Thoughts and feelings
Posted , 11 users are following.
Hi Ladies any of you ever experience bad thoghts and horrible feelings that just come out the blue xx
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Posted , 11 users are following.
Hi Ladies any of you ever experience bad thoghts and horrible feelings that just come out the blue xx
1 like, 13 replies
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michelle50768 donna27148
sabrina1971 donna27148
Cee49 donna27148
michelle50768 Cee49
Wow I could have written your post word for word!!!
I too pray and read my bible and I also have been in perimenopause eight years.
Sometimes I must admit I lose the battle with the anxiety and depression buit I haven lost the fight.
I tell myself I can do all things through christ who strengthen me.
This site is a real blessing for all us ladies.
At least we know we are not alone.
Praying for all you ladies for better days ahead xx
Carolmayhew6 donna27148
I've had this n it's terrible
I get worked up & what ever I'm thinking about feels 100 times worse & the feeling lasts for hours at a time then I try n forget n calm meself down but it's very difficult
susan21149 donna27148
Wish i new but i don't just feel like screaming and crying
michelle50768 susan21149
I stopped all caffeine I used to drink three cups of tea a day and the palpitations have reduced significantly.
Hope this helps x
susan21149 michelle50768
i even stay away from fried foods and cheese the only time i have milk is if it is in my cereal and its the almond milk
pepcid should be helping today i have a really bad headache so i am taking it easy
zoomie donna27148
kathy46259 donna27148
My thoughts seem to surround some type of fear.
Is this open for discussion?
michelle50768 kathy46259
But it really does help to quote scripture or positive affirmations in your head.
Im on a low dose AD mirtazapine but on the really bad days they dont help.
Ive duffered debilitating anxiety and depression during this time.
Even to the point of feeling like I wadnt really here almost like id lost myself. Very weird I know. This site helps so much hearing other ladies experience. Makes you feel less alone.who woukd have thought peri could cause so much problems.
Stay strong x
Madmarilyn donna27148
I'm with Kathy, positive thinking if you can!
If not, the anxiety can sometimes be rationalised by just reminding yourself that though you are feeling these things, it is all part of the peri and menopausal merry go round. It won't make the thoughts go away, but it might help you accept them for being irrational, if that makes sense.
I sometimes get overwhelmed with anxiety, even though I know it's stupid, but try to reassure myself with the fact that even though I'm having these feelings. I know they'll pass and there is no real reason for them. Hope that helps some.
It may sound a bit crazy, but getting outside, hearing birdsong and looking for the changing of the seasons can put our own small part in this world into perspective, if all else fails - it makes you less introspective at least! Keep smiling, and get some sunshine!