should be deleated.
I would like to challenge that concept and ask that this policy be reviewed. I very much appreciate the woman to woman sharing and feel that it is important. However, it is important that woman get some solid help, and one way to make this happen is to become educated and knowledgeable. A book title or the name of an author might be the first step in a woman getting that solid help. So what possible reason could this site have for denying our ability to pass along useful infomation? Each woman on her own, could then make the decision if the book was worth the time to read. But at least she could be directed to something that someone else found interesting and enlightening, instead of taking pot shots in the massive library on hormones.
How could that possible be a bad thing? I personally feel that this polcy is a disservice to the woman here looking for help.
Thanks for mentioning it Sheryl! I agree.
Bobbins059 sheryl37154
Take care & keep well
Emis_Moderator gailannie
Posting a search term as Sheryl did is enough for users to find books.
However, we do not allow repeated postings as some users abuse the forums by continually "plugging" products or books which is advertising. If you want to exchange specific details, email addresses or links etc you can use the private message service.
sheryl37154 Emis_Moderator
Thanks for your response - do you read all these posts? - you poor person!
As you would have noticed, these menopause postings are so repetitious, it seems that not many people at all read prior postings. So the same issues arise again and again, so the responses becomes repetitious too.
I usually recommend that people check their libraries for a copy rather than encourage purchase. I am not in the business of assisting someone else to make money, or part with their hard earned - just to seek out the best information. Plus there are no other medical books on menopause that I would recommend as being professional enough to speak of.
As for personally emailing people, which I have done so when asked, I don't want to end up like Elaine from the 'sweating' post who was inundated by so many requests to be PM'd regarding a rare product, that she had to 'unfollow' her own post. It is very tiresome.
But thanks for your interest.
Emis_Moderator sheryl37154
No, I do not read every post but can quickly find when someone mentions moderator in posts so I reply where necessary. What I can do is add book titles (and any other resource as long as it meets the rules for inclusion) to the pinned discussion here
This is as long as they are "genuine" helpful books and not books that are part of a selling website or protocol etc which is the issue in the forums, ie users promoting books which involve buying specific products or signing up to a site. This is not necessarily in meopause but the forums generally. If you want to send me a private message with details of the books you mean I'll have a look and update the pinned discussion. You can then post the link above in discussions and it will not go for moderation as an in house link.
Re the Elaine post - all users have to do is search google for the product name which she did post in an earlier post. We couldn't allow the website to be posted as it is a selling site. I have replied in that discussion
sheryl37154 Emis_Moderator
susan21149 Bobbins059
With progesterone I really am against HRTs because yes it can raise people blood pressure because when i was taking the natural one i had a headache all day i felt weak and had feeling like i was going to pass out and had anxieties on it. I did call the food and drug number and this person i talked to did tell me that progesterone can raise your blood pressure.
if you have blood pressure problems i would get on a blood pressure pill this is from my experience
Bobbins059 susan21149
Take Care
sheryl37154 Bobbins059
I think they would go bonkers if they did!