Three weeks in, your experiences?
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So, I'm three weeks in to 15mg, and pretty meh.
What was happening for you guys at three weeks? I'm interested to know how you felt, side effects, your mood, and how things changed after three weeks and onwards.
Ant x
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Laserbeam anthony57342
Hey Ant-
3 weeks in you should be feeling some relief and I'm sure you're sleeping better. I have been on 15mg for about 5 months and to tell you the truth, I'm not feeling all that much better today. I think my body is getting so use to it that it's not helping with depression and may be just helping with sleeping. Not sure what my next move is. I may see my dr and see what he advises. Good luck and I think 15 mg is a good amount.
frazzled anthony57342
I'm experimenting with 15 mgs for 2 nights and the a 30 mgs. Second week. Next week will try 15 mg for 3 nights. I'm feeling more anxious now on the 30 mgs. so that may be a good sign. Let's keep all informed about our progress. It helps to know what others are going thru. No side affects to speak of Anthony?
james87669 frazzled
frazzled james87669
Hi James: In an attempt to get off of Mirt, I'm withdrawing from 30 mgs. (I've been taking that dose for over 20 years at bedtime). My method is to alternate the dosage. Say 1 30 mg. on Monday and then 1 15 mg on Tues. & Wed. and then back to 1 30 mg on Thrus = 2 night straight on 15 and the next night on 30 mg and then repeat. I'm going to try this for a month. Since I'm feeling more anxious on the 30 mg., I may be able to just drop to 15 mg and stay on that dose for a while and then drop to 7.5. Sorry my original message didn't convey what I was trying to get across. Hope this one is more understandable.
james87669 anthony57342
robert68588 anthony57342
Hi Anthony.Started on Mirt about 5 1/2 months ago at 15mg going up to 30 mg about 6 weeks later(15 am,15 pm).Also started Gabapetin about a month later and was being weaned off Paxil which I had taken for about 20 years.All this is for IBS and anxiety/depression with some nerve pain. So my side effects may be from the combo.Anyway I was a little foggy at first but it settled in after about your time period.The 15mg at night really helps wind me down as I'm in a stressful job situation and am a high anxiety person anyway which flares up my IBS pain which the GAbapetin helps some but the Mirt is better.As you continue on it should get better if your taking it for anxiety/depression or just to sleep.Unfortunately everyone reacts differently so your symtoms could be different.Good luck aand God Bless You,Bob