Three years post microdiscectomy
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i had this done on right side sciatic nerve trapped and recovered. In last month i have had a pain in the left side which is beginning to feel similar and i need painkillers each day.
is it possible its just a passing thing or is it another disc herniation starting?
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Carolineq8 ann55375
Try not and worry to much however it's totally understandable, sciatica can come on at anytime and last from a few days to a few months and then nothing for years, go see your GP and tell him your concerns and hopefully it will pass without any major intervention, maybe try ice packs, I always stretch out a few times a day when mine kicks off and it hurts like mad but it does help but speak with your GP first before just to be on the safe side, I hope it settles soon 😊
ann55375 Carolineq8
Carolineq8 ann55375
I totally understand what your going through and the thought of another surgery is terrifying but try and have 5 mins to yourself to relax if you can, I'm sure surgery will be the last resort as sometimes these things do settle on there own without any intervention.
Iv just spent 14 weeks practically laid up and was terrified I was going to need surgery but now it has settled for a few days (but flared up again) it has made me realise that docs won't do surgery unless it is an emergency and it's not uncommon to be left in a lot of back pain for months because these things do sometimes put themselves right with time.
hopefully your doc will be able to put you at ease and maybe some NSAIDs and painkillers will see you through 😊
ann55375 Carolineq8
i am hoping this is just a blip but cant believe its starting again after pain free years. My friend has back pain, degenerative lower discs and can take amitriptilyne and function, i cant have that as it is contraindicated with warfarin.
Carolineq8 ann55375
My message never sent for some reason, ask about Celebrex? It is a cox 2 anti inflamitories ibuprofen is a cox 1, I don't know if this will help but they are for people that can't take the norm😊
ann55375 Carolineq8
Carolineq8 ann55375
No the COX 2 are relatively new anti inflamitories that work differently to ibuprofen/naproxen which are COX 1, I can't take them but I can take Celebrex.
Cocodamol are pain killers, I hope they give you some relief, did the doc say what has caused your sciatica? 😊
ann55375 Carolineq8
I didnt know about the celebrex, will have to run that by the warfarin clinic first.
thanks for info
Carolineq8 ann55375
Oh not nice, I hope it settles quickly,
I'm wandering if cortisone injections would be any good? I have faucet and sacrialic joint injections 3 x per year and they work really well for me😊
vanessa35093 ann55375
You can try co-codomel, you can get it over the counter at a pharmacy it is paracetamol with morphine and much more effective than paracetamol and better for you than ibuprofen. I had an operation for a herniated disc about 2 years ago which was a terrific success and I had no problems till May this year when my back was in agony. I tried physio, ibuprofen, napraxon, co-codomel and some others via the GP. Finally managed to get MRI scan done and just waiting on results again. Specialist thinks it's scar tissue pressing on sciatic nerve which eventually the body will absorb. It's better now. I have been on painkillers fir 3 months and for the last 2 weeks have coped without them. Combination of rest i.e. Moving but not picking up anything heavy, new exercises via different physio . Will be interested to know mri results to see what the issue really is but there is hope out there don't worry. Try co-codomel in meantime and you can stronger co codemol with more morphine via GP.
ann55375 vanessa35093
got cocodamol from doc
thinks its inflammation around sacroilliac joint
maybe trying physio or acupuncture.
hopeful dont need another mri.
do let me know what yours shows.
ann55375 vanessa35093
Did you see the reply regarding traction? It was never mentioned or offered to me as i wish it had been then I wouldnt necessarily have had to have the operation.
i will be more careful this time and ask a lot more questions if i have to see a consultant. The problem is that rheir income comes from surgery and maybe that's their only area of expertise.
what you have sounds exactly like mine, op successful,then another problem a couple of years later. Was your herniated disc really painful? Mine was off the richter scale and even physio said she Could do no more for me which is why it ended up with surgery. Post op, my surgeon came to see me and said it wouldnt have resolved after he saw inside.
frank24438 ann55375
Hello Ann. I had traction treatment for relief of trapped nerve syndrome, it worked. Not without pain, I got Vallium Ist couple of days, treatment took about 4 weeks, but I avoided "THE KNIFE" as my rugby playing consultant would inform me was the next treatment in line for me if this one failed. Think I was too scared to let it fail, Upshot was able to get my life back without painkillers and do exercises to build up my back muscles. OK had some prolapsed discs probs none as painful though.. My best wishers for a recovery Ann but please try to avoid invasive treatment, as others have advised. BOL. Frank.
Carolineq8 frank24438
Ye I have traction on my neck regularly and swear by it and I believe it has held off surgery so far and will do anything to avoid it but can't have it on the bottom because it's fused and just been told it's failed😊
ann55375 frank24438