THR Seem to be taking one step forward and two back
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Had my THR 15/9. Initially made good progress and physio said I didn't need my sticks at two weeks post op. Now I am in so much pain after sitting, walking, standing, in fact the only time so get relief is when I am on my back resting. Am back to Cocodamol 39/500 4 times a day just when I was beginning to cut down. Anybody else experiencing similar?
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janet86017 Lindyloudee
linda38528 Lindyloudee
I think all hipsters come to the realisation that the thr journey is a real rollercoaster - with promising spurts of progress followed by frustrating steps backwards (sometimes bease we try to do too much).
But, this type of dramatic, sustained change soundsworriesome. If you cannot weight-bear on your operated leg, please see your doctor/surgeon immediately in case you have dislocated your hip (another forum member did this a couple of months ago without knowing - no joke). I don't think you should be experiencing this amount of pain, although I will say that it takes a while to get past the 'golf ball in your butt' feeling when trying to sit.
Please see you doc and let us know how you are,, what they are doing for you.
Courage and patience.
Big hugs,
Lindyloudee linda38528
In the end I called my Doc who was great. Am back on slow release OxyContin and my hubby is taking a few days off so I can do the minimum. Seems I was pushing myself too hard. We can't win. They have us up and about quickly and we almost feel pressured to get back to normal quickly I feel. I am going to do what my body says from now on and gentle physio for now.
renee01952 Lindyloudee
hi lindyloudee,
warm welcome to this wonderful forum ...
whoa !!!! 2 weeks post-op and no walking aids ??? Not sure if this was the right call from your PT ?
Your body just had major invasive surgery and is in the very early stages of repairing and healing -
I was to use walking aid (in my case 4 wheeled walker/rollator) for 6 weeks - Not even furniture surfing was allowed (i did anyway, but that is another story) --
My surgeon also mentioned the 6 weeks until I had my follow up appointment -
so please, this doesn't sound right, darling and might set you back - I hate to say this but maybe see another PT ?
Please let us know how you are getting on, okay?
big warm hug
judith12644 Lindyloudee
As others have said, seems v soon to be trying to walk without aids. My hip replacement was v straight forward, but I still used a crutch until I went for my 6 week physio. You shouldn't be in pain. Maybe get a second opinion?
Lindyloudee judith12644
In the end I called my Doc who was great. Am back on slow release OxyContin and my hubby is taking a few days off so I can do the minimum. Seems I was pushing myself too hard. We can't win. They have us up and about quickly and we almost feel pressured to get back to normal quickly I feel. I am going to do what my body says from now on and gentle physio for now.
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Rocketman_SG6UK Lindyloudee
This recovery is so "one step forward and two back" ........ all the way.