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My husband has his hip replacement yesterday ( so today is day one), they have told him he may be home tomorrow, we have also been told he must not sit on a low seat. Our sofas are quite low, so I brought big cushions , they are big firm ones with backs on them , i hope this the right thing to do

Any advice would gratefully accepted. I had a total knee replacement 11 weeks ago......what a pair we make

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi there Deb, all you need to remember really is that his knee mustn’t be higher than his hip and obviously that he is comfortable on whatever he is sitting on. I know when I had my hips done that for me making sure that my scars didn’t touch anything was important, because they were so swollen and sore. But everyone is different and you’re quite right, sitting on low chairs, is a definite no no. Good luck and merry Christmas.
    • Posted

      Thank you for your kind reply. My husband came home yesterday 48 hours after his hip. replacement, when we got home we found that our Sofa was to..low we sorted that, but then realised there was no arms to push himself up with. We have O/t coming out Tuesday to give us advice. No one mentioned to us about a course my husband could have gone on untill he was discharged. ( which was far to late) So we are finding all sorts of problems
    • Posted

      Hi Deb, when I went for my pre-op we were also given a little talk, I would not exactly call it a course, but they gave us a feel for what would happen, showed us the stockings and then tried to sell us accessories like grippers, washing sticks with a sponge on the end etc. at overpriced amounts. They also told us to check our furniture and gave us a pack on exercises and what to do in general. 

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